Friday, 26 September 2014

mca5010 smu mca summer 2014 V sem assignment

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Charges rs 125/subject and rs 700/semester only.
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BK ID-B1547
1. Describe the following protocols:
a) IP
c) FTP
a) IP
IP is the protocol that controls how data moves around on the network. After TCP divides the message into segment, IP labels them with source and destination. These packets are now called IP datagrams. IP is the primary protocol in the Internet Layer of the Internet protocol suite and has the task of delivering datagrams from the source host to the destination host solely based on their addresses. IP also takes care of sending the datagrams by determining the route. These datagrams may hop several networks before reaching the destination.

2.  Differentiate between HTML and DHTML. Describe any four Advantages of DHTML.  3*2+4
Differences between HTML and DHTML
Dynamic HTML is an extension of HTML that enables, among other things, the inclusion of small animations and dynamic menus in Web pages. DHTML code makes use of style sheets and JavaScript. When you see an object, or word(s), on a webpage that becomes highlighted, larger, a different color, or a streak runs through it by moving your mouse cursor over it is the result of adding a DHTML effect. This is done in the language coding and when the file of the webpage was saved it was saved as the .dhtml format instead of .htm or .html. DHTML sites are dynamic in nature. DHTML uses client side scripting to change variables in the presentation which affects the look and function of an otherwise static page. DHTML characteristics are the functions while a page is

3. List and explain the Components of XML processor. 4*2.5
Components of XML processor
a) Parser
Every XML processor has a parser. An XML parser converts an XML document into an XML DOM object - which can then be manipulated with a  JavaScript. The parser's job is to translate XML markup and data into a stream of bite-sized nuggets, called tokens, to be used for processing. A token may be an element start tag, a string of character content, the beginning delimiter of a processing instruction, or some other piece of markup that indicates a change between regions of the document.

4. Describe the procedure of fetching data from XML to HTML. Give an example. 6+4
Procedure of fetching data from XML to HTML
The process of fetching data from an XML files to be filled in an HTML table, using DSO (Data Source Object) and JavaScript. DSO is an object that operates like a database on the client side. It will accept information that is organized in a certain way and will manipulate it with its own database engine.
DSO allows data binding to HTML table elements. When a table element is bound there is no need to write out the code for individual rows for each record in the recordset. The DSO will automatically do this for each record. To bind the XML data to an HTML table, add a datasrc attribute to the table element, and add the datafld attribute to the span elements inside the table data.

5. Describe five different categories of PHP Operators. 5*2
Categories of PHP Operators
In all programming languages, operators are used to manipulate or perform operations on variables and values. There are many operators used in PHP, so we have separated them into the following categories to make it easier to learn them all.
·         Assignment Operators
·         Arithmetic Operators
·         Comparison Operators
·         String Operators
·         The Concatenation Operator

6. Describe about ASP. 10
The page on the server called by the JavaScript is an ASP file called AJAX server page. The server file could easily be rewritten in PHP, or some other server languages. Look at the example in PHP. The source code in "getcustomer.asp" runs a query against a database, and returns the result in an HTML table:

Get fully solved assignment, plz drop a mail with your sub code
Charges rs 125/subject and rs 700/semester only.
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if urgent then call us on 08791490301, 08273413412

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