Tuesday, 17 July 2018

smu mba 4 sem om old assignment Spring 2018 (july/aug 2018 exam)

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Spring 2018

Q1. Explain Meaning and Types of Maintenance Objectives in Maintenance Management.
 Meaning of Maintenance Objectives
 Types of Maintenance Objectives

Meaning of Maintenance Objectives
It is very important for an organisation to have effective maintenance management in place to keep its machines and equipment under good working conditions. Maintenance management helps organisations to ensure that there are no work stoppages in order to keep an effective and reliable production system. Effective maintenance management helps an organisation to achieve its goals within the stipulated time. Earlier, maintenance activities were performed by operators employed in a production plant. However, with

Q.2: Explain different types of maintenance tasks.
A. Types of maintenance tasks.
Types of maintenance tasks:
As discussed earlier, preventive maintenance aims to retain machines and equipment under good working conditions and avoid failures through early detection. It differs across organisations depending on their plant size and other requirements. However, preventive maintenance is broadly classified into four

Q.3: Explain following Aspects to be Considered for Machine Quality
Conformance to machine specifications
Frequency of machine failures
Conformance to machine specifications:
Machine specifications are the detailed and precise description of what is expected from a machine or equipme

Q.4: What do you mean by Condition Monitoring? Elaborate various Steps Involved in Condition Monitoring Program
A Meaning of Condition Monitoring
Steps Involved in Condition Monitoring Program
Meaning of Condition Monitoring:

Q.5: Write short notes on the following-
a. Zero based budgeting
b. Remote maintenance audit
c. Codification of spare parts
d. Maintenance Benchmarking
a. Zero based budgeting:
It is a method of budgeting in which all expenditures are justified each time a budget is prepared for a new

Q.6: Describe various types of preventive maintenance.
A Types of preventive maintenance
Types of preventive maintenance:
Preventive maintenance aims to retain machines and equipment under good working conditions and avoid failures through

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DRIVE: Spring 2018
BK ID: B2009

Q1. Explain the concept of Quality Awards. How would you assess the performance of applicant organisations for the European Quality Awards?
 Concept of Quality Awards
 European Quality Awards
Quality Awards
Quality awards are awarded for some aspect of quality performance that has been demonstrated to an organisation, which has no responsibility for the recipient's performance.

All quality awards are awarded on the basis of an assessment of the applicant's performance against certain criteria. Some awards measure the result of quality activities (such as customer satisfaction), some assess the

Q.2: Elaborate the concept of International Standards. Also explain the following terms
a. ISO 9001:2008
b. ISO 9004:2009
c. ISO 90003:2004: Software Quality Management
d. ISO 13485:2003: Medical Devices Quality Management
ISO 9001:2008:
The ISO develops standards keeping in mind the requirements of the industry. The ISO’s 9000 series is developed to serve the quality aspects, which also include the eight principles of management systems. The ISO 9001 certification is not provided by the ISO. If an organisation wishes to receive the certification,

Q.3: Explain the concept of culture. Differentiate between authoritarian culture and participative culture.
A Concept of culture
Differentiate between authoritarian culture and participative culture.
Concept of culture:
“Culture is the deeper level of basic assumptions and beliefs that are shared by members of an organisation that operate

Q.4: Explain the steps of continuous quality improvement.
A Steps of continuous quality improvement
Steps of continuous quality improvement:
CQI is a systematic approach and involves a number of steps:
The steps in CQI are explained with examples as follows:
1. Identifying the core outputs, which are mandatory for customer satisfaction. For example, the core outputs of a restaurant can be the taste and the quality of the food and beverages served in the restaurant.

Q.5: Define different aspects of the design and development of a product.
A Different aspect of the design and development of a product
Different aspects of the design and development of a product:
Design involves those activities that are carried to create the appearance, style and touch of a product. Therefore, it includes the architecture of a product, selection of raw materials and processes. On the other hand, the development of a product

Q.6: Write Short notes on following.
a. Knowledge Management
b. Expertise location
c. Communities of Practice (CoPs)
d. Knowledge management strategy e. Knowledge culture
a. Knowledge Management:
Knowledge Management (KM) is a process of identifying, representing, and adapting perceptions and experiences from various dimensions. The following are some of the popular definitions of KM:
According to Karl Erik Sveiby

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Spring 2018

Q.1: Explain Various Functions of Production Planning and Control.
Explain Various Functions of Production Planning and Control.
The main functions of PPC are the coordination of all the activities, which exist during production or manufacturing.

