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DRIVE- Fall 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAME- ML0015-Services Marketing and Customer Relationship
Q1. “Positioning a service in the marketplace is much like positioning a product”.
Explain Service positioning and its purpose with the help of an example.
(Explanation of service positioning-2, Explanation of purposes-6, Example-2) 10 marks
Service positioning: To position a service, you need to carry on customer research program. This program helps you to identify what newspapers and magazines your customers are reading. It will tell you where the customers get their information from. And it should tell you which media they are using for information about any service. Your market targeting survey and customer research will help to choose a proper media that is best for reaching your customers.
Q2. Elaborate GAP analysis in detail.
(Explanation of GAP Model)
GAP Model and GAP analysis: A gap analysis helps bridge that space by highlighting which requirements are being met and which are not. The tool provides a foundation for measuring the investment of time, money and human resources that's required to achieve a particular outcome. The gaps model was first introduced in the year 1985 and it provides an excellent structure to manage service excellence and customer-driven innovation. This model offers an incorporated view of the relationship between the customer and the company. This model is based
Q3. “Interaction plays a lead role in building customer relationships”.
Explain CIM in this context.
(Explanation of CIM, Explanation of Methods) 10 marks
Customer Interaction Management
Customer Interaction Management constitutes the customer relationship technologies with addition of technology-based interactive solution. The interactive channels that are currently available enable very effective customer interactive communications which leads to customer interaction management, which is an important dimension of customer relationship management. A management system is required to manage this relationship between the
Q4. What are the various types of conflicts in marketing services?
(Explanation of types) 10 marks
Types of conflicts
There are five different conflicts given below. There are certain occasions when these modes need to be used or applicable. Let us briefly explain those situations and the behavioural aspects that need to be possessed by the marketing personnel while dealing with the customers.
Q5. Elaborate the important steps that service providers should bear in mind while implementing one to one marketing. (Explanation) 10 marks
The mechanics of one-to-one marketing are complex. It is one thing to train the sales staff to be warm and attentive, and quite another to identify, track and interact with an individual customer and then reconfigure product or service to meet that customer’s needs. One-to-one marketing involves gearing the organization to deal with valuable customers on an individual basis. This is not unattainable, but the effort should be worth the benefits that accrue. One-to-one or relationship marketing means being able and willing to change one’s behaviour towards individual customer based on what the customer tells the company and what else the company knows about that customer.
Q6. Write short notes on:
a) E-CRM
b) Customer Retention
(Meaning, opportunities and benefits-5, Meaning and Strategies-5) 10 marks
A review of organisational mission/vision statements suggests that e-CRM companies are generally positioning themselves as exemplars of customer satisfaction provision and relationship management. However, recent industry analysis suggests that their organisational customers generally report low to ambivalent ratings on customer satisfaction measures (our study also supports these findings). This discrepancy could be partly attributed to very little empirical inquiry having appeared to date to assess the efficacy of existing relationship marketing theories within this fast-moving industry. The current study provides an exploratory investigation that looks at the well-
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Charges rs 125/subject and rs 700/semester only.
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