Wednesday, 10 January 2018

smu bsc IT fall 2017 (jan/feb 2018 exam) assignment Ist sem

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DRIVE fall 2017
PROGRAM Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - B.SC(IT)
SUBJECT CODE & NAME BIT101 – Fundamentals of Information Technology

Assignment Set -1

1 Write a brief note on different cloud deployment model.

Answer: Cloud deployment models
Public Cloud: is a type of cloud hosting in which the cloud services are delivered over a network which is open for public usage. This model is a true representation of cloud hosting; in this the service provider renders services and infrastructure to various clients. The customers do not have any

2 Explain different internet connection types.

Answer: Internet connection types
Dial Up Connection
Dial up connections are the oldest, most out of date connections still available today. They are incredibly slow, unreliable, take up your phone line, and they make the very loud and annoying dial up sound when connecting to the internet. The only real benefit of a dial up connection is that it might be the

3 Mention different software application.

Answer: Software applications can be neatly compartmentalized into different categories.
·         System software: System software is a collection of programs written to service other programs.

Assignment Set 2
1 Explain the characteristics of computers.

Answer: The important characteristics of a computer are described below:
1. Speed
The computer is a very high speed electronic device. The operations on the data inside the computer are performed through electronic circuits according to the given instructions. The data and

2 Explain Software Testing Strategy.

Answer: Software testing strategy is explained in figure below. This strategy defines the role of software and leads to software requirements analysis, where the information domain, function, behavior, performance, constraints, and validation criteria for software- are established. Moving

3 Explain cloud system architecture.

Answer: The key to cloud computing is the “cloud” a massive network of servers or even individual PCs interconnected in a grid. These computers run in parallel, combining the resources of each to generate

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DRIVE fall 2017
PROGRAM Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - B.SC(IT)
SUBJECT CODE & NAME BIT102 – Digital Electronics

Assignment Set -1

1 Write a short note on J-K Master Slave Flip-Flop.

Answer: J-K Master Slave Flip Flop
The logic symbol for the master-slave flip-flop only indicates the initial inputs to the master and the outputs from the slave as indicated by the J-K

2 Explain the working of 4 bit Johnson counter with the help of neat diagram.

Answer: A Johnson counter is constructed using serial-in and serial-out (SISO) shift register. The output of the shift register is connected back to the input after passing it through an inverter. Depending on the initial bit pattern stored in the shift register, the shift register content changes for every clock and the bit pattern gets repeated after 2n clocks, where n is the number of bits in the shift register. These

3 Explain BCD adder and BCD subtractor.

Answer: BCD Adder
The addition in BCD can be performed in three steps: 1) Add the numbers in binary. 2) Check if the number is greater than 9. 3) Then convert the sum of two numbers to BCD number by adding correction value. The correction value will be equal to 6 if the sum output in step 1 is greater than 9, else the

Assignment Set -2

1 Convert the following hexadecimal numbers to base 10:
a. 145
b. A2C1

Answer: a. 14516 in Hexadecimal number system and we want to translate it into Decimal.

14516 = 1*16^2+4*

2 Construct XOR and NAND Gate using NOR Gate.

Answer: a)

3 Simplify f (a, b, c, d) = Σm(0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14)

Answer: The given function is:
f(a.b.c.d)= ∑m(0,2,4, 6,7,8,9,11,12,14)
This is a four variable function so

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DRIVE fall 2017
PROGRAM Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - B.SC(IT)
Assignment Set -1
1 Write a short note on pronoun.

Answer: Pronouns are words that we use in place of Nouns (or other Pronouns) in a sentence to make it less repetitive and less awkward. Some of the most common Pronouns are - he, she, you, they, it, etc.

For example, you

2 Explain past continuous tense.

Answer: The past continuous tense is formed with the past tense of the verb to be (was/were) + present participle (verbs ending in
Example: I/he/she/it was eating spaghetti at 8 o'clock last night.

3 What do you understand by idiom?

Answer: An idiom is a saying, phrase, or fixed expression in a culture that has a figurative meaning different from its literal meaning. An idiom gains that meaning through repetition in a culture, and is often introduced via literature, media, famous people, or associations that originally make sense but lose their literal

Assignment Set -2
1 Write a short note on passive voice.

Answer: The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the action. In other words, the most important thing or

2 What are different types of noun?

Answer: Different types of nouns are as follows:
Plural Nouns
Nouns can either be singular or plural. Singular means they refer to just one thing, while plural means they refer to more than one. Many singular nouns just need an S added at the end to make them plural (e.g. bee and bees). For some nouns that already end with an S, you may need to add -es to the end to make their

3 Explain briefly past tense.

Answer: In general, the Past Tense is used to talk about something that started and finished at a definite time in the past.

How to form the Past Tense in English:
The main rule is that for every verb in English, there is only one form of it in the past tense.
(The exception is the Past

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DRIVE fall 2017
PROGRAM Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - B.SC(IT)
SUBJECT CODE & NAME BIT104 – Principles of C programming

Assignment Set -1
1 a) Write a program to print the largest of three numbers.
b) Write a program to find the factorial of a number.

Answer: a.  Program to print the largest of three numbers
int a,b,c,big;
printf (“Enter three numbers”);
scanf (“%d %d %d”, &a, &b, &c);
if (a>

2 Define macro. How we can declare a macro statement? Explain with an example.

Answer: A preprocessor line of the form
#define name text
defines a macro with the given name, having as its value the given replacement text. After that (for the rest of the current source file), wherever the preprocessor sees that name, it will replace it with the

3 Explain different functions in C to handle Error during I/O operations.

Answer: The standard I/O functions maintain two indicators with each open stream to show the end-of-file and error status of the stream. These can be interrogated and set by the following

Assignment Set -2
1 What is the basic structure of C Program?

Answer: Structure of C Program
i) Starting of main function
The compulsion function is the main function that would be done as program for addition of two integer numbers void main()


2 Explain different type of Arithmetic Operators in C.

Answer: The basic operators for performing arithmetic are the same in many computer languages:
+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
% modulus (

3 Distinguish between pass by value and pass by reference with the help of an example.

Answer: Difference between pass by value and pass by reference.
Pass by Value                                                 Pass by Reference
Passes an argument by value.                   Passes an argument by reference.
Specifying the ByVal keyword.                                Specifying the ByRef keyword.
The procedure code does not have         The procedure code gives a direct reference to the
any access

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