Thursday, 27 July 2017

mba206 smu mba summer 2017 (oct/nov 2017 exam) IInd sem assignment

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DRIVE Summer 2017

Set 1

1 Explain Phases of Project Management Life Cycle in detail. What are Project Management Principles?
Ans Project management is a rationally planned and organised effort to attain a specific goal. It comprises of organising, coordinating and managing different tasks and resources for successful

2 Write Short Notes on Project Planning & Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).

Ans Project Planning
Project planning is a discipline for stating how to complete a project within a certain timeframe, usually with defined stages, and with designated resources. This process helps draw a blue print for execution with little or no modifications. Project plans do not allow much deviation and are strictly guided by defined parameters viz., time scale, categorical budgets, and

3 Answer the following questions:
1. Mention the steps involved in a competitive bid.
2. Mention the elements/points that must be kept in view when designing , developing and operating a PMIS (Project Management Information System)
1. List the 5 steps involved in a competitive bid
2. List the 5 elements/points that must be kept in view when designing , developing and operating a PMIS

Answer: Competitive bid (bid and award)
The steps involved in competitive bid are discussed below:
1. The bid or tender is invited from a required number of suppliers.
2. The bid received in prescribed condition are accepted and held in safe custody.
3. The bids are

Set 2

1 What is Value Engineering? Explain the process & Stages of Value Engineering.

Ans Value engineering is the systematic application of recognised techniques that identifies the function of a product, process or services, accomplishes a monetary value of that

2 Write short notes on
1. Role of risk management in overall project management
2. Quality assurance

Answer: Role of Risk Management in Overall Project Management
Risk analysis and management is a process which enables the analysis and management of the risks associated with a project. Properly undertaken, it will increase the likelihood of

3 Explain Earned Value Method (EVM) in detail.
•    Earned Value Method (EVM)

The concept of earned value management became a fundamental approach to program management in 1966 when the United States Air Force mandated earned value in conjunction with the other planning and controlling requirements on Air Force programs. The requirement

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mba205 smu mba summer 2017 (oct/nov 2017 exam) IInd sem assignment

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DRIVE    Summer 2017
PROGRAM          MBA
SEMESTER           II
SUBJECT CODE & NAME                MBA205
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Set 1

Question1. Explain the process of OR.
Operations Research is “the use of mathematical models, statistics and algorithms to aid in decision-making. It is most often used to analyze complex real-world systems, typically with the goal of improving or optimizing performance. It is one form of applied mathematics.” (Wikipedia)
The quest

Question2.  a. Discuss any four applications of linear programming.
Answer2a. Four applications of linear programming are as follows:
1.      Marketing applications:
·         Main application of linear programming in marketing is “media selection”.
·        Linear

b. An organisation produces X1 and X2 units of products R and S, respectively. In this case, the objective function and constraints are expressed as follows:
Maximise                        Z = 60X1 + 120X2
 Subject to,                     3X1 + 6X2   ≤   240         Raw material constraint                    
                                          2X1 + 4X2   ≤   800        Labour hours constraint             
                                          X1, X2         ≥   0            Non-negativity condition
Use graphical method to determine how many units of products R and S the organisation should produce to maximise its profits.

Answer 2(b) - Here,
We have to

Question3.a. Explain the concept of Trans-shipment.
Answer3(a). Transhipment is the act of off-loading a container from one ship and loading it onto another ship. In any service operated by any line there are practical restrictions in terms of coverage of ports.. There is

b. Solve the following transportation problem using North-west corner method & Matrix minimum method.


Set 2

Question1. The processing time of four jobs and five machines (in hours, when passing is not allowed) is given in following table

a. Find an optimal sequence for the above sequencing problem.
b. Calculate minimum elapsed time & idle time for machines A, B, C, D & E.

