Monday, 27 February 2017

mit401 smu msc it winter 2016 (april/may 2017 exam) IVth sem assignment

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Master of Science in Information Technology (MSc IT)Revised Fall 2011
MIT401– Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Qus:1 (a)Explain the Key Issues during data warehouse construction.
(b) Differentiate between OLTP database and Data Warehouse database.
Answer: Planning for your Data Warehouse begins with a thorough consideration of the key issues. Answers to the key questions are vital for the proper planning and the successful completion of the project. Therefore, let us consider the pertinent issues, one by one.
 Values and Expectations.

Qus:2 Describe the functionalities and advantages of Data Warehouses.
Answer: A Data Warehouse provides a common data model for data, regardless of the data source. This makes it easier to report and analyze information than it would be if multiple data models from disparate sources were used to retrieve information such as sales invoices, order receipts, general ledger charges, etc.

Qus:3 Explain how E-R modeling differs from Dimensional modeling.
Answer: E-R model represents business processes within the enterprise and serves as a blueprint for operational database system(s) whereas Dimensional Model represents subject areas within the enterprise and serves as a blueprint for analytical system(s).
The key

Qus:4 Describe the strategies for data reduction.
Answer: Data reduction techniques can be applied to obtain a reduced representation of the data set that is much smaller in volume, yet closely maintains the integrity of the original data. That is, mining on the reduced data set should be more efficient yet produce the same (or almost the same) analytical results.

Qus:5 Explain K-means method for clustering. Write its advantages and disadvantages.       
Answer: K-means (MacQueen, 1967) is one of the simplest unsupervised learning algorithms that solve the well known clustering problem. The procedure follows a simple and easy way to classify a given data set through a certain number of clusters (assume k clusters) fixed a priori. The main idea

Qus:6 Describe how Data Mining is useful in telecommunications industry?
Answer: The data mining applications in telecommunications industry, and a learning system for decision support in telecommunications case study, knowledge processing in control systems, and aircraft control case study are discussed in this section. A few scenarios where data mining may improve telecommunication services are discussed. The deregulation of the telecommunications

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