Sunday, 10 June 2018

smu mba 3rd sem MK assignment Spring 2018 (july/aug 2018 exam)

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DRIVE Spring 2018



1. Define business research and explain the process of research?
Definition of Research
Explanation of the steps in a research study

Answer: Different scholars have interpreted the term ‘research’ in many ways. For instance, Fred Kerlinger (1986) stated that ‘Scientific research is a systematic, controlled and critical investigation

2 What are descriptive research designs? Explain the different kinds of descriptive research designs.
[Meaning of Descriptive Research designs
Kinds of Descriptive research designs]

Answer: As the name implies, the objective of descriptive research studies is to provide a comprehensive and detailed explanation of the phenomena under study. The intended objective might be to give a detailed sketch or profile of the respondent population being

3 Discuss four types of measurements scales with appropriate examples.

Answer: Types of measurements scales
Nominal scale: This is the lowest level of measurement. Here, numbers are assigned for the purpose of identification of the objects. Any object which is assigned a higher number is in no way


1 Differentiate between the Stratified random sampling and Systematic sampling.
a. stratified random sampling
b. systematic sampling

Answer: Stratified random sampling
Under this sampling design, the entire population (universe) is divided into strata (groups), which are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. By mutually exclusive, it is meant that if an element belongs to one stratum, it cannot belong to any other stratum. Strata are collectively exhaustive if all the elements of various strata put together completely cover all the elements

2 Distinguish between coding closed-ended structured questions and coding open-ended structured questions
Coding Closed-ended
Coding Open-ended

Answer: Coding Closed-ended Structured Questions
The method of coding for structured questions is easier as the response categories are decided in advance. The coding method to be followed for different kinds of questions is discussed

3. Explain the Structure of the Research Report. What are the guidelines for effective report writing?
[Explanation of the Structure of the Research Report-5
Guidelines for effective report writing-5]

Answer: Whatever the type of report, the reporting requires a structured format and by and large, the process is standardized. As stated above, the major difference amongst the types of reports is that all the elements that make a research report would be present only in a detailed technical

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Master of Business Administration- MBA
Semester 3
Mb0051-Legal Aspects of Business

Qus:1 What is fiduciary relationship in a contract of guarantee? Explain the kinds of guarantees.
Answer: A contract of guarantee is not a contract “Uberrimae fidei” (requiring utmost good faith). Nevertheless, the suretyship relation is one of trust and confidence and the validity of the contract depends on the good faith of the creditor. A creditor must disclose all facts which, under the circumstances, the surety would expect not to exist. Hence, where the guarantee is given for good conduct of an employee, the employer’s failure to inform the surety of any breach on the part of employee will discharge the surety. Similarly, where X guarantees

Qus:2 i) Do you think contract with a minor is valid? Narrate with the help of the facts and judgement in the case: Mohori Bibee v. Dharmodas Ghose.
ii) Explain the rules and remedies for discharge of contract by breach
Answer: The law protects minors against their own inexperience and the possible improper designs of those who are experienced. The Contract Act states that only a person who is a major can enter into

Qus:3 i) Narrate the facts and judgement in the case Howell vs. Coupland.
ii) Who is an unpaid seller? What are the rights enjoyed by an unpaid seller under the extant provisions of law?
Answer: Case study: Howell vs. Coupland
In this case, the seller agreed to sell 200 tonnes of potatoes to be grown by him, to the buyer at £2 a ton. Though he had the resources to grow 200 tons, an attack of pestilence killed most of the crop and he was able to deliver only 80 tons. The buyer instituted a suit against the seller for

Qus:4 The Banking Regulation Act, 1949, provides various methods of regulation of the banking business. Elaborate the key areas of regulation.
Answer: Regulation of business
The Banking Regulation Act, 1949, provides various methods of regulation of the banking business. Some of the key areas of regulation are:
 Power to provide directionsSections 21 and 35A of the Act empower the RBI to regulate the business of banks by issuing directions controlling various aspects of banking. Section 21 provides the power to regulate advances of banking companies, while Section 35A provides powers of regulation

