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BK ID- B1936
Q1. Case Study: New Age Constructions
New Age is a building construction organisation based in Bangalore. The organisation, which was established in the year 2005, is relatively new in this sector. The activities of the organisation are limited to Bangalore. There are a number of well-established builders in Bangalore. Therefore, initially New Age found it difficult to obtain large projects and undertook only small building projects.
However, recently, New Age has got a lucrative contract for building a large shopping mall. The organisation finds the contract to be a stepping stone of its future success. Therefore, it is striving to deliver the project on time and within the planned budget. The organisation has hired Mr. Sinha as the project manager.
To carry out the assigned project, Mr. Sinha has emphasised on three principles of project management including the principle of project strategy, the principle of team building, and the principle of satisfaction. During the project, Mr. Sinha communicated the relevant project information to all the team members. However, he did not prioritise maintaining a thorough documentation of the entire project.
Seven months into the project, Mr. Sinha faced some major issues. He was asked by the management of the organisation to provide a complete project report on a day-to- day basis. Moreover, it was also noticed that he used some extra human resource, which affected the project’s cost management as well. Mr. Sinha did not even consider the triple constraints of the project
a. As a project manager of New Age, which knowledge areas and principles would you like to follow the most?
b. Do you think considering the triple constraints would have helped Mr. Sinha? Justify your answer.
(Summarise the various knowledge areas and principles in brief you would follow as a project manager of New Age , Give your opinion if triple constraints would have helped Mr. Sinha , Provide justification for the opinion ) 6, 1, 3
a. As a project manager of New Age, which knowledge areas and principles would you like to follow the most?
For successful project management, I, as a project manager needs to prepare a proper project plan, set targets and milestones, plan for resource requirements, procure resources, recruit a workforce, implement the plan, monitor progress and complete the project within the set time. To carry out these activities efficiently, project management
Q2. Describe the five phases of a generic project lifecycle.
(Describe each phase of a project lifecycle) 10 ( 2 marks for each phase)
Phases of a generic project lifecycle
A project passes through a number of phases. In project management literature, numerous project lifecycle models are
available that can be implemented in different types of projects. A generic
Q3. Write short notes on:
1. Work breakdown structure
2. Product line analysis
3. Capital rationing
4. Challenges in Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA)
(Work breakdown structure, Product line analysis, Capital rationing, Challenges in Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA)) 10 (2.5 marks each)
Work breakdown structure
Work breakdown structure refers to the breaking down of large complex work structure into smaller doable tasks. It is one of the most crucial components of the project planning process. It provides a framework to organise and manage
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Q4. How would you classify the sources of financing infrastructure projects?
(State the meaning of source of finance, Explain the external and Domestic sources of finance available in the infrastructure financing, List financing sources available for infrastructure projects in India in tabular format 2, 2, 2, 4( 2 marks for domestic sources and 2 marks for external sources) 10
Meaning of source of finance
It is true that the economic infrastructure of India is gradually evolving, but there is still a dearth of an adequate flow of long-term funds in India. This creates problems in stabilising the cash flow. In India, most of the available funds are for short tenure. Moreover, financial instability and high cost of debt also make it difficult to raise long-term
Q5. Discuss the different types of project termination. A Discuss the types of project termination with suitable examples 10(2.5 marks each) 10
Q6. How is a monitoring system designed?
(Explain what is done in each step of the process of designing a monitoring system) 10(2 marks each)
The monitoring process involves identifying deviation in the overall performance of a project. Therefore, a monitoring system is designed to spot the key characteristics, such as performance, cost and time of the project. The steps involved in designing a
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