Friday, 26 September 2014

mca2030 smu mca summer 2014 II sem assignment

Summer 2014, ASSIGNMENT
CREDIT – 4 BK ID - B1641, MAX. MARKS - 60
Get fully solved assignment, plz drop a mail with your sub code
Charges rs 125/subject and rs 700/semester only.
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Q. No.1 Differentiate between Objects and Classes
Answer: An Object is a program representation of some real-world thing (i.e person, place or an event). Objects can have both attributes(data) and behaviours (functions or methods). Attributes describe the object with respect to certain parameters and Behaviour or functions describe the

Q2. Differentiate between While and Do-While loop.
Tested first and then the statements are executed if the condition turns out to be true.
In do while the statements are executed for the first time and then the conditions are tested, if the

Q3. Differentiate between Constructors and Destructors.
Answer: Constructor:
  • Constructor is Used to Initialize the Object.
  • Constructor can takes arguments.
  • Constructor overloading can be possible means more than one constructors can be

Q4. What are the advantages of Polymorphism? How it can be implemented? 5+5=10
·         Code is simpler to write (and read)
·         Uniform interface for clients, i.e., type specific details only in class code, not in the client code
·         Change in types in the class does not effect the clients
·         If type change within the inheritance hierarchy
·         Used extensively in object-oriented programs
·         Many upcast to Object in the standard library

Q5. Differentiate between Containers and Iterators 5+5= 10
Answer: Containers
STL provides a number of container types, representing objects that contain other objects. The STL contains sequence containers and associative containers. The standard sequence containers include vector, deque and list, sequence containers in, as their name suggests, store data in linear

Q6. Describe the two basic exception handling models. 5+5= 10
Answer:If you encounter an exceptional situation in your code – that is, one where you don’t have enough information in the current context to decide what to do – you can send information about the error into a larger context by creating an object containing that information and
Get fully solved assignment, plz drop a mail with your sub code
Charges rs 125/subject and rs 700/semester only.
our website is
if urgent then call us on 08791490301, 08273413412

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