Thursday, 5 July 2018

smu bba 3rd sem assignment Spring 2018 (july/aug 2018 exam)

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Spring 2018
Bachelors of Business Administration - MBA
Legal and Regulatory Framework

Set 1
1- Describe the Essentials of a Contract in detail
Essentials of a Contract

Answer: Following are the essentials of a valid contract:
1. Proper offer and acceptance
·         Offer or proposal When one person offers to willingly do or not to do something in order to get the assent of the other person to do or not to do something in return, he is making

2- According to the Sale of Goods Act, what are the Rights and Duties of Buyers?
Rights of Buyers
Duties of Buyer

Answer: According to the Sale of Goods Act, the buyer has the following rights:
i)                   Right to have delivery as per contract (Sec. 31 and 32). The first right of the buyer is to have delivery of the goods as per the terms of the contract of sale.
ii)                Right to reject

3- What are the important Features of Partnership?
Features of Partnership

Answer: Features of Partnership
1.       Existence of business: The objective of partnership must be to do some type of business. Business

Set 2

1- Describe the structure & objectives of The Central Consumer Protection Council
Structure of The Central Consumer Protection Council
Objectives of The Central Consumer Protection Council

Answer: The CPA provides for the establishment of the Central Consumer Protection Council (hereinafter referred to as the Central Council). The Central Government has notified in the Consumer Protection

2- Define Salient Features of Competition Act
Salient Features of Competition Act

Answer: Competition is essential for innovation, strong and effective markets, consumer interest and higher productivity in the economy. Trade and competition laws are interrelated as both have the common objective of achieving economic efficiency by improving business environment. This can

3- Discuss salient features of Trade Mark Act, 1999
Salient features of Trade Mark Act, 1999

Answer: Salient features of Trade Mark Act, 1999
1.       Multi class applications are allowed in India. However, statutory filing fees will be applicable for each class.
2.       Classification of goods and services is

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Spring 2018
Bachelor of Business Administration- BBA
Semester 3

Set 1

Q1. Define Human Resource Management. Explain the features & Objectives of Human Resource Management.
Definition of Human Resource Management
Explaining the features & objectives of Human Resource Management

Answer: Human Resource Management (HRM) is a process of bringing people and organisations together so that the goals of each are met. It is the art of procuring, developing, and maintaining competent

Q2. What do you mean by Personnel Management? List and explain the differences between Personnel Management and HRM.

Answer: Definition
According to the Institute of Personnel Management of India Personnel Management is “that part of management function which is primarily concerned with the human relationships within an

Q3. Explain the process of Selection.
Explaining the selection process in detail

Answer: Selection Process
i.                     Reception: Every organisation wants to create a favourable impression in order to attract the best candidates to the organisation. Any applicant coming to the organisation is treated well so that they have a

Set 2
Q1. Describe the various strategies to improve Employee Relations

Answer: Strategies to improve Employee Relations
i. Clarity of organisational principles – Every organisation must ensure that their vision and values are well communicated to the employees. The organisational and personal values and principles of the employees must not be in conflict as this will lead to discontent among the employees.

ii.                   Involvement of the team members: Before any decision is made by the manager, he must let the team members be aware of it and at the same time, must encourage them to give their opinions. This also

Q2. Discuss the objectives of Training. Explain the methods of On the Job Training.

Answer: Objectives of Training
i. To prepare the employee for the changing requirements of the job and the organisation.
ii. To impart basic knowledge to the new employees and ensure job specific intelligent performance.
iii.                 To prepare employee

Q3. Write down the objectives & Principles of wage and salary administration.
Explaining the objectives & Principles of wage and salary administration

Answer: The objectives of a comprehensive wage and salary administration plan are:
i. To provide a reasonable and equitable remuneration for all employees.
ii. To attract the best resource

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DRIVE:          Spring 2018
PROGRAM: Bachelor of Business Administration- BBA

Set 1
Q.1: Discuss Deming’s 14 points for management.
Deming’s 14 points (10 Marks)

Deming’s 14 points: 
Another of Deming’s notable contribution was the 14-point methodology. The methodology lists 14 points or principles for establishing quality control within any organization.
  1. Constancy of purpose: Deming emphasised commitment to quality. All organisations must be consistent in their quest to

