Friday, 26 September 2014

bc0056 smu bca summer 2014 IV sem assignment

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BK ID-B0973
Answer all Questions
Q1 Explain the Layers of UNIX Operating System in detail.[10]
Layers of UNIX Operating System
UNIX includes the traditional operating system components. In addition, a standard UNIX system includes a set of libraries and a set of applications. Figure shows the components and layers of UNIX. Sitting above the hardware are two components: the file system and process control. Next is the set of libraries. On top are the

Q2 Write a short note on
a. The fork() System Call
b. The pipe() System Call
(The fork() System Call, The pipe() System Call) [5+5]
a)      The fork() System Call
The fork() system call is the basic way to create a new process. It is also a very unique system call, since it returns twice(!) to the caller. This system call causes the current process to be split into two processes – a parent process, and a child process. All of the memory pages used by the original process get duplicated during the fork() call, so both parent and child process see the exact same image. The only distinction is when the call

Q3. What are the points to be considered for the management of a password in UNIX OS?
Answer: During login, UNIX asked you to enter your password. If this is your first time on this computer, your password was configured by the system administrator. One of the very first things you should do after logging in is change your password so that no one, not even the system administrator, knows what it is. You can do this via the password command. But before you do this, you should put some thought into what you want your password to be. Here are some points to consider:

1. It should be easy for you to remember. If you forget what your password is, no one, not even the system administrator, can look it up for you. The only thing the system administrator can do is to reset your password to a value. This wastes the administrator's time as well as yours.

Q4 What is a Process? How to run a process at the background? [5+5]
A process is a program in execution. Every time you invoke a system utility or an application program from a shell, one or more "child" processes are created by the shell in response to your command. All UNIX processes are identified by a unique process identifier or PID. An important process that is always present is the init process. This is the first process to be created when a UNIX system starts up and usually has a PID of 1. All other processes are said to be "descendants" of init. The command used to get information about all the

Q5 Demonstrate how and when you can use the following commands: vi, cat, chmod, grep, man, pwd, ps, kill, mkdir, rm.[10]
System administrators like users to use vi because it uses very few system resources.
To start vi, enter:
$ vi filename where filename is the name of the file you want to edit. If the file doesn't
exist, vi will create it for you.

Q6 Write a C program that illustrates the creation of child process using fork system call. One process finds sum of even series and other process finds sum of odd series. [10]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

Get fully solved assignment, plz drop a mail with your sub code
Charges rs 125/subject and rs 700/semester only.
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if urgent then call us on 08791490301, 08273413412

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