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bca2010 smu bca winter 2015 (april/may 2016 exam) IInd sem assignment

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 [Winter, 2015] ASSIGNMENT
CREDIT – 4 BK ID - B1405 MAX. MARKS =60

Q1. Define operating system. Explain any four major functions of operating system 2+8 = 10
Answer: Operating System is a System Software (Set of system programs) which provides an environment to help the user to execute the programs. An operating system (OS) is a software program that manages the hardware and software resources of a

Q2. What is hardware virtual machine? Discuss the three ways through which the software virtualization can be done 4+6=10
Hardware Virtual Machine
The original meaning of virtual machine, sometimes called a hardware virtual machine, is that of a number of discrete identical execution environments

Q3. Explain the following scheduling algorithm [10 Marks].
a) First come first served
b) Shortest Job First 5+5=10
a)      First-Come-First-Served Scheduling Algorithm
This is one of the brute force algorithms. A process that requests for the CPU first is allocated the CPU first. Hence, the name first come first serve. The FCFS algorithm is implemented by using a first-in-first-out (FIFO) queue

Q4. Define deadlock. Discuss any four conditions that lead to deadlock 4+6= 10
Answer: Definition:
 Several processes compete for a finite set of resources in a multi-programmed environment. A process requests for resources that may not be readily available at the time of the request. In such a case the process goes into a wait state. It

Q5. Explain LRU page replacement algorithms with an example 4+6= 10
LRU page replacement algorithm
The main distinction between FIFO and optimal algorithm is that the FIFO algorithm uses the time when a page was brought into memory (looks back) whereas the optimal algorithm uses the time when a page is to be

Q6. What is computer virus? List the types of virus and its various infection methods. 4+6 = 10
Answer: Computer Virus
A computer virus is written with an intention of infecting other programs. It is a part of a program that piggybacks on to a valid

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