Sunday, 13 November 2016

mb0051 smu mba fall 2016 IIIrd sem solved assignments

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DRIVE – Fall 2016

SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MB0051-Legal Aspects of Business

Q1. What are the remedies for breach of contract? What is quasi contract?
Explanation of the remedies for breach of contract
Define quasi contract
Remedies for breach of contract
The usual remedy for breach of contracts is to sue for damages. The main type of damages awarded is ordinary damages. This is the amount of money that would take to put the aggrieved party in a position as if there had not been a breach of contract. The idea is to compensate the aggrieved party for the losses

Q2.  Explain the meaning of Power of Attorney, its types and clause related to registration.
(Meaning, Types, Registration) 2, 2, 6

Power of Attorney
Power of attorney is defined by Section 2(21) of the Stamp Act as including “any instrument not chargeable with a fee under the law relating to court fees for the time being in force,” that empowers “a specified person to act

Q3. Explain the procedure of registration of partnership firms.
(Explanation) 10

Registration partnership of Firms (Sections 58-59)

Partnerships in India are governed by the Indian Partnership Act, 1932. As per the Partnership Act, Registration of Partnership Firms is optional and is entirely at the discretion of the partners. The Partners may or may not register their Partnership Agreement.

Q4. What are the circumstances under which breach of condition is treated as breach of warranty?
(Explanation) 10 marks

Circumstances under that Breach of condition to be treated as breach of warranty
According to Section 13, under certain circumstances, a breach of condition is to be treated as a breach of

warranty, i.e., the right to repudiate the contract is deemed to have been lost. These circumstances are:

Where a contract of sale is subject to any condition to be fulfilled by the seller, the buyer may either:
·         Waive

Q5 Explain the procedure for filing a complaint and admission of complaint in consumer protection act.
(Filing a complaint-5 marks, Admission of complaint-5 marks) 10 marks

Procedure for filing a complaint
There is no fee for filing a complaint before any of the aforesaid bodies. The complainants or their authorized agent can present the complaint in person.
The complaint

Q6 Write short notes on:
a) Shares and its classification
b) Meetings and its classification
(Meaning and classification-5 marks, Meaning and classification-5 marks) 10 marks

Shares and its classification
Section 2 (46) defines a share “as a share in the share capital of a company and includes stock except where a distinction between stock and share is expressed or implied”. This definition does not encompass the

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