Monday, 22 August 2016

bba401 smu bba summer 2016 (oct/nov 2016 exam) IVth sem assignment

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1. Define E-Commerce. What are the various advantages and disadvantages of E-Commerce?
Define E-Commerce
Advantages of E-Commerce
Disadvantages of E-Commerce

Answer: E-commerce is an advanced technology related to commerce and the electronic media, the computer in particular. It is first important to understand the term ‘business’, which refers to

2. Write Short notes on
a. Local Area Network (LAN)
b. Wide Area Network (WAN)
c. Domain Names
d. Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)

Answer: a) Local Area Network
A LAN covers only a limited geographically area ranging from 0 to 2 Km, such as organizations, home, buildings. In a local area network, nodes are connected in a network and operating systems are installed on them. In this type of networking, generally, Cat 5 cable (8 wires) is used, meaning the connection is done through wire. However, there is another option of connecting LAN, which is WLAN, where connection is possible without wires. LAN stores the system and application software that can be shared by the computers to other computers and

3. Explain three important types of business models in practice. Give example to each of the models.
Explaining three fundamental types of business models

Answer: There are three fundamental types of business models in practice. These are:
1. Business-to-Business (B2B)
2. Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
3. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

1. Business-to-Business Model
The business-to-business (B2B) model needs two or more business organizations that do business with

4. Explain the different categories of electronic payment system in detail.
Explain any 5 types of electronic payment systems

Answer: Types of Electronic Payment Systems (EPS)
1. Banking and Financial Payments
·         Large-scale or whole payment (e.g., bank-to-bank transaction)
·         Small-scale or retail payment (e.g., ATM)
·         Home

5. What is internet marketing? Briefly explain the different types of internet marketing.
Explain the internet marketing
Explain 8 types of internet marketing

Answer: Internet Marketing
The term Internet marketing is interchangeably used for Web marketing, e-marketing, Internet advertising or online marketing. The wide availability of the World Wide Web allows businessmen across the world access to millions of potential customers. All that is required is a few clicks

6. a. Define M-commerce
b. Write a short note on Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)
c. Briefly explain the components of WAP model

Answer: a) The term mobile commerce or M-commerce has no particular definition.  Several analysts and vendors have defined M-commerce in varied ways. Put simply, when a mobile device is used for electronic commerce, it is referred to as mobile commerce or M-commerce.
The following are some popular definitions of M-commerce.
(i)                 M-commerce is

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