Wednesday, 25 October 2017

bba205 smu bba summer 2017 (oct/nov 2017 exam) IInd sem assignment

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Qus:1 What are the different operating elements of Management Information System (MIS)?
Operational Elements of MIS                      10
Answer: The structure of the management information system is comprised of four related classifications which are as shown in figure 2.5. The four classifications are:
o Operational elements
o Decision

Qus:2 Write a brief note on
a) Knowledge Based System (KBS)
b) Executive Information System (EIS)
c) Decision Support System (DSS)
d) Business Process System (BPS)
a. Knowledge Based System (KBS)                                     2.5
b. Executive Information System (EIS)                               2.5
c. Decision Support System (DSS)                                       2.5
d. Business Process System (BPS)                                        2.5
Answer: Knowledge Based System (KBS)
KBS are the systems based on knowledge base. Knowledge base is the database maintained for knowledge management which provides the means for data collections, organization and retrieval of knowledge

Qus:3Prototype approach and Life Cycle approach are the two major approaches for developing the MIS. Explain them in detail and compare.
a. Prototyping Approach                                          4
b. Life Cycle Approach                                            4
c. Comparison between Prototyping and Lifecycle approaches               2
Answer: Prototype Approach
When the system is complex, the development strategy is Prototyping of the System. Prototyping is a process of progressively ascertaining the information needs, developing methodology,

Qus:4 What is E-commerce? What are the different E-Commerce process models?
a. E-Commerce                      2
b. E-Commerce Process Models                  8
Answer: E-commerce
e-commerce is a second big application next to ERP. It essentially deals with buying and selling of goods. With the advent of internet and web technology, e-commerce today covers an entire

Qus:5Explain the concepts
a) Decision Support System
b) Artificial Intelligence, and
c) Neural Networks
a. Decision Support System                          4
b. Artificial Intelligence                                3         
c. Neural Networks                                       3
Answer: Decision Support Systems
DSS is an interactive, flexible computer based information system. It uses rules and models for processing data to support various managerial levels, ranging from top executives to mangers, in their

Qus:6What are the different security hazards to MIS? How to overcome these
a. Security Hazards                                                               4
b. Security techniques to overcome the hazards                             6
Answer: Security Hazards
Security of the information system can be broken because of the following reasons:
i)                    Malfunctions: In this type of security hazard, all the components of a system are involved. People, software and hardware errors cause the biggest problems. More dangerous are the problems

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