Friday, 28 April 2017

mba105 smu mba spring 2017 (july/aug 2017 exam) Ist sem assignment

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PROGRAM Master of Business Administration- MBA
SEMESTER Semester 1
BK ID B1625
CREDIT & MARKS 4 Credits, 30 marks


1 Explain the meaning and Features of demand forecasting?
Meaning Of demand Forecasting
Features of demand forecasting

Answer: Demand forecasting seeks to investigate and measure the forces that determine sales for existing and new products. Generally companies plan their business - production or sales in anticipation of future demand. Hence, forecasting future demand becomes important. The art of successful business lies in avoiding or minimizing the risks involved as far as possible and facing the uncertainties in a most befitting

2 Explain the cost output relationship and nature and behavior of cost curve in the short run with hypothetical cost schedule?
The cost output relationship and nature and behavior of cost curve in the short run with hypothetical cost schedule

Answer: Cost-output relations play an important role in almost all business decisions. It throws light on cost minimization or profit maximization and optimization of output. The relation between the cost and output is technically described as the “cost function”. The significance of cost-output relationship is so great that in economic analysis, the cost function usually refers to the relationship between cost and rate of output alone and we assume that all other independent variables are kept constant. Mathematically speaking

3 Write short notes on:
a) Consumption Function
b) Investment Function
Define Consumption Function
Define Investment Function

Answer: a) The consumption function indicates the relationship between consumption and income. Consumption is an increasing function of income. Lord Keynes in his theory of income and employment has given a very significant place to this concept. According to him, the level of national output, income and employment directly depends on effective demand in an economy. Higher the level of effective demand, higher would be the


1 What are the various role of fiscal policy in economic development?
Role of fiscal policy

Answer: Role of fiscal policy in economic development
In order to achieve the objectives, a fiscal policy has to play a positive and constructive role both in developed and developing nations. The specific role to be played by fiscal policy can be discussed as follows:
1. To act as optimum allocator of resources
As most

2 Explain the law of variable proportions in detail with diagrammatic representation.
Law of variable proportions in detail with diagrammatic representation

Answer: The law of variable proportions
This law is one of the most fundamental laws of production. It gives us some key insights in determination of the ideal combination of factor inputs. All factor inputs are not available in plenty. Hence, in order to expand the output, scarce factors must be kept constant and variable factors are to be increased in greater quantities. Additional units of a variable factor on the fixed factors will certainly mean a variation in output. The law of variable proportions or the law of non-proportional output will explain how variation in one factor input leads to variations in output. The law can be stated as follows: “As the quantity of only one factor input is increased to a given quantity of fixed factors, beyond a particular point, the marginal, average and total output eventually decline”. The law of variable

3 What are the various factors which bring changes in supply?
Various factors which bring changes in supply

Answer: Apart from price, many other factors bring about changes in supply. Among them, the important factors are:
1.      Natural factors – Favourable natural factors like good climatic conditions and timely, adequate, well distributed rainfall results in higher production and expansion in supply. On the other hand, adverse factors like bad

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