Question2. Define following criteria’s used for decision making under Uncertainty
a. Optimism (maximax or minimin) criterion

Answer 2(a).
Maximax (Optimist)
The maximax looks at the best that could happen under each action and then chooses the action with the largest

b. Pessimism (maximin or minimax) criterion


Maximin (

c. Equal probabilities (Laplace) criterion

Laplace criterion is also called as law of equal probabilities criterion or criterion of rationality, since

d. Coefficient of optimism (Hurwicz) criterion


A compromise between the maximax and maximin criteria. The decision maker is neither totally

e. Regret (salvage) criterion


Question3. Explain the following:
a. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)

Answer 3(a).
Economic order quantity (EOQ) is an equation for inventory that determines the ideal order quantity a company should purchase for its inventory given a set cost of production, demand rate and other variables. This is done to minimize variable inventory costs, and the formula takes into account storage

 b. PERT and CPM

Answer 3(b).
PERT stands for Program Evaluation Review Technique, a methodology developed by the U.S. Navy in the 1950s

c.  Applications of queuing models

Answer 3(c).
Queueing Theory has a wide range of applications, and this section is designed to give an illustration of some of

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mba204 smu mba summer 2017 (oct/nov 2017 exam) IInd sem assignment

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Qus:1 What are the different challenges a manager face in managing Information systems?
Answer: Managing IS in organisations is a highly challenging and complex task. One reason for this complexity is that neither organisations nor the IS they use remain static over time – both change continuously, and it is the job of management to ensure that the systems remain useful and relevant for their organisational goals at all times. Organisations change to respond to the needs of the

Qus:2 Explain the concepts of
a) Transaction Processing System
b) Management Information System
Answer: a) Transaction Processing System
A transaction is any activity of the organisation that generates information. For example, the activities related to buying a ticket from the Indian Railways generates many transactions, each of which produces information that is recorded by the systems. Some transactions involve exchange

Qus:3 How Information system can be used to support Competitive strategy? Substantiate with suitable examples.
Answer: The promise of information systems is that they enable the competitive strategy of commercial fi rms. The competitive strategy of a commercial firm is its longterm competitive position, such as of being a low-cost player or a differentiator, which the fi rm adopts. A fi rm’s strategy is

Set 2

Qus:1 Explain the following concepts
a) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
b) Online Payment Technology
c) Mobile Commerce
Answer: a) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Before the growth of the common standards for the Internet and the growthof Extranets, firms exchanged data electronically through private networks.
This process was called electronic data interchange (EDI). The EDI standards were initiated in the 1960s in

Qus:2 What is DSS? How it is different from MIS? How DSS helps in Decision making?
Answer: Decision support systems (DSS) are used extensively across organisations to assist managers with making decisions. DSS are different from management information systems as they are used on an as-needed basis and created for solving special types of decision problems. Decision

Qus:3 Explain why privacy is important for individuals in the organizations? How workplace electronic monitoring is done in the organizations?
Answer: Information systems are used widely across organisations, and they enable data and information to be widely distributed for use. When the data pertains to individuals (relating to their work, personal habits, or personal life), and it resides on organisational information systems, the question

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mba203 smu mba summer 2017 (oct/nov 2017 exam) IInd sem assignment

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Master of Business Administration - MBA
Marketing Management
Qus:1 Define Marketing and various marketing orientations.
Answer: Marketing is said to be as old as civilisation itself. In fact, marketing came into existence with the barter system. With the passage of time, barter system evolved into the art of selling. The origin of marketing dates back to the ancient civilisation when man used symbols, signs, and

Qus:2 Write short notes on Environmental Scanning and Implications of Inflation.
Answer: Environmental Scanning
Environmental scanning refers to the careful monitoring of an organisation's internal and external environment for detecting early signs of opportunities and threats that may influence its present and future marketing plans. It helps the marketer in taking decisions regarding where to compete, how to

Qus:3 Explain the various stages involved in Consumer Decision Making Process. Support your answer with a proper diagram showing the Consumer Decision Making Process.
Answer: The consumer decision making process is the way in which people gather and assess information and make choices among alternative goods, services, organizations, people, places, and ideas

