Monday, 14 May 2018

smu mba 4th sem HR old assignment Spring 2018 (july/aug 2018 exam)

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Program MBA
Semester 4
Subject code & name MU0015- COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS

1. (i) What is meant by “compensation management”?
(ii) Organisations design out the employee compensation packages based on some ‘compensation’ and ‘non-compensation’ dimensions. Describe in brief the ‘compensation’ dimensions.
[(i) Meaning of compensation management- 2
(ii) Description of compensation’ dimensions- 8]

Answer: i) Compensation management is a process of determining cost-effective pay structure designed to attract and retain the employees, provide an incentive to work hard and structured to ensure that pay levels are perceived as fair. The components of a compensation management system of

2. Explain the concept of Wage?
List down the pre-requisites of effective Incentive schemes?
[Explain wage concept
Pre-requisites of effective Incentive schemes]

Answer: Wage Concept
Wages in its broadest sense implies any kind of economic compensation received by the employee from the employer under the contract of employment whereby the employee renders some services to the employer. The term wage is used to define different concepts like wage rate, gross

3. What do you understand by VRS (Voluntary Retirement Scheme? Also list down reasons, merits and demerits of VRS?
Concept of VRS
Reason for adopting VRS by organization, Merits and demerits of VRS

Answer: Concept of Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS)
Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) is the most common method which is used by organisations to reduce excess manpower. It helps the employer not only to compete and survive in this current business scenario but also improve his/her performance. This scheme also

4. Discuss the Organizational and External Factors Affecting Compensation strategies?
Organizational and External Factors Affecting Compensation strategies

Answer: Organisational and External Factors Affecting Compensation Strategies
1.      Individual factors: Organisations while designing compensation strategy consider employees’ concern about compensation worth. In designing the compensation strategy individual skill, knowledge, expertise, attitude, sex, work environment and experience play an important role in fixing the level of the job. The personality of an

5. Explain the elements of Managerial remuneration?
Elucidate some of the economic determinants of pay?
Elements of Managerial remuneration
Economic determinants of pay

Answer: Elements of managerial remuneration
1.      Base salaries: It is the first element of the managerial remuneration which is analysed with the help of Job Evaluation and also serves as incentives also. While evaluating the salary, Job Evaluation is just a part of it. An executive is compensated on the basis of his competencies and also the performance of his/her work. CEO’s base salary is determined with the help of

6. Who are ‘Expatriates’? What are the objectives of ‘Expatriate compensation’? Differentiate between Financial (extrinsic) compensation and Non-financial (intrinsic) compensation.
[Meaning of expatriates- 2
Objectives of expatriate compensation- 3
Difference between Financial compensation & Non-financial compensation- 5]

Answer: Meaning of expatriates
The demand for expatriate talents has increased as a result of rapid growth of international

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DRIVE-Spring 2018
Sem- IV

Q1. Explain the aims and purpose of “Performance management’’? 10
Aims of Performance Management
Purpose of Performance Management

Aims of Performance Management

The major objectives of performance management are discussed below:

·         To enable the employees towards achievement of superior standards of work performance.
·         To help the employees in identifying the knowledge and skills required for performing the job efficiently as

Q2. Define performance appraisal. What are the dimensions of performance appraisal? Describe the characteristics of performance appraisal. (Definition of performance appraisal, Dimensions of performance appraisal, Characteristics of performance appraisal) 2, 3, 5


Performance appraisal is also known as performance evaluation or performance review. It is the most crucial phase of the performance management process. Performance appraisal is a necessary management technique, wherein the employee and their manager mutually discuss and evaluate the employee‟s performance for the past year. Performance appraisal helps to have written records of the employee‟s performance to

Q3. Explain 5 traditional and 5 modern methods of performance appraisal. 10
Traditional and modern methods of performance appraisal
Traditional Methods
From the name itself, one can identify that these are the methods that are most commonly used. The traditional methods of performance appraisal
·         Essay appraisal method.
·         Straight ranking method.
·         Paired comparison method.
·         Critical incidents method.
·         Field

Q4. What is performance feedback? List any 3 important principles of feedback? Explain some of the pitfalls of performance feedback?
·         Meaning of performance feedback
·         Three important principles of performance feedback
·         Pitfalls of performance feedback

Performance feedback is, generally, in the form of an annual evaluation, that is, performance reviews are scheduled annually, in which your performance is measured against pre-established criteria. This type of an appraisal review offers both the parties – the giver and the receiver, an opportunity for a formal, documented communication. Feedback serves as a cornerstone to help employees to improve their performance in