Materials : This function is concerned with ensuring that the Raw material, standard finished parts, finished parts of products

Q.2: Explain the concept of Master Schedule. Also define the Characteristics of the master schedule.
A Concept of Master Schedule
 Characteristics of the master schedule
Concept of Master Schedule:
Master schedule is the presentation of the production schedule at the summary level, depicting various key elements, resulting from the process of master scheduling. In simple words, it can also be said that the master schedule is

Q.3: Define the various steps of VA.
A Various steps of VA

Various steps of VA:
Step 1:Information stageIn the first step, all the relevant information about the material is collected. This information comprises cost, manufacturing methods, performance characteristics, etc. It is not only the first step but also an

Q.4: Write Short notes on
a. Hybrid 1: MRP with lean principles
b. Hybrid 2: Kanban with MRP planning
c. Hybrid 3: MRP for capacity and long lead time
d. Hybrid 4: Pull system with spike control
a. Hybrid 1: MRP with lean principles:
When the demand pattern is very stable and has a radical design change of product, most of the planning and execution can be achieved by using MRP. However, to provide better stability to the system, some of the lean principles are also used to integrate with MRP. One of the disadvantages of MRP is that it needs timely and accurate information data, and information in a highly volatile environment, such as a recession, inflation

Q.5: Differentiate between Mass Production and Batch Production.
A Mass Production
Batch Production

Mass Production: 
A term sometimes used in the popular press for a line process that uses the make-to-stock strategy. Mass production is the process of producing similar types of goods in large numbers. It often uses assembly line technology for

Q.6: Elaborate various Elements of cost.
A Elements of cost

Elements of cost:
The total cost consists of three elements namely, material, labour, and expenses. These three elements are further classified into direct and indirect

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Spring 2018

Q.1: Describe the concept of technology management. Explain the various stages of strategic technology management system (STMS).
Concept of technology management
Stages of strategic technology management system
Concept of technology management:
Technology management can be defined as a process of planning, organising, selecting, and controlling technological resources to maintain or increase the capability and efficiency of an organisation. According to the

Q.2: Define technological innovation. Explain the different types of innovation on the basis of flexibility and in terms of offerings.
Concept of technological innovation
Types of innovation on the basis of flexibility and in terms of offerings
Concept of technological innovation:
“Innovation is the change that creates a new dimension of performance”.
 According to the Department of Trade and Industry, UK, innovation refers to “the successful exploitation of new ideas”. In simple words, innovation refers to the invention and successful commercial exploitation of their invention. Technological innovation is one of the ways of gaining competitive advantage and survival in the cutthroat corporate world. There are numerous cases in which a particular organisation gained a significant edge over other organisations with the help of technological innovations

Q.3: Briefly explain the guiding principles of technology management.
Guiding principles of technology management
Guiding principles of technology management:
Principles act as a guiding force in the management of any operation. For instance, to execute the marketing activities of an organisation, certain principles should be followed. These principles are value creation, fulfilment of

Q.4: With a neat diagram, explain the various stages of technology life cycle.
Various stages of technology life cycle

Q.5: a. Define technology transfer. Explain the steps involved in technology transfer process.
b. Explain the major categories of technology transfer
Concept of technology transfer
Steps involved in technology transfer process
Major categories of technology transfer

Concept of technology transfer:
It involves the transfer of adoption of technology from the internal sources in the organisation or implementing technology in the production system from the R&D facility.

Steps involved in technology transfer process:
The steps involved in a generic technology transfer process are
Formal disclosure of the invention: In this step, an organisation or institution formally discloses the invention of any

Q.6: a. Explain the impact of technological change on organizational productivity
b. Explain the impact of technological change on education and knowledge acquisition
(Impact of technological change on organizational productivity
Impact of technological change on education and knowledge Acquisition)


Impact of Technological Change on Organisational Productivity:

Productivity refers to the amount of output at a given amount of input. Technological change is part of the fundamental factors that can permanently improve organisational productivity. It is a commonly accepted fact that better tools and techniques yield more output at lower input. In addition, output increases when manual processes are replaced by machines. Therefore, as you can see, improvement in technology helps organisations in a number of ways.
Let us consider an example. When the State Bank of India was finding it difficult to compete with private banks, it brought revolutionary technological changes in its banking processes, execution of banking transactions, providing services and
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