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mk0017 smu mba winter 2015 (april/may 2016 exam) IVth sem assignment

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DRIVE-Winter 2015
BK ID-B 1810
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1. Define E-Customers with some examples. Also explain the online buying process. (Definition of E-customers with examples, Online Buying process) 3, 7
E-business offers unthought-of opportunities to tailor your product to your customers' requirements, but getting the right technology is vital, writes Mark Vernon 
Electronic business has reasserted the primacy of the customer focus. It has underlined a change in the balance of power from company or product to client. In retailing, customers are lured with propositions that even months before would have seemed ridiculous: a leading mobile phone retailer will give cash

Q2.An electronic marketplace (e-marketplace) refers to a website created for common interest. It integrates the online and physical component of a company. Discuss the five kinds of partners in an e-marketplace.
(Explanation of e-marketplace, Five kinds of partners in an e-marketplace)3, 7
Explanation of e-marketplace
An e-marketplace is a location on the Internet where companies can obtain or disseminate information, engage in transactions, or work together in some way. Most of the e-marketplaces provide two basis functions: 1) they allow companies to obtain new suppliers or buyers for

Q.3: Discuss about web analytics. List and explain the visitor statistics can be gained by using metrics.
Definition of Web analytics (3 MARKS)
Visitor statistics by metrics

Definition of Web analytics:
It is the objective tracking, collection, measurement, reporting, and analysis of quantitative internet data to optimise websites and web marketing initiatives. Web analytics2 is not just a tool used for measuring website traffic, but also a tool for business research and market research.

Q4. Write a short notes on :
A. Any five points on e-marketing as competitive advantage.
B. Virtuous cycle of e-marketing
(Five points on e-marketing, Explanation of e-marketing as virtuous cycle)

Five points on e-marketing as competitive advantage:



Internet marketing enables you to be open for business around the clock without worrying about store opening hours or overtime payments for staff. Offering your products on the Internet is also convenient for customers. They can browse your online store at

Q5. Functions of E-marketing is represented by 2P+2C+3S formula (Personalisation, privacy, customer service, community, site, security, and sales promotion). These functions form the framework of an e-marketing strategy. Discuss this formula with a diagrammatic representation.
(Explanation of 2P+2C+3S formula in detail, Diagram) 8, 2
Explanation of 2P+2C+3S formula
The marketing mix is built around the theory of “transaction.” These are explained by the exchange of paradigm. The series of particular functions brings uniqueness to e-marketing. These can be synthesised in the2P + 2C+ 3S formula: personalisation, privacy, customer service,

Q6.Discuss the selling methods and sales promotion of E-marketing
(Explanation of Selling method, Explanation of sales promotion of e-marketing) 5, 5
Selling method
Successful Internet marketing campaigns borrow heavily from traditional direct response techniques. These principles have been extensively tested, re-tested, and proven to be effective over time.
Use proven sales techniques
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