Thursday, 7 August 2014

mu0018 smu mba summer 2014 IVth sem assignment

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DRIVE-Summer 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAMEMU0018 – Change Management
BK ID-B1807
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q.1. Describe Kotter’s Eight Step Change Model.

Kotter’s Eight Step Change Model

The Eight stage process can be explained as follows:

1. Establishing a sense of urgency: The sense of urgency is very helpful if the whole organisation really wants the change to happen. We have to open the conversation with a convincing dialogue about what is happening in the marketplace and the competition. If many people start talking about the change that you have proposed then it is clear that it feeds on itself.

Q2. Explain the various steps at which control takes place in a Change Management Process
(Explaining the steps at which control takes place with regard to Change Management)
Steps at which control takes place with regard to Change Management
In the change management process, controlling takes place at various steps, which are as follows:

Step l: Preparation for change
As a first step, in the preparation stage, the change manager has to focus on the following aspects
a)      The required change has to be identified
b)      Determination of the major concerns and issues needs to be determined

Q3. Discuss the various factors affecting the choice of a change Strategy
(Explaining the factors affecting the choice of a Change Strategy)
Factors affecting the choice of a Change Strategy
A number of factors need to be considered while choosing a proper change strategy. A mix of strategies can be adopted depending upon a number of factors.
These basic factors are:

Q4.What do you mean by Organizational Effectiveness? Explain the approaches involved in achieving Organizational Effectiveness
(Definition of Organizational Effectiveness, Explain the approaches to achieve Organizational effectiveness)
Organizational Effectiveness
Organizational effectiveness has been defined as the degree of goal achievement. The determination of an organization’s goal(s) is crucial in evaluating effectiveness of an organization. The first step in the determination of goals is to distinguish between official and operative goals.

Q5. What do you mean by Change Agent? Describe the characteristics of successful Change Agents. (Definition of Change Agent, Explaining the Characteristics of successful Change Agents)


Change Agent

A change agent is a person who acts as a channel for a change. Generally a change agent brings change to an organisation. A change agent is responsible for the full time professional organisational development. They help the team in achieving new things in their particular area of performance. Change agents are people working to promote, assist and accelerate sustainable development around the world. They help people, who do not have interest to understand organisational and cultural change processes, to plan for the introduction of new ideas into organisational

Q.6. Write a brief note on the following: a) Kolb’s Learning Cycle, b) Peter Senge’s framework on Organizational Learning.
(Explaining the concept of Kolb’s Learning Cycle, Explaining the concept of Peter Senge’s Framework)


 Kolb’s Learning Cycle
Kolb's experiential learning style theory is typically represented by a four stage learning cyclein which the learner 'touches all the bases':

Get fully solved assignment, plz drop a mail with your sub code
Charges rs 125/subject and rs 700/semester only.
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if urgent then call us on 08791490301, 08273413412

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