Monday, 9 January 2017

mit4023 smu msc it fall 2016 IVth sem solved assignments

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Master of Science in Information Technology(MSc IT)
MIT4023– Real Time Operating Systems
Qus:1 What is RTOS? What are its requirements?
Answer: A real-time system is one whose correctness involves both the logical correctness of outputs and their timeliness. An embedded system is a specific real-time computer system. Earlier embedded systems were designed for specialized applications but now reconfigurable and programmable embedded systems are used. Some examples of embedded systems are: the microprocessor

Qus:2 a) State RISC characteristics.
b) Why memory protection is necessary?
Answer: a) State RISC characteristics.
A real time system is often implemented on custom hardware that isspecifically designed and developed for the purpose. For example a cell phone does not use traditional microprocessors. Cell phones use processors which are tiny, supporting only those processing capabilities that are really for cell phone operation and specifically designed to be power

Qus:3 Briefly describe the followings:
(a) DROL
(b) RTC++
(c) FLEX
(a) DROL
DROL is an object-oriented language which extends the general purpose Language C++ for distributed real-time applications. DROL is based on the idea of distributed real-time objects which have asynchronous message passing. A distributed real-time object has the properties of best effort and least suffering. Best effort is defined as a scheduling policy in which two

Qus:4 Describe the basic design principles in ROTS environment.
Answer: An embedded system with a single CPU can run only one process at an instance. The process may be either an ISR, kernel function or a task. An RTOS use in embedded system provides the following.
1. The user threads to run in kernel space(to execute fast).
2. Effective handling of ISRs, device drivers, tasks or threads and enabling and disabling of

Qus:5 Describe the following disk scheduling algorithms:
(a) Elevator algorithm
(b) D-SCAN and FD-SCAN algorithm
Answer: (a) Elevator algorithm
Classical disk scheduling schemes attempt to minimize the average seek distance. For example, in the elevator algorithm, the disk head is in either an inward-seeking phase or an outward-seeking phase. While seeking inward, it services any requests it passes until there are no

Qus:6 Explain Cryptography. Describe the components of Cryptography with a neat labeled diagram.
Answer: Cryptography, a word with Greek origins, means “Secret Writing”. However, we use the term to refer to the science and art of transforming messages to make them secure and immune to attacks.
The original

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