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smu mba IVth sem MF Winter 2017 (April/may 2018 exam)

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DRIVE Winter 2017
PROGRAM Master of Business Administration- MBA

1 Explain Globalization, Advantages of Globalization and Disadvantages of Globalization.
Explanation of globalization
Advantages of Globalization
Disadvantages of Globalization

Answer: Globalization can be defined as the process of international integration that arises due to increasing human connectivity as well as the interchange of products, ideas and other aspects of culture. It includes the spread and connectedness of communication, technologies and production across the world and

2 In foreign exchange market many types of transactions take place. Discuss the meaning and role of forward, future and options market.
Forward market

Answer: Forward Market
In the forward market, contracts are made to buy and sell currencies for future delivery, say, after a fortnight, one month, two months and so on. The rate of exchange for the transaction is agreed upon on the

3 Explain Swap, its features and types of Swap.
Explanation of Swap
Explanation on features of swap
Types of swap

Answer:  Swap is an agreement between two or more parties to exchange sets of cash flows over a period in future. The parties that agree to swap are known as counter parties. It is a combination of a purchase with a

4 Explain in detail the types of exposure and measuring economic exposure
Explanation on types of exposure
Explanation on measuring economic exposure

Answer: Types of exposure
Economic Exposure
The potential changes in all future cash flows of a firm resulting from unanticipated changes in the exchange rates are referred to as economic exposure. The monetary assets and liabilities, in addition to the future cash flows, get influenced by the changes in foreign exchange rates. Of

5 Elaborate on the tools of foreign exchange risk management and techniques of exposure management.
Explanation of the tools of foreign exchange risk management
Explanation on the techniques of exposure management

Answer: Tools of Foreign Exchange Risk Management
Forward contracts: A forward contract is a non-standardized contract that takes place between two parties for the purpose of selling or buying an asset at a specified future time at a price that has already been agreed. The party who buys the underlying position assumes a long position

6 Write short note on:
a. Adjusted present value model (APV model)
b. Economic and political risk

Answer: Adjusted Present Value Model
Debt has an advantage over equity since the interest paid on debt is almost always deductible from income while calculating corporate taxes, which is not the case for dividends on equity. So, the post cost of debt is less than the pretax cost of debt. Debt creates additional value for a project. How is

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Winter 2017


Qus:1 Give the meaning of treasury management. Explain the need for specialized handling of treasury and benefits of treasury.
·         Explanation of treasury management
·         Explanation of need for specialized handling of treasury
·         Explanation of benefits of treasury
Explanation of treasury management:
Treasury management is the planning, organising and control of funds required by a corporate entity. Funds come in several forms: cash, bonds, currencies, financial derivatives like futures and options etc. Treasury management covers all these and the intricacies of choosing the right mix. According to

Qus:2 Explain foreign exchange  market.  Write about all the types of foreign exchange markets. Explain the participants in foreign exchange markets.

·         Explanation of foreign exchange markets
·         Explanation of types of foreign exchange markets
·         Explanation of participants in foreign exchange markets


Explanation of foreign exchange markets:

Foreign Exchange market (forex market) deals with purchase and sale of foreign currencies. The bulk of the market is “over the counter” (OTC) i.e. not through an exchange which is well regulated. International trade and

Qus:3 Write an overview of risk mitigation. Explain the processes of risk containment. Write about the tools available for managing risks.
·         Explanation of risk mitigation
·         Explanation of basic steps in a typical risk containment process
·         Explanation of tools available for managing risks

Explanation of risk mitigation:
Risk mitigation is important that an organisation is not only aware of the risks before it impacts their bottom line, but has well-laid action plans to meet the risks and mitigate its adverse impact. The overall responsibility for

Qus: 4 what is Interest Rate Risk Management (IRRM)? Write the components and features of IRRM. Explain the macro and micro factors affecting interest rate.

·         Explanation of IRRM
·         Explanation of components and features of IRRM
·         Explanation of factors affecting interest rate(Macro and Micro)


Explanation of IRRM:

Interest Rate Risk is the risk
·         to the earnings from an asset portfolio caused by interest rate changes
·         to the economic value of interest-bearing assets because of changes in interest rates
·         to costs of fixed-rate debt securities from falling bank rates
·         to

Qus: 5 explain the contents of working capital. Write down the need for working capital.

·         Explanation of contents of working capital
·         Explanation of need for working capital


Explanation of contents of working capital:

Working capital is the money invested in the working assets of a firm. Working capital comprises the working assets of a firm.
·         A trading business for instance may have to purchase and store products to be sold, paying for

Qus: 6 explain the concepts and benefits of integrated treasury. Explain the advantages and
Disadvantages of operating treasury.