Set 2

Qus:1 Explain Product Life Cycle (PLC)
Answer: Products follow certain kinds of lifecycle patterns. Let us discuss the different stages in the lifecycle of products.
Let us discuss each stage of product lifecycle in detail
Introduction stage
Research or

Qus:2 What do you mean by Brand? Enlist various advantages of Branding.
Answer: A traditional definition of brand stands as a name, word, mark, symbol, device, or a combination thereof, used to identify some product or service of one seller and to differentiate them from those of the competitors. The definition clearly focuses on the function of a brand,

Qus:3 Explain Advertising. Also explain any 12 types of Advertising.
Answer: Advertising is a paid form of communication in which the sponsor or the brand owner has made payments to the media to carry the message through their set of media vehicles.
The Oxford Dictionary explains advertising as 'to make an announcement in a public place, describe or present goods publicly with a view to promoting sales.' Advertising is a public announcement,

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mba202 smu mba summer 2017 (oct/nov 2017 exam) IInd sem assignment

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Summer 2017

Set 1

1 Explain the differences between wealth maximization and profit maximization.
Explain relation between finance and accounting
Differences between wealth maximization and profit maximization
Explanation of relation between finance and accounting

Answer: Wealth maximisation vs. profit maximisation
·         Wealth maximisation is based on cash flow. It is not based on the accounting profit as in the case of profit maximisation.
·         Through the process of discounting, wealth maximisation takes care of the quality of cash flow. Converting uncertain distant cash flow into comparable values at base period facilitates better

2 Explain about the doubling period and future value. Solve the below given problem:
Under the ABC Bank’s Cash Multiplier Scheme, deposits can be made for periods ranging from 3 months to 5 years and for every quarter, interest is added to the principal. The applicable rate of interest is 9% for deposits less than 23 months and 10% for periods more than 24 months. What will be the amount of Rs. 1000 after 2 years?
Explanation of doubling period
Solving the problem
Explanation of future value

Answer: Doubling period
Doubling period

3 Write short notes on:
a) Irredeemable bonds
b) Zero coupon bonds
c) Valuation of Shares

Answer: Irredeemable bonds or perpetual bonds
Bonds which will never mature are known as irredeemable or perpetual bonds. Indian Companies Act restricts the issue of such bonds and therefore, these are very rarely issued by corporates these days. In case of

Set 2

1 Explain the factors affecting Capital Structure. Solve the below given problem:
Given below are two firms, A and B, which are identical in all aspects except the degree of leverage, employed by them. What is the average cost of capital of both firms?
Details of Firms A and B

Firm A
Firm B
Net operating income EBIT
Rs. 1, 00, 000
Rs. 1, 00, 000
Interest on debentures I
Equity earnings E
Cost of equity Ke
Cost of debentures Kd
Market value of equity S = E/Ke
Rs. 6, 66, 667
Market value of debt B
Total value of firm V
Rs. 6, 66, 667
Explanation of factors affecting capital structure
Solution for the problem

Answer: Factors Affecting Capital Structure
Leverage: The use of sources of funds that have a fixed cost attached to them, such as preference shares, loans from banks and financial institutions, and debentures in the capital structure, is known as “trading on equity” or “

2 Explain the capital Budgeting process and its appraisals
Solve the below given problem:
Given below are the details on the cash flows of two projects A and B. Compute payback period for A and B.
Cash flows of A and B
Project A cash flows (Rs.)
Project B cash flows (Rs.)
Explanation of capital budgeting process and its appraisals.
Solution for the problem

Answer: Capital budgeting process
After the screening of proposals for potential involvement is over, the company should take up the following aspects of capital budgeting process:
·         A proposal should be commercially viable. The following aspects are examined to ascertain the

3 Explain the concepts of working capital. Explain the determinants of working capital.
Explanation of concepts of working capital
Explanation of determinants of working capital

Answer: Concepts of Working Capital
Gross working capital: Gross working capital refers to the amounts invested in various components of current assets. It basically refers to the current assets. This concept has the following practical relevance:
·         Management of current assets

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