Q.2: How is the McKinsey 7S model used for carrying out strategic planning and implementation?
McKinsey 7S model – Diagram (4 Marks)
Explanation (6 Marks)

McKinsey 7S model – Diagram: The McKinsey 7S model is a widely discussed framework for viewing the interrelationship of strategy formulation and implementation. The 7S-model was born at a meeting of four authors - Richard Pascale,

Q.3: What is cost of quality? Why is it important to measure? List common costs of poor quality.
Cost of quality (2 Marks)
Why is it important to measure? (4 Marks)
List common costs of poor quality. (4 Marks)

Cost of quality:
Traditionally, cost of quality is defined as the expenditure incurred by the producer to achieve a particular level of quality. It has been modified, and today it is defined as the expenditure incurred by the producer, user, and community to achieve a particular

Set 2

Q.1: What is meant by Quality Audit? What is its purpose?
Quality Audit (2 Marks)
Purpose (8 Marks)

Quality Audit:
Audits refer to systematic investigation of procedures or operations. Audits are generally performed to ensure compliance to confirmed standards, proper implementation of processes as specified in the organizational

Q.2: Write short notes on:
a) Recognition and rewards (5 Marks)
b) Suggestion systems (5 Marks)

Recognition and rewards:
Recognition and Rewards are two effective tools in the hands of managers to motivate employees and encouraging them to maintain and improve their performance in an organisation. Recognition refers to the acknowledgement by the management for the achievements and positive contributions made by the employee or the team that led

Q.3: Discuss about IMC Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality Award.
IMC Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality Award (10 Marks)

IMC Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality Award:
The IMC Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality Awards was instituted in 1996. It was named after Mr. Ramakrishna Bajaj who was a freedom fighter, social worker, philanthropist and a highly successful business industrialist. He

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Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA
Advertising and Sales

Assignment Set -1

Q.1.  Explain Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). Explain the role of IMC in an Organisation.
Explain Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC).    4
Explain the role of IMC in an Organisation.                       6
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)
“IMC is a strategic business process used to develop, execute, and evaluate coordinated, measureable, persuasive brand communications programs over time with customers, prospects, employees, associates, and other targeted relevant internal and external audiences. The goal is to generate both short-term financial returns and build long-

Q.2  What are the various criteria that are considered in the development and implementation of media plans?          10
The following criteria are considered in the development and implementation of media plans:
        Media mix
        Target market coverage
        Geographic allocation decision
        Scheduling decisions
        Reach, Frequency and Gross Rating points

Q.3  What do you mean by Broadcast Media? What are the various advantages of Radio as an advertising medium?
Explain Broadcast Media.                                                                                         4
Explain various advantages of Radio as an advertising medium.                    6
Broadcast Media
The term broadcast was first adopted by early radio engineers from the Midwestern United States, treating broadcast sowing as a metaphor for the dispersal inherent in Omni directional radio signals. Broadcasting is a very large and significant segment of the mass media. Originally, all broadcasting was composed of

Assignment Set -2
Q.1  Define Sales Promotion. What are the various important reasons for the growth of sales promotion?
Definition of Sales Promotion.                                                             2
Explain various reasons for the growth of sales promotion.         8
Sales promotion refers to ‘those marketing activities that stimulate consumer shows and expositions. Purchasing and dealer effectiveness such as displays, demonstration and various non- recurrent selling efforts not in the ordinary routine.” According to A.H.R. Delens: “Sales promotion means any steps that are taken for the purpose of obtaining an increasing sale. Often this term refers specially to selling efforts that are designed

Q.2   Write Short Notes on AIDAS Model and Customer Delight
AIDAS Model             5
Customer Delight       5
AIDAS Model-
The traditional conceptual model for creating any advertising or marketing communication message is the AIDA Model - get Attention, hold Interest, arouse Desire and then obtain Action. AIDA is a simple acronym that was devised

Q.3  What do you mean by Sales force? What are the four basic types of sales organisation structure?
Explain Sales force.                                                                                 3
Explain the four basic types of sales organisation structure.             7
Sales Force is the term used for the division of a business that is responsible for selling products or services. Sales force means persons responsible for selling products or services via direct contact with the customers. Today, most industrial companies rely heavily on a professional sales force to locate

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