Qus:5 Explain the nature and scope of complaints under the Consumer Protection Act?
Answer: To provide simple, speedy and inexpensive redressal of consumer grievances, the Act envisages three-tier quasi-judicial machinery at the district, state and national levels. At the district level, the redressal forum is called as District Forum. The State Government may, if it deems

Qus:6 a) Differentiate between a holder and a holder in due course.
b) Explain the privileges enjoyed by a holder in due course
Answer: According to Section 9 of the Act, a ‘holder in due course’, is any person who for consideration:
 Becomes the possessor of a bearer negotiable instrument or is the payee or endorsee of an order instrument, o

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DRIVE Spring 2018
PROGRAM Master of Business Administration- MBA
MK0010 –Sales, Distribution & Supply Chain Management

1 Briefly discuss the importance of Time and Territory management.
importance of Time management
importance of Territory management

Answer: Importance of Time Management
Some of the tasks that a salesperson would be involved in normally comprise meeting customers, handling complaints, developing customer relationship, booking orders, collecting payments, gathering competitive intelligence, meeting channel partners and completing administrative paperwork. The key to managing time better relates to proper planning of

2 Why relationship marketing is being used in present business scenario?
Use of relationship marketing
Answer: Relationship Marketing
It is a form of marketing which recognizes the long lasting relationships with the customers. It is not limited to advertising and sales promotional messages but much beyond that. Relationship marketing gives emphasis on customer retention and satisfaction rather than a dominant focus on selling part. The term relationship marketing is designed to build up

3 What are the functions of a wholesaler?
functions of a wholesaler 10

Answer: The wholesaler essentially purchases the goods from the producer, stocks them, and redistributes these to the other intermediaries like the retailers who subsequently sell them to the end-users or the customers. This function of the wholesaler enables:

4 Explain the demand management model.
demand management model

Answer: Demand Management Model
In the present highly competitive business environment you need every advantage to succeed. There is a need to add value to the firm’s operations. This can be done through managing demand effectively from the demand side. As a result, an increasing number of companies are focused

5 Briefly describe the different processes involved in the purchase cycle.
processes involved in the purchase cycle 10

Answer: Processes involved in the purchase cycle
1.      Purchasing receives the requisition: Orders are dependent on the manufacturer’s production schedule and the manufacturer, in turn, draws up this schedule on the basis of

6 Write short notes on:
a) Outsourcing Supply Chain Operations
b) Co-Makership

Answer: Outsourcing Supply Chain Operations
Of late, there has been a shift in the concept of procurement to strategic procurement. ‘Sourcing’ and ‘Outsourcing’ are its two components. Sourcing is the procurement of products or services from an external organization. ‘Outsourcing’ involves transfer, or sub-

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Master of Business Administration – MBA
Consumer Behaviour
Qus:1 Define Consumer Behaviour. What are the various Buying Roles in the Individual Consumer Buying Decision Process? What are the various categories of Organisational buyers?
Answer: “Consumer behaviour refers to the actions and decision processes of people who purchase goods and services for personal consumption.”
James F Engel, Roger D Blackwell and Paul W Miniard

Qus:2 What do you mean by Motivational Conflict? Give reasons in support of the statement “motivated behaviour never ends.”
Answer: “Variety is the spice of life.” Hardly anybody is likely to disagree with this saying. For most of us, too much of the same thing over and over again turns out to be unexciting, tasteless

Qus:3 What are the various components of Learning? Explain Classical Conditioning.
Answer: Four components are fundamental to most learning situations.
 Motivation – Motivation is the driving force that impels individuals to action and is based on needs and goals. Motivations function as a spur to learning with needs and goals acting as

Qus:4 Explain various characteristics of culture.
Answer: Culture has the following features:
 Culture is cultivated – Culture is not something that just “exists” and waiting to be discovered. People are responsible for cultivating or nurturing their culture and this process

Qus:5 Explain the Consumer Decision Making process.
Answer: Generally it is believed that decision-making is the cognitive process of selecting a course of action from among multiple alternatives. The most common examples are shopping and deciding what to eat. Decision-making is said to be a psychological construct. It means that

