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mi0033 smu mba fall 2016 IIIrd sem solved assignments

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fall 2016

1. Define the concept of software and software engineering. Briefly explain the objectives of software engineering.

Concept of Software
Concept of Software engineering
Objectives of software engineering

We can define software as a collection of programs that instructs the computer to perform a task. The program software performs its task either by directing/instructing the hardware in the computer or by driving a piece of software. The term hardware is used for all the physical devices of the computer and the term software is used for those devices that cannot be physically felt.

2 With a neat diagram explain the concept of Waterfall model and V-shaped model.
Diagram - Waterfall model
Concept of Waterfall model
Diagram - V-shaped model
Concept of V-shaped model

Answer: Waterfall model
This is perhaps the oldest model of the traditional process models. The basic assumption is that the development of software progresses in a sequential form, analogous to the manner in which water flows down a waterfall. One can move to the next step only when the current step is

3 Briefly explain the different phases of project management process.
List the stages of project management process
Explain all the stages of project management process

Answer: Project Management Process
Initiation phase
The “Initiation Phase” is the first phase of software project management and this is where all the information related to the requirements of a software project is garnered. We have studied about this phase in Unit 4 under “requirements engineering.” This is perhaps the most important phase, as the

4 a. Explain the system architecture
b. Explain System specification review with different segments of system specification review
a. Explaining the four main components of system architecture
b. Explaining the system specification review with different segments of system specification review

Answer: A) The four main components of system architecture are as follows:
·         Processing power The processing power depends on the computer or the server. The correct processor must be selected and installed on to a system. The selection of the
5 What is integration testing? Explain the different methods of integration testing.
Explain integration testing
Explain 4 methods of integration testing

Answer: We can say that the integration testing is the logical extension of unit testing, where we combine two tested units into a component and test the interface between them. Practically, we combine many units into components, which are aggregated into larger parts of the program. The combinations of pieces are tested and finally the process is expanded to test modules with other groups.

6. With a neat diagram explain the five maturity levels of Capability Maturity Model (CMM)

Diagram for the levels of CMM
Explain the five maturity levels of CMM


There are five levels of the CMM:

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