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Welcome to SMU MBA SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS, Please give your valued 5 minutes to read about our service and procedure for getting assignments.
Falling short to meet an important deadline... Cannot understand the assignment/essay questions… Need to do shift… Cannot buy time to write your thesis… Then you are reading the right post :) ...
We can research and write for you with unique facilities accompanied by reasonable price. We can handle writing projects from Undergraduates to Masters Level. We can provide high quality research content up to any word count in following areas:
Finance , Economics , Marketing , Politics, History, Media, Arts and others
We provide 100% plagiarism free work. All submissions are highly confidential.
Finance , Economics , Marketing , Politics, History, Media, Arts and others
We provide 100% plagiarism free work. All submissions are highly confidential.
We are working in solving assignments for the LAST 8 YEATS, So the students can assure very quality assignments from us. Otherwise we can't survive a long period like this.
Before doing payment, kindly send me questions (if you didn't send), so I can make sure and Can confirm you fastly.
Price Plan
The procedure
Steps 1. :
Make payment to any bank a/c
If you doing through Net-banking then add your name in remarks.
1. Subject/Sem assignment you wanted, with session name or which month you have exam.
2. To which bank you sent money (BOB or SBT)
3. Amount
4. Depositor Name
5. From which bank you transferred with transaction id or remarks
6. Your Roll Number.
7.Payment Slip (Transaction slip). Take the scanned copy of it (use your mobile to take photo or use scanner machine). (Direct Bank transaction).
8. Screen Shot (Internet Transaction)
Proof Verification
You can send me the transaction details by taking Print screen or Photocopy ........
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