Friday, 26 September 2014

bba204 smu bba summer 2014 II sem assignment

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PROGRAM- Bachelor of Business Administration- BBA SEMESTER 2

SUBJECT CODE & NAME- BBA 204- Marketing Management

BK ID- B1521

CREDIT & MARKS- 4 Credits, 60 marks

Q.1: Explain the personal, socio-cultural, Psychological determinants of consumer behaviour.
Definition of consumer behaviour (1 Marks)
Personal determinants- Consumer demographics, Consumer psychographics (3 Marks)
Socio-Cultural determinants- Social factors, Cultural factors Environmental factors (3 Marks)
Psychological determinants—Perception, Learning, Memory Motivation(3 Marks)

Definition of consumer behaviour:
Consumer behaviour is the field of study which analyses the behaviour of consumers on the basis of the individual consumer’s characteristics and on the buying process, taken as a whole.

Personal determinants- Consumer demographics, Consumer psychographics:
There are two main personal factors which influence an individual consumer, as follows –

Q.2: Describe the methods of environmental analysis-SWOT, PEST.
Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (5 Marks)
Political, Economic, Social, Technological Environment (5 Marks)

Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat:
SWOT is an abbreviation for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
Strengths: characteristics of the business or team that give it an advantage over others in the industry. For example, Microsoft’s strength is its operating system – ‘Windows and related software applications’ is

Q.3: Discuss the characteristics of services (any three) and the important strategies which help in marketing of services.
Characteristics of Services (any three) (3 Marks)
Strategies for marketing of services (7 Marks)

Characteristics of Services (any three):
a) Perishability– Services are perishable or short term in nature. They cannot be transported or stored for a long time, like other goods. The service comes into existence only when the customer demands for the same. Both the customer and the service provider have to be physically present at the time of providing service. Due to the perishable nature, there is a lot of fluctuation in providing services as there is greater risk and uncertainty. For example, airlines charge for seats even if the passenger fails to turn up for a

Q.4: Define Product mix. Explain the factors determine the decisions of the Product mix.
Definition of Product mix (2 Marks)
Factors determine the decisions of the product mix (8 Marks)
Definition of Product mix:
A product mix (also called product assortment) is the set of all product lines and items that a particular seller offers for sale to buyers." An organizationwith several product lines has a product mix. Product mix need not consist of related products. In other words, product mix is "the composite of products offered for sale by a firm."

Q.5:The brand is the symbol of the product’s personality. It is developed though diligent market research and is based on the customer’s needs and wants. Explain the various steps which are undertaken in the formation of a brand with examples.
Definition of brand (2 Marks)
Steps involved in brand development (6 Marks)
Examples (2 Marks)

Definition of brand:
The term brand has a broad meaning and is applied to all visible identification such as trademarks, symbols, pictures, package designs andsignage with distinctive lettering. The brand ensures that the product has higher recall in the minds of the customers and that there is a guarantee on quality and standards as per the advertising for the brand. Branding provides a specific name to the product or group of products in an organisation.

Q.6: Define Green Marketing. What are the reasons for which companies adopt green marketing?
Definition of Green marketing (2 Marks)
Reasons for which companies adopt green marketing (8 Marks)

Definition of Green marketing:
Green marketing is a type of marketing in which the products and services of an organisation are sold to its customers, based on their environmental benefits. The product or service is promoted so that it is eco-friendly or that it is packaged in eco-friendly manner using recyclable material. According to the American Marketing Association, “Green marketing is the marketingof products that are presumed to be environmentally safe”. It is also called as Environmental or Ecological marketing.

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Charges rs 125/subject and rs 700/semester only.
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if urgent then call us on 08791490301, 08273413412

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