Wednesday, 25 October 2017

bba205 smu bba summer 2017 (oct/nov 2017 exam) IInd sem assignment

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Qus:1 What are the different operating elements of Management Information System (MIS)?
Operational Elements of MIS                      10
Answer: The structure of the management information system is comprised of four related classifications which are as shown in figure 2.5. The four classifications are:
o Operational elements
o Decision

Qus:2 Write a brief note on
a) Knowledge Based System (KBS)
b) Executive Information System (EIS)
c) Decision Support System (DSS)
d) Business Process System (BPS)
a. Knowledge Based System (KBS)                                     2.5
b. Executive Information System (EIS)                               2.5
c. Decision Support System (DSS)                                       2.5
d. Business Process System (BPS)                                        2.5
Answer: Knowledge Based System (KBS)
KBS are the systems based on knowledge base. Knowledge base is the database maintained for knowledge management which provides the means for data collections, organization and retrieval of knowledge

Qus:3Prototype approach and Life Cycle approach are the two major approaches for developing the MIS. Explain them in detail and compare.
a. Prototyping Approach                                          4
b. Life Cycle Approach                                            4
c. Comparison between Prototyping and Lifecycle approaches               2
Answer: Prototype Approach
When the system is complex, the development strategy is Prototyping of the System. Prototyping is a process of progressively ascertaining the information needs, developing methodology,

Qus:4 What is E-commerce? What are the different E-Commerce process models?
a. E-Commerce                      2
b. E-Commerce Process Models                  8
Answer: E-commerce
e-commerce is a second big application next to ERP. It essentially deals with buying and selling of goods. With the advent of internet and web technology, e-commerce today covers an entire

Qus:5Explain the concepts
a) Decision Support System
b) Artificial Intelligence, and
c) Neural Networks
a. Decision Support System                          4
b. Artificial Intelligence                                3         
c. Neural Networks                                       3
Answer: Decision Support Systems
DSS is an interactive, flexible computer based information system. It uses rules and models for processing data to support various managerial levels, ranging from top executives to mangers, in their

Qus:6What are the different security hazards to MIS? How to overcome these
a. Security Hazards                                                               4
b. Security techniques to overcome the hazards                             6
Answer: Security Hazards
Security of the information system can be broken because of the following reasons:
i)                    Malfunctions: In this type of security hazard, all the components of a system are involved. People, software and hardware errors cause the biggest problems. More dangerous are the problems

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Tuesday, 24 October 2017

ma0044 smu mba summer 2017 (oct/nov 2017 exam) IVth sem assignment

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Q. 1. What are the Apex Banking Institutions in India? Explain about them in detail. 
·         Apex banking institutions in India 10
Apex institutions include NABARD, SIDBI, EXIM Bank and National Housing Bank (NHB). These institutions exercise control and engage in supervisory activities in order to ensure that the available resources are

Q2. What are the different measures taken by Central government for infrastructural development in India?  
·         Measures taken by Central government for Infrastructural Development in India  10
PPP projects in infrastructure
As the Government faces a tight budget constraint in the context of rulebased fiscal policy framework, it was important to encourage the private sector to invest more in the infrastructure sector. The Government started encouraging the PPP model – the mechanism which provides built-in credit enhancement for improving project viability by

Q3.  What are the challenges in financing SSI’s in India 
·         Challenges in financing SSI’s  10 
The following are some of the challenges faced by the DFIs/banks with respect to financing in small-scale sector.
  Preparation of project proposal – Entrepreneurs experience many difficulties in formulating the project proposal

Q4.  Explain the functions of National Housing Bank. 
·         Functions of National Housing bank 10  
The various functions of NHB can be classified as:
 Financing function
 Promotion and development function
 Regulatory function
Financing function:-
NHB supports and provides financial assistance to the housing finance sector by different methods.
NHB extends refinance to different primary lenders (HFCs, SCBs, schedule co-operative banks, rural

Q5. Explain the role of following institutions in India
a) PFC (Power Finance Corporation Limited)
b) REC (Rural Electrification Corporation) 5+5=10
a) PFC (Power Finance Corporation Limited)
 The PFC was formed with an objective to provide financial assistance to the power and its allied sectors and also to

Q6. What are the challenges posed by information technology for the Institutional banking sector? 
·         Challenges posed by IT for Institutional Banking Sector 10
The following are the challenges posed by information technology for the banking sector:
 Safety and security – Cheaper and all-invasive communication vehicles like Internet improve communication,

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ma0043 smu mba summer 2017 (oct/nov 2017 exam) IVth sem assignment

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Q. 1. Describe two major sources from which a firm can meet its working capital requirements 
·         Two Sources of Working capital requirements 5+5=10
There are various sources from which a firm can meet its working capital requirements. Two such sources are:

