Thursday, 23 October 2014

mh0053 smu mba fall 2014 sem III assignment

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DRIVE- Fall 2014

PROGRAM- MBA (Sem 3), MBADS (Sem 3 / Sem 5), PGDHSMN (Sem 1)

SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MH0053 – Hospital & Healthcare Information Management

BOOK ID- B1214

CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1. Discuss the organizational arrangements for the HMIS in India.
(Brief description of all the three levels of organizational arrangement of HMIS)
Levels of organizational arrangement of HMIS
The organizational arrangement of HMIS and the agencies responsible for it is discussed in the three levels namely central, state and district.
A. Central Level 
At the central level there are four major agencies

Q2. Explain  the  categories  of  Information  system  in  hospital.  Add  a  note  on functional areas of Hospital Information System.
(Explanation of the categories of Information system in hospital, Explanation of functional areas of hospital information system)
Categories of Information system in hospital
There are three general categories of information systems available in hospitals: clinical or medical information system, information system to support administrative operation and management planning and control systems (to consider as an a

Q.3: Define E-health. Discuss the advantages and challenges in E-health.
Advantages of E-health
Challenges in E-health


E-health is defined as the use of communication and information technology in the field of medicine. Transfer of medical records or other related data takes place through electronic processes. It also enables two professionals a

Q.4: Describe the process of audit. Add a note on types of audit.
Describing the steps in the audit process
Types of audit


Describing the steps in the audit process:
The process of audit involves the following steps:
1. Recognise Problem or Issue
In this phase, the issue to be audited is chosen. It also involves evaluating adherence to healthcare procedures that have shown best results

Q.5: Discuss the components of quality assurance in health care.
Mentioning the various components of quality assurance in healthcare
Explanation of the components of quality assurance in healthcare


Mentioning the various components of quality assurance in healthcare:
The main four components of Quality Assurance (QA) include
1. Quality assessment
2. Utilization Management
3. Credentialing
4. Risk Mana

Q.6: Discuss the threats to healthcare information.
Mentioning the various categories of threat
Explanation of various categories of threat


Mentioning the various categories of threat:
The threats to the healthcare information system can be classifiedinto two main categories
·      Internal threat
·      External threat

Explanation of various categories of threat:
The threats to the healthcare information system can be classified into two main categories
Internal threat: This

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Charges rs 125/subject and rs 700/semester only.
if urgent then call us on 08791490301, 08273413412

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