Sunday, 5 October 2014

mb0044 smu mba fall 2014 sem II assignment

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BK ID-B1627
Q1.  People's productivity key to Indian manufacturing competitiveness: Boston Consulting Group
Namrata Singh, TNN | Mar 14, 2013, 09.34PM IST
MUMBAI: People productivity is the key to Indian manufacturing competitiveness, says a report by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). In most global people productivity surveys, not only does people productivity of Indian manufacturing sector lags developed nations such as US and Japan, but also lags in most manufacturing sectors to China. While earlier, many explained this to differences in technology, level of automation, etc., the report suggests such differences are not only rapidly shrinking, but they do not fully explain the significant gaps in productivity that exists.
Skill gap and engagement gap are the two critical factors that explain lower people productivity. Under gap in skill, Indian manufacturing sector faces significant challenges in attracting quality manpower that is 'right' skilled prior to entering the workforce. In addition, continuous skill development efforts are required for the work force, throughout their careers, as processes and technologies evolve.
On the other hand, many manufacturing studies have indicated a direct correlation between workforce engagement and productivity. For most Indian manufacturing companies, the level of engagement and alignment with corporate vision, amongst their union work force and contract labour is extremely low, when compared to their global peers.
"An improvement in people productivity can be beneficial across all levels of an organization. At the employee level, it results in higher wages and enhanced job satisfaction. At company level, the direct correlation between profits and resource productivity has been established through research multiple times. And at industry level,  increased people productivity leads to improved skills and better working environment—thus paving the way for higher investments and faster economic growth. Therefore, it is critical for the Indian manufacturing sector to work toward enhancing people productivity to achieve the goals it has set for itself," the report says.  
The subject gains importance in the backdrop of a slowdown in western economic countries and China, as well as cost increases in China. Indian manufacturing sector stands at the cusp of a tremendous opportunity.
After reading the case study answer the following questions:
a. What do you think are the reasons for low people productivity in India?
b. Compare and analyze India’s productivity with respect to other countries?
c. What suggestions do you offer to improve the situation?
Reasons for low productivity in India
Skill gap and engagement gap are the two critical factors that explain lower people productivity. Under gap in skill, Indian manufacturing sector faces significant challenges in attracting quality manpower that is 'right' skilled prior to entering the workforce. There are many factors responsible for the low productivity in India. Companies with low levels

Q2. List the elements of operations strategy. Explain any TWO elements of operations strategy.
(Listing the elements of operations strategy) (0.5 marks for each element))
Elements of operations strategy
The six elements of operations strategy are:
1) Designing of the production system

Q3. What are the basic capacity (production) options a company can choose?
(Explanation of various capacity options) 10 (2 marks for each option)
Basic capacity (production) options
A company can choose from the following basic capacity (production) options:

a)      Changing inventory levels: Under this option the inventory is increased during periods of low demand to meet high

Q4. Write short notes on:
a. Qualitative methods of forecasting
b. Taguchi’s quality loss function
(a. Brief explanation of any FIVE qualitative methods of forecasting, b. Taguchi’s quality loss function)
a. Qualitative methods of forecasting
The different qualitative methods of forecasting are as follows:
·         Market surveys
·         Nominal group testing
·         Historical analysis
·         Jury of executive opinion
·         Life cycle analysis

Q5. Describe the process of value analysis.
(Description of the steps in the process of value analysis) 10 (2.5 marks each)
Steps in the process of value analysis
The process of value analysis can be divided into the following four steps:
1. Data gathering
2. Analysis and valuation of functions
3. Idea generation and evaluation of substitutes

Q6. Write short notes on
a. Tools for implementation of operations
b. Fixed position layout
(a. Tools for implementation of operations, Listing and brief explanation of tools for implementation of operations, b. Fixed position layout- explain with examples and when to use fixed layout)
a. Tools for implementation of operations
Gantt charts developed by Henry Gantt long back for the purpose of visualising the work assignments and sequence and timings are used to record progress comparing the actual against the planned activities and to keep track of the flow of the material. In its simplest form, a Gantt chart consists of horizontal bar graphs on time scales.

Get fully solved assignment, plz drop a mail with your sub code
Charges rs 125/subject and rs 700/semester only.
if urgent then call us on 08791490301, 08273413412
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