Saturday, 10 June 2017

mit301 smu msc it spring 2017 (july/aug 2017 exam) IIIrd sem assignment

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Master of Science in Information Technology(MSc IT)Revised Fall 2011
MIT301– Object Oriented Analysis and Design(OOAD)

Qus:1 Explain the following object oriented properties:
(a) Inheritance
(b) Polymorphism
(c) Encapsulation
(d) Abstraction
Answer: (a) Inheritance
Inheritance is defined as the property of an object oriented system, where one class shares the structure or behavior of one or more other classes. It allows us to build new objects from the existing ones.
We can view inheritance as a relationship between a parent class and the sub classes. To study the use

Qus:2 What is meant by unified approach? Describe the steps, methods and tools of unified approach.
Answer:   Unified approach is a better way for understanding concepts of objects oriented system development. Unified approach is a methodology for software development. The unified approach, based on methodologies given by Booch, Rum Baugh and Jacobson tries to combine the methods and guidelines of unified modeling language.
We can define unified modeling language (UML) as a set of notations and conventions that are used to describe and shape an application of the system. But UML will not specify

Qus:3 Describe the various states of activity diagram.
Answer: Activity diagrams are special cases of state chart diagrams. An activity diagram has actions as states. It can be considered as some kind of elaborate flow diagram and has therefore some graphical structures for handling conditions like a diamond shaped box for conditionals

Qus:4 Discuss the strategies for designing classes.
Answer: The object oriented design process is a complex process. The following methods can help you design better classes:
1) Analyze the role of the objects of the class in the application. An object can play any of the following roles:

Qus:5 Mention and describe the basic categories of program errors.
Answer: Debugging is a process of finding errors in the code which cause unexpected results and eliminating them. The process of testing and identifying bugs is a balance of science, art and luck.
There are three basic categories of program errors:
1) Syntax errors
2) Run-time

Qus:6 Explain the following:
(a) Black box testing
(b) White box testing
Answer: (a) Black box testing
This treats the system as one that cannot be seen in detail. The structure of the program is not taken into account. The tests are performed based on what the program does. This is sometimes called functional testing.
The functional

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