Wednesday, 26 October 2016

bt0080 smu bsc it fall 2016 IVth sem solved assignments

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BT0080, Fundamentals of Algorithms
Qus:1 Describe insertion sort algorithm with the help of an example. Give the complexity of it.
Insertion sort algorithm:
The insertion sort, algorithm for sorting a list L of n numbers represented by an array A [1... n] proceeds by picking up the numbers in the array from left one by one and each newly picked up number is placed at its

Qus:2 State the concept of divide and conquer strategy with the help of an example.
The concept of divide and conquer strategy:
Given a function to compute on n inputs, the divide-and-conquer strategy suggests splitting the inputs into K distinct subsets, 1

Ques 3 Prove the theorem
“A given connected graph G is a Euler graph  all the vertices of G are of even degree.”
Ans: Proof: Suppose G is a Euler graph. Then G contains a Euler line. So, there exists a closed walk running through all the edges of G exactly once. Let vV be a vertex of G. Now, in tracing the walk, it goes

Ques 4 Explain Adjacency and Incidence Matrix.
Ans: Definition: Let G be a graph with n vertices v1, v2, …, vn and no self-loopsand no parallel edges. We define an n n adjacency matrix A = [ ij a ]n n, as follows:
aij = 1 if vi is

Q5. State Cook’s theorem.
Prove the theorem “CNF satisfiability is polynomially transformable to the clique problem. Therefore, the clique problem is NP complete.”

Cook’s Theorem
Cook’s theorem states that satisfiability is in P if and only if P=NP. We now prove this important theorem. We know that satisfiability in NP. Hence, if P = NP, then satisfiability is in P. It remains to be shown that if satisfiability is in P, then P = NP. To do this, we show how to obtain from any

Ques 6 Mention different classification of problems.
Ans: The fact of being engaged in solving problems may be the only sure indication of a living entity being alive (though, the distinction between entities being alive and not being alive is getting fuzzier day by day). The problems, attempted to be solved, may be due to the need for survival in a

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