Sunday, 10 June 2018

smu mba 4th sem MK old assignment Spring 2018 (july/aug 2018 exam)

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DRIVE Spring 2018
PROGRAM Master of Business Administration- MBA
MK0015 –Services Marketing and Customer Relationship

1 Discuss the issues that need to be addressed by a firm before it sets out targeting goals.
Targeting goals

Answer: Customers form the most integral part of service production as well as marketing. The service process is begun by identifying and then targeting the right customers. It is important for every firm to specify the target group before launching a service product. A huge marketplace holds a variety of customers with different preferences, needs and expectations. It is important to zero down on the ‘right’ segment of customers. While formulating a

2 Briefly discuss Service Marketing Mix with suitable examples.
Service Marketing Mix
Answer: Marketing mix conveys the positioning of a service or a product. In cases of services all the 4Ps are very flexible, i.e., many number of combinations of the 4Ps are possible to arrive

3 Describe the Howard Sheth model of customer Behaviour.
Howard Sheth model

Answer: Making a service purchase decision is seldom a solitary enterprise, that is to say, many people are involved in the decision-making process. For this purpose, key players need to be identified so that a specific service format can be developed. Additionally, it is task of service managers to see to it that some degree of equilibrium is maintained between people’s needs and promotional messages. Sometimes, buyers of any given service do not exercise complete rationality

4 Briefly discuss impact & importance of IT for Education & Banking sector?
IT in the Education sector
IT in the Banking sector

Answer: Education
Information technology has the potential to enhance and complement traditional teaching methods by providing additional tools to a teacher to display and explain ideas to their students and providing students with innovative but practical learning tools to help study. For a teacher the presentation of study material can be enhanced through multimedia presentations

5 Describe the nature of service marketing.
Nature of service marketing

Answer: Service marketing is marketing based on relationship and value. It may be used to market a service or a product that is defined under service activities discussed earlier. Marketing a service-based business is different from marketing a goods based business. For one, it is not easy to put a price to the service. Also, service firms are organized in a different manner in terms of structure. Determining costs becomes even more difficult in the non-profit sector wherein

6 Write short notes on:
a) e-CRM
b) Customer Life Cycle

Answer: a) The basic idea of e-CRM comes from e-commerce. Essentially, e-CRM differs from CRM in terms of the technology and the syntactical nature of interface with customers. Typically an e-CRM would provide customers with a self-service browser based window on which they may

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Spring 2018
MK0016/ML0016- Advertising Management and Sales

Q.1: Briefly discuss the Consumer Protection Act and also elucidate its strengths and weaknesses.
Explanation of the concepts
Strengths and Weakness

Explanation of the concepts:
The concern about malpractices in market transactions, intended or otherwise, is so great, especially in case of rural consumer who wants to enjoy all the modern luxuries, has the money for it, but cannot really

Q.2: Elaborate in detail factors that are affecting marketing and advertisement.
Factors that affecting marketing and Advertisement

Factors that affecting marketing and Advertisement:
There are some factors which deeply influence advertising thinking in India and which are entirely different from the last century and perhaps other developing countries. These should be monitored constantly, even when one is not directly dealing with these products or segments, because the whole economy is an

Q.3: Explain the theories of Advertising in detail.
Explain the theories of Advertising in detail.

Explain the theories of Advertising in detail:
Every day people are exposed to thousands of selling messages, not necessarily through advertising. Each is trying to sell something the target may or may not want. All this horrific competition for the target’s mind space has only one objective – to persuade the target to buy its own brand. Since very rarely a whole

Q.4: What are the various factors that are influencing in setting of budget?
Various factors influencing budget setting

Various factors influencing budget setting
Historical method: Some companies, due to intellectual laziness, lack of enterprise or sheer complacency, may not wish to go deep into how the advertising budget works, or may be turned off by the sheer complexity of the procedure. They keep spending what they always did, year after or year, merely inflation adjusted, with similar indifference to the budget allocation to different media and all that it involves. This is suicidal, considering how threateningly competitive the

Q.5: What are the various media that may be used for direct marketing? What are their pros and cons?
Explanation of concepts
Pros and Cons

Explanation of concepts:
Direct mail however remains one of the most inexpensive and heavily used media for direct marketing. In spite of the rise in postal charges, it remains the favoured tool due to its ability for personalization of mail, flexibility and testability. It allows businesses to target individuals with known credit

Q.6: Write a short note on a. Advertising in marketing mix b. Positioning.
Role of advertising in marketing mix

Role of advertising in marketing mix:
Marketing has been defined by various experts to cover all activities from product conception to the last step when it reaches the consumer. An exhaustive list includes:
–Product, Price, Promotion, Price ( 4

