Saturday, 9 April 2016

mit3033 smu msc it winter 2015 (april/may 2016 exam) IIIrd sem assignment

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PROGRAM Master of Science in Information Technology (MSc IT)Revised Fall 2011
MIT3033– Software Architecture
Qus:1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of layered systems?
Advantages of layered systems:
The advantages of layered systems are:

·         It facilitates design based on the increasing levels of abstraction. This permits division of a complex problem into incremental sequence of steps.

·         It facilitates improvements without complexity. This is true as the change made in the functions

Qus:2 What are the benefits and properties of architectural styles?
The benefits and properties of architectural styles:
Benefits of architectural styles:
Some of the

Qus:3 List the steps involved in the implementation of the blackboard pattern.
The steps involved in the implementation of the blackboard pattern:
The steps involved in the implementation of the blackboard pattern, which are as follows:

Step 1: The problem has to be defined by:

·         Specifying the problem domain and the field of knowledge necessary to find a solution.
·         Scrutinizing

Qus:4 List and explain the two design methods used in software engineering.
The two design methods used in software engineering:
The two design methods used in software engineering. They are:
·         Routine Design Method.
·         Innovative

Qus:5 List the different types of design patterns and explain any three.
The different types of design patterns:

Qus:6 Explain the importance of documenting architecture.
The importance of documenting architecture:
Documenting the software architecture is considered as a blueprint for analysis and offers a high level view of the evolving system. Documenting the various views and every stage of architectural

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