Thursday, 25 May 2017

mit206 smu msc it spring 2017 (july/aug 2017 exam) IInd sem assignment

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PROGRAM - Master of Science in Information Technology (MSc IT)
BK ID B1405 NUMBER OF ASSIGNMENTS, CREDITS & MARKS 2, 4 Credits, 30 marks each

Assignment Set - 1 Questions
Q1. Explain Unix kernel components using suitable diagram. 2+8 10
The UNIX kernel s divided in to three modes: user mode, kernel mode, and hardware. The user mode contains user programs which can access the services of the kernel components using system call interface.
The kernel mode has four major

Q2 Explain the Shortest-Job-First scheduling algorithm with suitable example. Write the drawbacks of this algorithm. 7+3 10
In this algorithm, the length of the CPU burst is considered. When the CPU is available, it is assigned to the process that has the smallest next CPU burst. Hence this is named shortest job first. In case there is a tie, FCFS scheduling is used to break the tie. As an example, consider the following set of processes P1, P2, P3, P4 and their

Q3 Discuss Interprocess Communication. 10
Communication of co-operating processes’ shared-memory environment requires that these processes share a common buffer pool, and that the code for implementing the buffer be explicitly written by the application programmer. Another way to achieve the same effect is for the operating system to provide the means for co-operating processes to communicate with each other via an inter-process-communication (IPC) facility

Assignment Set - 2 Questions
Q1 Explain the following page replacement algorithm:
 (a) FIFO
 (b) LRU 5+5 10
(a) FIFO
The first-in-first-out page replacement algorithm is the simplest page replacement algorithm. When a page replacement is required the oldest page in memory is the victim. The performance of the FIFO algorithm is not always good. The replaced page may have an initialization module that needs to be executed only once and therefore no longer

Q2 Compare Daisy chain bus arbitration and Priority encoded bus arbitration. 5+5 10
Daisy chain arbitration:
Here, the requesting device or devices assert the signal bus_request. The bus arbiter returns the bus_grant signal, which passes through each of the devices which can have access to the bus, as shown in figure below. Here, the priority of a

Q3 Mention and explain various types of multiprocessor operating systems. 1+9 10
Three basic types of multiprocessor operating systems are:
ü  Separate supervisors
ü  Master / slave 
ü  Symmetric

Separate supervisors
 In separate supervisor systems, each node is a processor having a separate operating system with a memory and I/O resources. Addition of a few additional services and data structures will help to support aspects of multiprocessors. 
A common example is the

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