Q5. What is meant by “360 Degree feedback”? Explain its purpose. What are the advantages and disadvantages of 360 degree feedback? (Meaning of 360 degree feedback, Purpose of 360 degree feedback, Advantages of 360 degree feedback, Disadvantages of 360 degree feedback) 2, 4, 2, 2
360-Degree feedback
In this system of feedback, an individual receives feedback from almost all the people who work around them. Feedback is provided from different directions which include peers, subordinates, supervisors, and even the individual themselves. The objective of this is to give the individual personal feedback from a variety of perspectives, so as to provide the individual a more complete understanding of how others perceive them. 360-

Q6 Write a brief note on Ethics in performance management. (Importance of ethics in PM, Concept of PM as related to ethical aspects, Role of ethics in PM) 3, 4, 3
A performance appraisal feedback which helps the individual to recognise objectives that are closely linked with that of the organisation's, moulds the individual to perform at a higher level and the organisation is less likely to lose a valuable employee. The objective of the performance appraisal feedback is to develop the individual and not to threaten their self-esteem. Hence, treatment of people is the most fundamental ethical issue. Thus,

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DRIVE                                               Spring 2018
PROGRAM                                       Master of Business Administration- MBA
SEMESTER                                      Semester 4
CREDIT & MARKS                                    4 Credits, 60 marks
Note – Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Ques 1 What are competency characteristics? Describe some of them.
Ans A competency is a reliably measurable, relatively stable and enduring characteristic of a person, team or an organisation that causes and statistically predicts a criterion level of

Ques 2  Define Talent Management. Discuss the Talent management Approaches.
Definition of Talent Management
Talent management is defined as a conscious and systematic approach taken up to attract, identify, develop and retain productive and engaged employees with aptitude and abilities to meet current and future organisational needs by fulfilling the business/operation critical roles. The goal of talent management

Q3. Briefly describe the different Talent Management Processes?
Description of Talent management processes
Key Processes of Talent Management
Organisations are made up of people who in turn create value through proven business processes, innovation, customer service, and many other important activities.
In order to meet its

Ques 4 Explain the key Compensation principles. What do you mean by Total rewards?
Ans There are few key compensation principles. They are:
 Consider the unique characteristics and specific needs of
organisation: The unique characteristics and specific needs of the organisation need to be

Ques 5 Explain the role of IT in Talent Management Systems.
Ans The globalization and advancement in information technology (IT), in which developing countries play a major role, has caused a “war for talent.” To meet challenging growth targets,

Ques 6 Write short notes on:
a)Promoting ethics in workplace
b)Talent Review
Ansa) Promoting ethics in workplace- Ethics is study of values or principles relating to right or wrong behaviour, also known as morality. Ethics is very important for the sustenance of an organization. If the organization and its people practice ethics in their day to day business dealings, it will demonstrate the ethos and values of the organization, which will go a long way in

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DRIVE                                                           Spring 2018
PROGRAM                                                   Master of Business Administration- MBA
SEMESTER                                                  Semester 4
SUBJECT CODE & NAME                       HRM404 – Change Management

Note – Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.

Ques 1 Describe Kotter’s Eight Step Change Model.
Ans Kotter has developed an eight step model for creating change in the organization. Each step acknowledges that there are key principles that are related with the responses of the people and their approach to change, what they look for, understand and then embrace change. Kotter

Ques 2 What are OD interventions? How are they useful to the organizations?
Ans Organization development (OD) is the study of successful organizational change and performance. OD emerged from human relations studies in the 1930s, during which psychologists realized that organizational

Ques3 Discuss the reasons for employees’ resistance to change.
Ans Resistance to change can be in several forms, explicit, implicit, immediate or deferred/delayed. If it is explicit and immediate, the senior management should be prompt in taking steps to remedy the situation. Implicit resistance could cause loss of loyalty, reduced level of motivation, increase in errors and absenteeism, etc. Similarly, delayed resistance creates problems

Ques 4 What do you mean by Organizational Effectiveness? Explain the approaches involved in achieving Organizational Effectiveness
Ans As a wider concept, organizational effectiveness as represented by several perspectives comprises an organization’s fit with its external environment, configuration of its internal subsystems for high
Ques5 What do you mean by Change Agent? Describe the characteristics of successful Change Agents.
Ans Change agents are people who usually have specialized training in organizational behaviour and can help guide and advice the change process. They strive to ‘alter human capability or organizational systems to achieve a higher degree of output or self actualization

Ques 6 Write a brief note on the following:
a)Herzberg’s Motivation Theory
b)Kurt Lewin’s Model of Change
Ansa) Herzberg’s Motivation Theory
Herzberg explains that while the presence of these hygiene factors does not directly enhance employee

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