Saturday, 9 April 2016

mit3041 smu msc it winter 2015 (april/may 2016 exam) IIIrd sem assignment

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Master of Science in Information Technology(MSc IT)Revised Fall 2011
MIT3041– Open Source System
1) List the common tools required for the development of open source software and explain any three.
What are the common tools required for the development of open source software:
·         Testing tools
·         Package management
·         Bug trackers and

Qus: 2 List the OSS licensing strategies and explain any three.
The OSS licensing strategies:
OSS licensing strategies which are given below:
·         Expansion strategy
·         Dual license strategy

Qus: 3 (a) What is Academic Free License (AFL)? Explain.
(b) List the features of the AFL.
(a) What is Academic Free License (AFL)? Explain:
The Academic Free License (AFL) is a free software license created by Lawrence E. Rosen, an attorney,

Qus: 4 Explain why open-source is a good choice for companies.
With the many business and government organizations that now use open source software such as Linux, it's becoming increasingly clear that price is not the only advantage such software holds. If it were, companies that adopted it during the Great Recession would surely have switched back to the

Qus:5 What is mutual consent? Explain the two ways by which the parties entering attack each other.
Mutual consent:
Mutual consent or a meeting of the minds, as the terms of the contract which is usually described as the offer and the

Qus: 6 What is cross licensing? Explain.
A cross-licensing

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