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Master of Science in Information
Technology(MSc IT)Revised Fall 2011
MIT306– Object Oriented Analysis and
What is usability testing? Write the rule for developing usability testing.
Usability testing, a non-functional testing technique that
is a measure of how easily the system can be used by end users. It is difficult
to evaluate and measure but can be evaluated based on the below
What is meant by unified approach? Describe the steps, methods and tools of
unified approach.
Answer: Unified approach is a better way for understanding concepts
of objects oriented system
development. Unified approach is a methodology for software development. The unified approach, based on
Describe the various states of activity diagram.
Activity diagrams are special cases
of state chart diagrams. An activity diagram has actions as sta
Discuss the strategies for designing classes.
Answer: The object oriented design process is a complex process. The
following methods can help you design better classes:
1) Analyze the role of the objects of
the class in the application. An object can play any of the following
Mention and describe the basic categories of program errors.
Answer: Debugging is a process of finding errors in the code which
cause unexpected results and eliminating them. The process of testing and
identifying bugs is a balance of science, art and luck.
There are three
Explain the following:
Black box testing
White box testing
Answer: (a) Black box testing
This treats the system as one that
cannot be seen in detail. The structure of the program is not taken into
account. The tests are performed based on what the program does. This is
sometimes called
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Master of Science in Information
Technology(MSc IT) Revised Fall 2011
Name the three types of pattern in event driven programming. Explain the
advantages of event driven programming.
In computer programming,
event-driven programming is a programming paradigm in which the flow of the
program is determined by events such as user actions (mouse clicks, key
presses), sensor outputs, or messages from other programs/threads. Event-driven
programming is the
Explain the features of XML. Write important rules for XML declaration?
Answer: XML is popular for many features and few of them are listed
1. Easy Data Exchange: In XML, data and
markup are stored as text that we can configure. If we like, we can use XML
editors to create XML documents but if something goes wrong we can examine and
modify document directly because it’s all just text.XML provides a very
efficient way of
Write any four importance of XML Schema. Discuss the steps
to create an element with the XML designer.
Answer: Importance of XML schema
Schemas not only describe the permissible content of a
document, they can:
XML schema uses XML
syntax. When you look at your first XML Schema, probably the most striking
Define AJAX. Explain AJAX frameworks components.
Answer: Full form of AJAX is “Asynchronous JavaScript and XML”. AJAX
is not a new programming language, but a new way to use existing standards.
It is a technique, rather than a
framework. it allows web pages to behave less like flat documents and more like
dynamic GUI apps that users might expect from their desktop environments.
Describe the five different categories of PHP Operators.
Answer: In all programming languages, operators are used to
manipulate or perform operations on variables and values. There are many
operators used in PHP, so we have
What is meant by
control statements in ASP. Explain with suitable example.
Answer: We can make a decision based on user input using an If
statement. The If statement tests a condition and if the result is true then it
runs the code that follows the If statement but if the result is
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Master of Science in Information
Technology(MSc IT)Revised Fall 2011
MIT3031– High Speed Networks
Explain WLAN components.
A local area network (LAN) connects
computers, printers and other devices to allow sharing of data and resources.
LANs are limited to coverage of one location, typically a building, and usually
use network
Describe Multi-server queue using suitable diagrams and equations.
Answer: The aim of the queuing analysis is to make use of analytic
models to yield the desired
parameters to determine the buffer size. The following two queuing models can be used as analytic
What is meant by congestion? List and describe different
types of congestion.
Answer: The situation wherein network
resources are constantly overloaded or the overall demand of a resource exceeds
its capacity is termed as congestion. Congestion in a network occurs when the
load on the network or the number of packets transmitted to the network is more
In TCP what is timer? List the timers that TCP maintains for every connection
and explain any three.
Answer: In TCP protocol, timers are applied in various positions and
these timers restrain
retransmissions and restrict the hold time for lost packets. Jiffies variable is the basis for all
timers. Function pointers in a timer structure
take a behavior function when initialized. Once the timer ends
What is meant by Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP)? Write
any three salient characteristics. List RSVP traffic types and explain any two.
Answer: RSVP is a signaling protocol that offers reservation setup
and control. It enables Integrated Services (IntServ) which is designed to
emulate circuits on the Internet. This is the most complex QoS technology for
elements of a network (routers, switches) and applications (hosts). But, it
with suitable diagram describe Routing Information Protocol
(RIP) message format. Write two benefits and two drawbacks of RIP.
Answer: RIP is based on distance vector routing. It implements
vector routing using the following considerations:
An AS has both routers and networks. While
routers have routing tables, networks don’t.
The first
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