Thursday, 25 May 2017

mit206 smu msc it spring 2017 (july/aug 2017 exam) IInd sem assignment

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PROGRAM - Master of Science in Information Technology (MSc IT)
BK ID B1405 NUMBER OF ASSIGNMENTS, CREDITS & MARKS 2, 4 Credits, 30 marks each

Assignment Set - 1 Questions
Q1. Explain Unix kernel components using suitable diagram. 2+8 10
The UNIX kernel s divided in to three modes: user mode, kernel mode, and hardware. The user mode contains user programs which can access the services of the kernel components using system call interface.
The kernel mode has four major

Q2 Explain the Shortest-Job-First scheduling algorithm with suitable example. Write the drawbacks of this algorithm. 7+3 10
In this algorithm, the length of the CPU burst is considered. When the CPU is available, it is assigned to the process that has the smallest next CPU burst. Hence this is named shortest job first. In case there is a tie, FCFS scheduling is used to break the tie. As an example, consider the following set of processes P1, P2, P3, P4 and their

Q3 Discuss Interprocess Communication. 10
Communication of co-operating processes’ shared-memory environment requires that these processes share a common buffer pool, and that the code for implementing the buffer be explicitly written by the application programmer. Another way to achieve the same effect is for the operating system to provide the means for co-operating processes to communicate with each other via an inter-process-communication (IPC) facility

Assignment Set - 2 Questions
Q1 Explain the following page replacement algorithm:
 (a) FIFO
 (b) LRU 5+5 10
(a) FIFO
The first-in-first-out page replacement algorithm is the simplest page replacement algorithm. When a page replacement is required the oldest page in memory is the victim. The performance of the FIFO algorithm is not always good. The replaced page may have an initialization module that needs to be executed only once and therefore no longer

Q2 Compare Daisy chain bus arbitration and Priority encoded bus arbitration. 5+5 10
Daisy chain arbitration:
Here, the requesting device or devices assert the signal bus_request. The bus arbiter returns the bus_grant signal, which passes through each of the devices which can have access to the bus, as shown in figure below. Here, the priority of a

Q3 Mention and explain various types of multiprocessor operating systems. 1+9 10
Three basic types of multiprocessor operating systems are:
ü  Separate supervisors
ü  Master / slave 
ü  Symmetric

Separate supervisors
 In separate supervisor systems, each node is a processor having a separate operating system with a memory and I/O resources. Addition of a few additional services and data structures will help to support aspects of multiprocessors. 
A common example is the

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mba201 smu mba spring 2017 (july/aug 2017 exam) IInd sem assignment

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DRIVE – Spring 2017
BK ID - B1627
Set 1
Write Short notes on
a. Material control and material handling
b. Labour Productivity
c. Personnel Productivity
d. Strategic decision making
(a. Material control and material handling
b. Labour Productivity
c. Personnel Productivity
d. Strategic decision making)
Material control and material handling:
Material control is a management function whereby procurement, storage, and issuance of the storage material for purposes of manufacturing the products or consumption are conducted. Typically,

Q2. What do you mean by Operation Strategy? Explain various elements or components of Operations Strategy. 4, 6
Ans: Operations Strategy:
Operations strategy is defined as the set of decisions that are warranted in the operational processes in order to support the competitive strategies of the business. The objectives stated above will give the firm a competitive advanatage in the products or services that are served to the customers.
Operations strategy is a

Q3. Describe following dimensions of quality with appropriate examples. 10
a.    Quality of design
b.    Conformance to design
c.    Utilisation conditions
d.    After sales service
Ans: Dimensions of quality: Quality is inherent in the product or service that is rendered to the customer. Since we are attempting to measure the same, we will look into those aspects of quality, called dimensions

Set 2
Q1. Discuss the importance of Plant Location. Point out various factors Influencing Plant Location. 2, 8
Ans: Importance of Plant Location: A plant location cannot be changed frequently since a large capital needs to be invested to build the plant and machinery in the selected area. Therefore, before selecting a plant location, a long range forecasting is to be made to foresee the future needs of the company. In this unit, location strategies, we will learn about the various methodologies used to select the

Q2. Explain the risk management and its various components. ( Definition of risk management and what it entails, Four components of risk management) 4, 6
Ans: Risk Management: Risks are those events or conditions that may occur and whose occurrence has a harmful or negative impact on a project. Risk management aims to identify the risks and then take actions to minimise their effect on the project. Risk management entails additional cost. Hence,

Q3. Why redesign of layouts may be necessary? List the differences between product and process layout. ( Reasons  why  resdesigning  of  existing  layout  is required, Listing of any five differences) 5, 5
Ans: Redesigning of a layout: There are several reasons as to why a redesigning of an existing layout may be required. These are as follows:

·         Building not suited for requirements
·         Product design or process changes made without making necessary changes in the layout
·         Installation of

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bit201 smu bsc it spring 2017 (july/aug 2017 exam) IInd sem assignment

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PROGRAM Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
SUBJECT CODE & NAME BIT201 – Object Oriented Programming – C++

Assignment Set -1
1 Differentiate between an external variable and an automatic variable with the help of an example.