·         Explanation of concepts and benefits of integrated treasury
·         Explanation of advantages and disadvantages of operating treasury


Explanation of concepts and benefits of integrated treasury:

The concept of integrated treasury works on the principle that Treasury canes a single unifying force of a company’s activities in the money market, capital market and fore market; and can help the company derive synergy. Synergy is a powerful advantage in business because it brings together two or more activity domains and

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Master of Business Administration - MBA
Merchant Banking and financial Services
Qus:1 Write short notes on Merchant Banking and Book Building.
Answer: Merchant banking was initiated and grew in Europe. It was enhanced by American patronage by offering services to both banking and non-banking institutions.
Merchant banks are a kind of diversification of banking services and were originally the real form of banks. The ancient practice of merchant banking was associated with financing the long trading journeys of

Qus:2 What do you mean by Underwriting? What are the various code of conduct laid
down for an underwriter?
Answer: Underwriting is an agreement, entered into by a company with a financial agency or agencies, to ensure that the public will subscribe for the entire issue of shares or debentures made by the company. The financial agency is known as the underwriter and it agrees to buy that part of the company issues which are not subscribed to by the public in consideration of a specified underwriting commission. The underwriting agreement, among others, must provide for the period during which the

Qus:3 What are the various Fund-based financial services provided by banks, financial institutions and merchant bankers?
Answer: Financial services are of several kinds. Some are specialized in nature to suit the specific needs of companies and individuals. Financial services provided by banks, financial institutions and merchant

Qus:4 What do you mean by Leasing? What are the essentials of a Leasing Contract?
Answer: Lease is basically a contractual agreement between a renter and an owner. For example, the landlord and the tenant. Leasing can be defined as a deal by which one can get the use and control over an asset without buying the asset. So, by this arrangement, one can use the asset without

Qus:5 What are the main factors that are analyzed by the credit rating agencies while assessing various financial instruments?
Answer: The Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) can play a decisive role in rating the risk factor involved in various financial products, the corporate sector and the sovereign issuers. It can assist both individual and institutional investors to determine the desired level of return for a
An issuer default rating or corporate rating (different rating agencies use different terminology) is

Qus:6 What do you mean by Factoring? What are the main features of Factoring?
Answer: Factoring can be defined as a specialized service provided by financial institutions in which they buy (through an agreement) receivables from the seller of services/ goods and manage the seller’s receivables. Here the specialized institution is called ‘factor’. The word ‘factoring’ has different meanings in different countries as there are no common definitions on this subject. However, study Get fully solved assignment. Buy online from website
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DRIVE winter 2017

Ques 1. Explain the benefits of reinsurance. Elaborate on the application of reinsurance.
Benefits of reinsurance
Application of reinsurance

Answer: Benefits of Reinsurance
(i) Increase in risk-taking capacity
As the direct insurer can reinsure part of certain risks, it can therefore accept more of the original risk. It could be that a particu-lar insurer has calculated that it would not want to provide fire insurance cover for manufacturers of plastic

Ques2 To assess some cases, the underwriter needs more additional information; it can be procured from various sources. Explain them.
Answer To assess some cases, the underwriter needs more additional information. The additional information required could be as small as the response to a single question that was left blank on the application or as extensive as the results of a complete medical examination. Additional information could be procured from various
sources, some of which

Ques 3. An organization is a legal entity which is created to do some activity of some purpose. There are elements of a life insurance organization. Explain the elements of life insurance organization.
[Important activities-2
Internal organization-3
Distribution system-2
Functions of the agent-3]

Answer: Important activities
         Procuring applications or proposals from prospective buyers of life insurance.
         Scrutinizing and making decisions on the proposals for insurance. This is called underwriting.

Ques 4. Business organizations and individuals take insurance policies. These insurance policies help them to cover the losses in case of any emergency. Explain how insurance works, the need for insurance and some examples.
Answer  How insurance works
An agreement wherein a stipulated payment called a premium is paid by one party to another upon a specific loss is called an insurance. This claim payment amount can be either fixed or can be reimbursed in part. Premiums paid by the policyholder may reflect any special characteristics of the particular policy. Thus, insurances covers the financial losses of the policyholder. Thus, the policyholder transfers his

Ques5  Explain the term ‘Agent’, ‘Criteria for appointment of an Agent’ and ‘functions of an Agent’.
Answer To avail a license, an agent must meet the following conditions:
• He/she must be not less than 18 years of age.
• Should have passed
(i)                 Senior secondary or comparable examination, if he is going to be appointed at a location possessing

Ques 6. Explain the marketing mix (7 P’s) for insurance companies

Answer: Marketing Mix (7 P’s) for Insurance Companies
Marketing for insurance companies implies marketing insurance services with the objective to create a customer base and make profit by the means of customer satisfaction. This emphasizes on forming an appropriate marketing mix for insurance business for the insurance organization to sustain in the

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