Qus:6 Explain Organisational Buying Behaviour. What are the various factors influencing Organisational Buyer Behaviour?
Answer: Organisational buyers/business markets have characteristics that differ sharply from individual consumers/consumer markets. Fewer Buyers: Buyers in a business market are much fewer as compared to buyers in consumer markets. For e.g., an auto tyre company may depend on big automobile manufacturers for their major sales. However, the tyre company may

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PROGRAM - Masters of Business Administration - MBA

Q1 What is Retail Marketing Environment? Define elements in a Retail Marketing Environment.
       Retail Marketing
       Environment Elements in a Retail Marketing Environment 2+8=10
Retail Marketing Environment:-
Everything that surrounds and impinges on a system can be called as an environment. Systems of many kinds have environments with which they interact. Retail Marketing can also be seen as a system which must respond to

Q2 Define consumer decision behavior. Explain types of decision behavior.
       Consumer Decision Behavior
       Types of Decision Behavior 2.5+7.5= 10
Consumer purchase behaviour involves not only understanding how decisions are made but also understanding the dynamics that influence purchases. Sometimes consumers undertake a complex decision process requiring substantial amounts of time and energy. In situations where consumers are making a decision for the first time, actions must be based on some form of problem solving. When this process is very
Q3 Critically examine types of Store Layout.
       Racetrack form
       Grid form
       Free flow
       Dead block format 2.5+2.5+2.5+2.5+2.5=10
Types of Store Layout:-
Racetrack form
This layout ensures the shoppers start from the point where they enter the stores, flow through the entire store and then get back to where they started from. In lifestyle stores this called forced circulation wherein the

Q.4 What are Private Label Brands? Elaborate growth drivers of Private Label Brands.   
       Private Label Brands
       Growth Drivers of Private Label Brands 3+7=10
A private brand or store brand is a product line owned, controlled, merchandised and sold by a specific retailer in its own stores. Among Indian retailers, Stop, Life and Kashish by Shoppers' Stop, and ETC by Ebony are some examples

Q5. Elaborate Customer Relationship Management Strategies.   
       Special treatment benefits 2.5+2.5+2.5+2.5+2.5=10
Customer Relationship Management Strategies:
1.      Personalisation: The social interaction between service employees and their customers is known as personalisation. It is the way in which employees relate to customers who can be impersonal or personal. Personalisation
Q6 Describe the four stages of International Business.   
       Domestic focus 
       Geocentric  2.5+2.5+2.5+2.5+2.5=10
The four stages of International Business:
1.      Stage one: Domestic focus: In this stage, firms have a strong domestic focus with all activity concentrated in the home market. Whilst many organisations can survive like this, solely domestically oriented

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DRIVE Spring 2018
MK0013-Marketing Research

1 What do you mean by research? State some of its characteristics.

Answer: Meaning of Research
Research is a systematic and intensive study undertaken to:
·         Address the fundamental questions or
·         Find a solution to the existing problems.
It is an art of scientific investigation. It is also a systematic design collection analysis and

2 Write a short note on the criteria of choosing a good research design.
Explanation (2 marks for each criteria)

Answer: The criteria of a good research design are:
·         Feasibility: Designs should be implemented in a correct form. The duration and sequence of events should be designed in a proper way. Problems should be anticipated in measurement, adherence to assignment and database construction. Additional

3 Explain comparative scales and its types.
Explanation of the meaning
Explanation of types

Answer: In comparative scaling, the respondent is asked to compare one brand or product against another. Comparative scaling techniques help in direct comparison between stimulus objects. One of

4 Explain various types of probability sampling techniques with suitable examples.

Answer: Classification of Probability Sampling Techniques

5 Analyse the steps involved in hypothesis testing.

Answer: Steps Involved in Hypothesis Testing
1. Setting-up of hypothesis: The first step is to set up the decision making process. This involves specifying the null hypothesis (H0) and the alternative hypothesis (H).
2. Selecting a significance level: A criterion used for rejecting the null hypothesis is the

6 Write short notes on:
a) Media planning
b) Copy Testing

Answer: Media Planning
Media planning is quite essential in establishing the best way to disperse advertisers’ message across to the consumer market through various media channels. In short, the main goal of the media plan is to find such combination of media resources, which facilitate the marketer to communicate their message effectively to the majority of potential clients or customers, at the

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