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DRIVE— Winter 2014
BK ID-B1735
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q1. Define Human Resource Planning (HRP).Discuss the objectives of Human Resource Planning.
(Meaning of Human Resource Planning., Explain the four main objectives of Human Resource Planning) 2, 8
Meaning of Human Resource Planning
Human resource planning is the term used to describe how companies ensure that their staff comprises the “right person for doing the job”. It includes planning for staff retention, planning for candidate search, training and skills
Q2. What do you mean by Human Resource Audit? Discuss the purpose of HR Audit. Explain the common approaches to HR Audit.
(Definition of HR Audit, Describe the purpose of HR Audit, Explain the common approaches to HR Audit)2,3,5
Definition of HR Audit
The human resource audit closely examines the people side of theorganisation. It involves a comprehensive review of HR-related policies, procedures and practices. It provides an opportunity to do a systematic review of activities that might otherwise
Q3. Suppose you have joined as an HR and you are asked to carry out the HR Audit process in your organization. What are the methods you will consider while implementing the HR Audit process?
(Explain the methods involved in the HR Audit process) 10
Methods involved in the HR Audit process
Methods used in the HR Audit process are: Interviews
In order to ascertain what the top management thinks about the future plans and opportunities available for the company, the auditors conduct individual interviews with the members of the top management. The top management
can provide a perspective for a
Q4. Discuss the relationship between Human Resource Practices and Performance of business
(Explain the relationship between Human Resource Practices and Performance of Business) 10
Relationship between Human Resource Practices and Performance of Business
The belief that Human Resource management and development practices have linkages with organisational level outcomes has been the focus of the theoretical and conceptual work undertaken by Peters and Waterman (1982), Porter (1985), and Lawler (1986). Recent empirical work has highlighted the connections between HR practices like selection, performance appraisal, training, job design, promotions, information sharing, attitude surveys, incentive system and employee participation, and organisation level outcomes like employee turnover, productivity, and financial performance (
Q5. What are the benefits that the employer derives from Employee Referral Programmes? Explain the different types of Interview.
(Explain the benefits of Employee Referral Programmes., Explain any six types of Interview) 4, 6
Benefits of Employee Referral Programmes
Using employee referrals as part of a recruitment and hiring process offers employers several distinct benefits.
Cost effectiveness: According to a recent survey conducted by the Society for Human Resources Management, the cost to the company of an employee referral averages approximately $1000 for an exempt employee and $500 for a non-exempt hire.
Q6. Write a short note on the following:
a)Flanholtz model(Rewards evaluation model)
b) Pekin Ogan model
(Concept and steps involved in Flanholtz model, Concept and steps involved in Pekin Ogan model) 5, 5
a)Flanholtz model(Rewards evaluation model)
According to Flanholtz, the value of an individual is the present worth of the services that he is likely to render to the organisation in future. As an individual moves from one position to another, at the same level or at different levels, the profile of the services provided by him is likely to change. The present cumulative value of all the possible services that may be rendered by him during his/her association with the organisation, is the value of the individual.
Typically, this
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