Q2. Describe the letters of Credit Mechanism  
·         Letters of Credit Mechanism 10
Any business/industrial venture involves purchase transactions related to machine/other capital goods and raw

Q3.  Explain the concept of Pre-shipment Finance 
·         Pre-shipment finance 10
Finance is the life and blood of domestic and international business. Export is the main source of foreign exchange earnings for a country. Foreign exchange is required to purchase capital goods, raw materials,

Q4 . Explain  a) Over drafting b) Bill Finance 
 a) Over drafting b) Bill Finance 5+5=10
a) Over drafting
Overdraft is a method of granting advances and it resembles the cash credit system. However, to avail of an

Q5. Explain different hedging strategies 
·         The Hedging strategies 4+6=10
The important hedging strategy adopted by the firms is the use of derivative instruments. A derivative is explained as a financial contract, the value of which is derived from any other financial asset’s value (known as underlying

Q6. Discuss briefly about the regulatory role of RBI 
·         Role of RBI 10
Monetary authority
• The RBI is

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bt9402 smu bsc it summer 2017 (oct/nov 2017 exam) VIth sem assignment

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DRIVE Summer 2017
SUBJECT CODE & NAME BT9402, Artificial Intelligence

1 Briefly explain concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Answer: Artificial Intelligence (AI), as we know it today, is a relatively new field. Even though some groundwork had been laid earlier, AI began in earnest with the emergence of the modern computer during the 1940s and the 1950s. It was the ability of these new electronic machines

2 What are the achievements of AI?

Answer: Achievements of AI
1.      Deep Thought is an international grand master chess player.
2.      Sphinx can recognize continuous speech without training for each speaker. It operates in near real time using a vocabulary of 1000 words and has 94% word

3 Mention the Principles of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Answer: Principles of Artificial Intelligence
The First Principle: Bounded Rationality Implies Opportunistic Search
This is the fundamental result of Simon’s research on decision making in organizations, leading to the Nobel Prize. It says that “computational constraints on human thinking” leads people

4 Explain the knowledge base and reasoning in Expert system.

Answer: Knowledge base
The knowledge base of expert systems contains both factual and heuristic knowledge. Factual knowledge is that knowledge of the task domain that is widely shared, typically found in textbooks or journals, and commonly agreed upon by those knowledgeable in the particular field. Heuristic knowledge is the less rigorous, more experiential, more judgmental

5 What are all the possible properties that a robot must adhere?

Answer: While there is no single correct definition of "robot", a typical robot will have several or possibly all of the following properties.
·         It is artificially created.
·         It can sense its

6 Explain briefly different advances in AI.

Answer: Advances in Artificial Intelligence
It is fortunate that AI has several areas in which there has been sustained research over the past twenty to thirty years. These areas are chess, natural language, speech, vision, robotics and expert systems. Progress in some of these areas by providing a historical perspective are given

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bt9302 smu bsc it summer 2017 (oct/nov 2017 exam) VIth sem assignment

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BT9302, Human Computer Interface
Qus:1 What is the importance of good user interface design?
Answer: A user interface is the system by which people (users) interact with a machine. The user interface includes hardware (physical) and software (logical) components. User interfaces exist for various systems, and provide a means of: Input, allowing the users to manipulate a system, and/or and provide output, allowing the system to indicate the effects of the users' manipulation.
Generally, the goal of

Qus:2 Explain the benefits of good user interface design.
Answer: A user interface is the system by which people (users) interact with a machine. The user interface includes hardware (physical) and software (logical) components. User interfaces exist for various systems, and provide a means of: Input, allowing the users to manipulate a system, and/or and provide output, allowing the system to indicate the effects of the users' manipulation.
Generally, the goal

Qus:3 Mention the supporting functions for graphical user interface.
Answer: Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) have become the user interface of choice. Yet despite the GUI's popularity, surprisingly few programs exhibit good interface design. Moreover, finding

Qus:4 What are the features direct manipulation interface provides?
Answer: There are three commonly recognized user interfaces in use today. The Graphical User Interface, which is possibly the most familiar to most users; the Voice User Interface, one that is rapidly being deployed in many aspects of business; and the Multi-Modal Interface, a relatively new area of research that combines several methods of user input into a system

Qus:5 Write short notes on layout of controls.
Answer: Poorly laid out dialog boxes cause confusion and distract users from completing their tasks. Organisation is thus critical to maximizing usability. There are four general categories of control: Imperative, Selection, Entry, and Display.
1) Imperative controls:
Imperative controls are those that command an immediate action. A click of a button executes an associated action. There are two types of imperative controls: command buttons and icon buttons

Qus:6 Mention the advantages and disadvantages of graphical system.
Answer: Advantages:
The following lines list the advantages of Graphical Systems:
1. Reduce the memory requirements.
2. Reduce system learning requirements Symbols recognized faster than text
3. Faster learning
4. Faster use and

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