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mca2020 smu mca winter 2015 (april/may 2016 exam) IInd sem assignment

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Winter 2015 ASSIGNMENT
CREDIT – 4, BK ID - B1476, MAX. MARKS 60

Q1. Define Modularity and explain its need in computer programs. 10
Answer: Modularity is dividing the larger problems to sub problems.
To simplify the task of writing the large programs, the concept of modularity was introduced.
So, a complex program is divided into number of sub modules and the solution obtained by solving the sub modules are combined to get the actual solution of that problem. The modularity of most systems can

Q2. Define Queue and explain how we can implementation the Queue. [2+8] 10

A queue is a linear list of elements in which deletions can take place only at one end, called the front and

Q3. List the Advantages and Disadvantages of Linear and linked representation of tree. [5+5] = 10


Advantages of linear representation of binary tree
1) Node can be accessed directly with the help of the index through which we can improve the efficiency of execution time of an algorithm.
2) Data are stored without pointer reference of successor or predecessor
3) This representation is very much useful where the language does not support the dynamic memory allocation.

Disadvantages of Linear representation of binary tree
1) Memory is wasted here because it will be allocated for all the nodes absence of node will leads to empty entries in array.
2) Since the array size is limited enhancement of tree structure is restricted.
3) Inefficiency in processing time during insertion or deletion of nodes because considerable movement of up and down is taking place in array structure.

Advantages of linked representation of binary tree
1) Utilization of memory is efficient.
2) Enhancement of tree is possible in this representation.
3) Insertion and deletion of nodes can be easily handled with the pointers without data movement.

Disadvantages of linked representation of tree
1) It is difficult to implement with the language which does not support the dynamic allocation of memory.
2) Since pointer is involved for data reference it occupies more memory.

Q4. List and explain any Five types of graph. [5*2]= 10


Types of Graphs
Depending upon the vertices and edges and the weight associated to it, graphs can be classified as:
1)      Undirected graph: In Undirected Graph, the directions of edges are not assigned. Edges in the Undirected graph only connect to each other. In an undirected graph, edge

Q5. Explain
1. Fixed block storage allocation.
2. Variable block storage allocation [5+5] = 10


Fixed block storage allocation
First block storage allocation is the simplest case of dynamic storage allocation. This is the straight forward method in which, all the blocks are of identical in size. The user can

Q6. What is the use of external Storage Devices? Explain any two external storage devices [4+3+3]=10

An external storage device may be defined as device other than the main memory on which information or data can be stored and from which the information retrieved for

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