Answer: Automatic variables is default variable in C++. All the variables we have created and used in programs are automatic variables. These variables can also be declared by prefixing the keyword auto. One of important characteristics of these variables are that they are created only when the function or program block in which they are declared are called. Once the execution of function or module execution is over, the variables are destroyed and the values are lost. The reason for limiting the lifetime of

2 What is “this pointer” in C++? What are the features of “this pointer”?

Answer: The this pointer is used as a pointer to the class object instance by the member function. The address of the class instance is passed as an implicit parameter to the member functions. The sample below, in this section shows how to use it. It is common knowledge that C++ keeps only one copy of each member function and the data members are allocated memory for all of their instances. This kind of

3 Explain destructor in detail.

Answer: Destructors are usually used to deallocate memory and do other cleanup for a class object and its class members when the object is destroyed. A destructor is called for a class object when that object passes out of scope or is explicitly deleted. A destructor is a member function with the same name as its class prefixed

Assignment Set -2
1 What is Polymorphism? What are the different types of Polymorphism?

Answer: Virtual functions in C++ are important to implement the concept of polymorphism. Polymorphism means same content but different forms. In C++, polymorphism enables the same program code calling different functions of different classes. Imagine a situation where you would like to create a class

2 Discuss the following functions of file operations
a) tellg()
b) seekp()
c) ignore()
d) getline()

Answer: A. tellg() – Returns an int type, that shows the current position of the inside-pointer. This one works only when you read a file. Example:
#include <fstream.h>
void main() {
//if we have "

3 Explain sequence containers

Answer: Sequence Containers
There are three types of sequence containers in the STL. These, as their name suggests, store data in linear sequence. They are the vector, deque and list:
·         vector<Type>
·         deque<Type>
·         list<Type>


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bit101 smu bsc it spring 2017 (july/aug 2017 exam) Ist sem assignment

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PROGRAM Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - B.SC(IT)
SUBJECT CODE & NAME BIT101 – Fundamentals of Information Technology

Assignment Set -1

1 Explain the characteristics of computers.

Answer: The important characteristics of a computer are described below:
1. Speed
The computer is a very high speed electronic device. The operations on the data inside the computer are performed through electronic circuits according to the given instructions. The data and instructions flow along these circuits with high speed that is close to the speed of light.
2. Arithmetical and Logical Operations
A computer can

2 Explain Software Testing Strategy.

Answer: Software testing strategy is explained in figure below. This strategy defines the role of software and leads to software requirements analysis, where the information domain, function, behavior, performance, constraints, and validation criteria for software- are established. Moving inward along the spiral, we come to design and finally to coding. To develop computer software, we spiral inward along

3 Explain cloud system architecture.

Answer: The key to cloud computing is the “cloud” a massive network of servers or even individual PCs interconnected in a grid. These computers run in parallel, combining the resources of each to generate supercomputing like power. What, exactly, is the “cloud”? Put simply, the cloud is a collection of computers and servers that are publicly accessible via the Internet. This hardware is typically owned and operated by a third party on a consolidated basis in one or more data center locations. The machines can run any combination of operating systems; it’s the processing power of the machines that matter, not what

Assignment Set 2

1 Write a brief note on different cloud deployment model.

Answer: Cloud deployment models
Public Cloud: is a type of cloud hosting in which the cloud services are delivered over a network which is open for public usage. This model is a true representation of cloud hosting; in this the service provider renders

2 Explain different internet connection types.

Answer: Internet connection types
Dial Up Connection
Dial up connections are the oldest, most out of date connections still available today. They are incredibly slow, unreliable, take up your phone line, and they make the very loud and annoying dial up sound when connecting to the internet. The only real benefit of a dial up connection is that it might be the only kind of internet available that is reasonably priced where you live or where your business is located. This is

3 Mention different software application.

Answer: Software applications can be neatly compartmentalized into different categories.
·         System software: System software is a collection of programs written to service other programs. Some system software processes complex information structures. Other systems applications process largely indeterminate data. It is characterized by heavy interaction with hardware,

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bca5010 smu bca spring 2017 (july/aug 2017 exam) Vth sem assignment

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Qus:1 Explain the process steps of developing web site.
Answer: The creation and maintenances of website broken down into a process of steps. Following these steps will immensely help you to build a website. All the steps in website creation and maintenance required and effort, but they don’t necessary involve any technology for process.

Qus:2 Explain the working principle of Domain Name System
Answer: The DNS is a distributed, scalable database of IP addresses and their associated names. It is distributed in the sense that unlike the hosts file, no single computer contains all the DNS information in the world. The DNS data is distributed across many name servers. All messages in the Domain Name System protocol use a single format. This format is shown in Fig. This frame is sent

Qus:3 Briefly explain the structure tags of HTML document
Answer: A markup language like HTML is simply a collection of codes/elements tags that indicate the structure and format of a web document. How do you instruct the browser to display the page the way you want it to be displayed? Tags are the mechanisms for attaining this end. The various tags that you put in the html

Qus:4 What are the different levels of Document Object Model?
Answer: DOM is an Application Programming Interface (API). It provides a platform where programming languages can "talk" to HTML and XML documents. Usually the programming language that does the talking by using JavaScript. The work of DOM is to represent all the attributes of HTML and Style

Qus:5 Explain different file system functions available in PHP.
Answer: The real power of PHP comes from its functions. In this section we will discuss about how to create and calling a PHP function and how to pass parameter in a function, Get and post function of PHP etc.
Creating and Calling a PHP Function
//we create

Qus:6 What are the different types of JavaScript Datatypes?
Answer: Java script is a programming language with direct support to object oriented methodologies. We can use JavaScript to perform a variety of functions on your website. Some of the functions are just functional, while the others are greater in nature, providing interactivity for our website visitors.

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