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Qus.1 Discuss the history of e-marketing. What are the benefits of e-marketing?
           History of e-marketing.             5
           Benefits of e-marketing.           5
History of e-Marketing
E-Marketing1 can be defined as 'Achieving marketing objectives through use of electronic communications technology'. It can be described as an act of trying to achieve marketing objectives through electronic or digital means. It can also be called as Electronic Marketing. Internet is used for most e-Marketing2 campaigns, such as e-Newsletters and e-mails. The marketing of products or services over the Internet can be

Qus.2 What is an e-storefront? Explain its importance in an e-business.
           e-storefront.                                                              5
           Importance of e-storefront in an e-business.        5
An electronic storefront is an e-commerce solution for merchants who want to host a website that advertises their products or services and for which consumer transactions are generated online. Various software applications are available to merchants, which range from electronic shopping carts to secure payment gateway

Qus.3 Explain why situational analysis is important while formulating an e-marketing plan.
           Importance of situational analysis while formulating an e-marketing plan.     10
This is the first step of the traditional seven-step marketing plan. Some of the following items will apply more or less to various companies, industries, and brands. Conducting an environmental scan is an important step in any marketing plan, e-business or otherwise. It helps to set the context within which to plan

Qus.4 Explain the advertising media commonly used by businesses to implement their e-marketing    plans.
Advertising media commonly used by businesses to implement their e-marketing plans.     10
There are many different types of advertising media that marketing managers can choose from in order to create a successful marketing strategy. This lesson covers some of those options, including printed media, television and outdoor

Qus.5 What are the word-of-mouth marketing techniques?      10
Word-of-mouth can be an effective way of gaining new clients without investing too much in new marketing programs. According to the Word of Mouth Marketing Association, word-

Qus.6 Define patent & trade secrets in Digital Property. Differentiate between patents and trade secrets.
        Patent in Digital Property                                             3
       Trade secrets in Digital Property.                                 3
        Difference between patents and trade secrets.             4
Patent in Digital Property                                            
Creativity and invention are highly valued within the United States as reflected by patent laws dating back to 1790, with mention of intellectual property even included in the

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DRIVE Spring 2018
MK0018– International Marketing

1 Differentiate between GATT and WTO

Answer: GATT is a multilateral treaty among the member countries that lays down certain agreed rules for conducting international trade. The member countries contribute together to four-fifth of the total world trade. It is interesting to note that underdeveloped countries form a sizable majority in GATT. The basic aim of GATT is to liberalise world trade negotiations among members countries and, for the last forty seven years, it has been concerned with negotiations on the reduction, even the elimination of trade barriers – tariff and non-tariff – between countries and improving trade

2 Write short notes on the following:
A. International franchising
B. International contract manufacturing

Answer: a) Franchising is basically a specialized form of licensing in which the franchiser not only sells intangible property to the franchisee, but also insists that the franchisee agree to abide by strict rules as how it does business. The franchiser will also often assist the franchisee to run the business on an ongoing

3 What are the stages in which international markets are screened and analysed?
4 Stages

Answer: Step One – Country Identification
The World is your oyster. You can choose any country to go into. So you conduct country identification – which means that you undertake a general overview of potential new markets. There might be a simple match – for example two countries might share a similar heritage e.g. the United Kingdom and Australia, a similar language e.g. the United States and Australia, or even a simi

4 What is counter-trade? Describe the various types of counter-trade.
Explanation of the concepts

Answer: Counter trade constitutes an estimated 5-30 percent of total world trade. Counter-trade greatly proliferated in the 80s. Counter-trade is one of the oldest forms of trade in the government mandate to pay for goods and services with something other than cash. It is a practice that requires a seller as a condition of sale to commit contractually to reciprocate and undertake

5 Discuss the role of sales promotion and personal selling in international marketing.
Sales promotion
Personal Selling

Answer: Sales promotion is one of the most important aspects of marketing. Selling is as important as producing. Every manufacturer has to sell his product in the market – domestic or international. Selling products in the international market is more difficult than selling them in the domestic market. The producer and the exporter cannot sell a bundle of physical attributes known as product but it is the business of selling satisfaction to their customers. This is particularly important in consumer goods. Thus, modern marketing requires not only designing the right product, right price and distribute effectively but also involves the task of designing and

6 Write short notes on the following:
a. Bill of Exchange
b. Packing list
c. Air way bill
d. Certificate of origin
e. Consular invoice

Answer: a) When a draft bill is drawn on a foreign firm, it is termed as a foreign draft or bill of exchange. It is prepared either in an international currency or Indian rupee depending on the terms of contract. Accordingly, the bill is known by the name of currency in which it is drawn. For

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