Wednesday, 10 January 2018

smu bca fall 2017 (jan/feb 2018 exam) assignment IVth sem

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SUBJECT CODE & NAME BCA 4030/IMC4030 -System Software
BK ID-B1774

Q1. What is an assembly language? Explain its basic feature. State the advantage and disadvantages of coding in assembly language.
Assembly language:
An assembly language is a machine dependent, low level programming language which is specific to a certain computer system (or a family of computer systems).

Basic Feature:
Compared to the machine

Q2. What is Language Processor? Explain about the two Language processing activities.
Language Processor
A language processor is Software which bridges a specification or execution gap. The activity performed by the language processor is called Language processing. The program which inputs to the language processor is called source

Q3. Describe the different types of Assemblers. (10)
Types of Assemblers
The assemblers can be of any one of the following types:
1) Single pass assemblers
2) Two pass assemblers and
3) Multi pass

Q4. List and explain the various issues which must be considered to make your drivers portable across CPU architectures (10)
CPU issues that influence device driver design
A device driver should be designed so that it can accommodate peripheral devices to operate on more than one CPU architecture. The

Qus:5 Explain briefly about Android Architecture Libraries.
Android Architecture Libraries:
On top of the kernel are the libraries. Android includes a set of C/C++ libraries written as modules of code that are compiled down to native machine code. It controls the device to handle different kinds of data efficiently. These libraries tell the device how to handle different kinds of data and are exposed to Android developers via Android application framework. It provides some of the common services that are available for applications and

Q6. Write the Steps for UPnP device addressing with proper flowchart.
Steps in UPnP device addressing
All UPnP devices must follow the same steps in acquiring an IP address. The steps, as specified by the UPnP device architecture, are presented in the flowchart is

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BCA 4th  Semester
BCA 4040

Accounting and Financial Management

The financial planning process involves the following steps:
·         Projection of financial statement
·         Determination of funds needed
·         Forecast the availability of funds
·         Establish

Q2. What is rectification of error ? List and explain the stages where the errors are deducted for rectification.
Errors and their Rectification
Rectification of errors may be define as correction of errors which had been done in the books of accounts of company due to ignorance or not knowing the principles of accounting. Sometime, errors may be due to cheating by accountant or other employees. At that case rectification of errors is so difficult because cheaters try to best to hide the error. At that time, investigation should be done by independent auditor. Rectification of

Q3. Define Accounting . Briefly explain the “Entity concepts” and “Money Measurement Concept” of accounting
Accounting is an important endeavor . Accounting was first practiced and then theorized. Accounting concepts and conventions as used in accountancy are the rules and guidelines by that the accountant lives. All formal accounting

Q4. What is inventory management and explain the following
1.      Economic Order quantity
2.      Reorder point
The term ‘inventory’ refers to the stockpile of products. Inventory comprises of those assets which will be sold off in the near future and moneys recovered. Inventory consists of three type of assets – raw materials, semi finished goods , & finished goods. Raw material inventory consists of those items which are purchased by the firm to

Q5. Explain the different steps involved in preparation of Fund Flow Statements.
Ans Steps in Preparation of Fund Flow Statement
  1. Preparation of schedule changes in working capital (taking current items only).

Q6.  What is cost ? Discuss the factors involved in estimating the cost
Ans.   Accounting records and financial statements prepared on the basis of accounting records do not provide all the information required by managers of a business. Organizations have to maintain many other types of records . One such record is cost record. Cost records provide cost data to managers. What is the meaning of

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