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Q1. Warigon is a retail company and they want to automate the payment system. Assume that you are the design engineer of that company. What are the factors that you would consider while designing the electronic payment system? (Analyzing- 5 marks, Factors- 5 marks) 10 marks)
Analyzing Factors:
These factors are as follows ease of access, use and integration, acceptability and client base.
Ease of use and access: The best payment processing system should be easy to use and support all levels of users.
Customer base: The solution should justify the setup costs by being able to supporting a good number of users.
Q2. For many years companies have been using computers to send business documents instead of mailing paper documents (i.e. most of our pay checks are directly deposited into our bank accounts). This transfer of funds is accomplished by the use of an electronic file being sent from your company to your bank). The problem was that the all employed proprietary used unique formats to pursue this task. The absence of a standard format led to the condition where computers could no longer "talk" to one another without a great deal of effort by programmers. For example, Supplier X could recognize an electronic Purchase Order from Retailer A but not from Retailer B. To avoid the above conditi. What is the name of the standard? Discuss the working concepts of that standard. (Recognizing the standard – 1 mark, defining the standard- 2 marks, listing the various components – 3 marks, explaining the working – 4 marks) 10 marks
Name of the standard and its definition: EDI ANSI X12 stands for Electronic Data Interchange, American National Standards Institute X12. The EDI ANSI X12 standard was developed to govern the use of EDI to exchange information electronically between businesses.
Q3 Suppose you are the network admin of WXZ Software Company and you are given the responsibility of managing all the servers. What are the steps you would follow to avoid hacking of the company’s information?
(Explaining the threat and to avoid threats) 10
Explanation of threats
Unethical hackers (in bad sense of this word) are always looking for weaker points in a network system to hack the security system of your company and get hold of confidential and new information. Various threats may occur which may be in the following forms:
Sabotage by former employees
Q4. Assume that you are the project manager of VSG Company. Due to some reason the company’s server got shut down and the company is not able to access the company’s confidential data. What steps would have been taken by you to avoid this?
(Explaining the backup alternatives) 10
The steps followed in backup alternatives
Setting up, running and performing a backup can become very time consuming (especially if you are creating a FULL backup for the very first time and more on this later). You can take some steps to make the task of securing and storing your information, first, by getting rid of some rubbish. Rarely, have I noticed in other articles, blogs, posts, forums, any mention of getting rid of unwanted data on the computer FIRST.
Q5. Write short note on
a. Target Audience
b. Preparing the budget
(a. Target Audience, b. Preparing the budget) 5,5
a) Target audience
With the advent of the World Wide Web, more and more companies are competing with each other to make their presence felt in the web world. Advertising through the web is easier and effective. However, it is very important to analyze and target a particular set of audience for specific products and services.
Q6. Guest look is an Indian based cosmetic manufacturing company which manufactures a wide range of cosmetics for men. Although its product was used by men all over the world, a number of new cosmetic manufacturing companies arose in the market challenging Guest look. Now Guest look has to find innovative ways of advertising its products. So far, Guest look’s advertising aids were mostly printed and television media. Now, Eguest look realized the importance and benefits of e-Marketing and has started concentrating on e- Marketing. As the company is known for its integrity and will not compromise on that with spam and unsolicited mails. Therefore, company identified three techniques such as search engine optimization, improving existing website and banner ads.
a. What are the benefits of offline advertising? Are Guest look following offline advertisement? Justify your
b. If you are working with the development team of Guest Look, how would you go about improvising the existing website?
c. What banner ads?
(a. Listing the benefits of offline advertising, Justification of the answer for using offline advertisement, b. Explaining how to improvise the existing website, Explaining banner ads and its drawbacks) 2,2,3,3
a) Benefits of offline advertising
Despite the growth of the Internet, it is important to realize that only 78.1% of users in the US have access to the Internet that leaves 21.9% of users whom you cannot reach online. For that 21.9%, here are some offline marketing methods to consider reaching everyone in your overall marketing strategy.
Print Advertising
Get fully solved assignment, plz drop a mail with your sub code
Charges rs 125/subject and rs 700/semester only.
if urgent then call us on 08791490301, 08273413412
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