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Question 1- List any 6 theories of economic development. Explain in brief any two of them.
Sol: Different theories of economic development exist. Some of them are Listed Below:
1. The ‘Wealth of Nations’ Theory
2. Theory of Comparative Advantage
3. The Theory of Population
4. The Labour Theory of Value
5. The Innovation Theory
6. The Linear Theory of Development
7. The Big-Push Theory
8. The Critical Minimum Effort Theory.
From the theories listed above some of them can be described as:
1. The ‘Wealth of Nations’ Theory:
Adam Smith has been recognized as the leading expounder of economic thought. Adam Smith’s opinions can be prominently seen in the works published by David Ricardo and Karl Marx in the 19th century and by John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman in the 20th century.
Question 2- Discuss the role of agriculture and industry in growth and economic development of India.
Sol: Different sectors such as industry, agriculture and others play a major role in development.
(a) Role of agriculture
During the five-year plans, the contribution of agriculture to the national income in different years has been ranging between 61 percent and 14.8 percent. Agriculture provides employment to 51 per cent of the workforce in India, and therefore, it is considered the backbone of the Indian economy. Agricultural products constitute 9 per cent of our exports and manufactures from agricultural items like cloth, sugar and jute
Question 3- Explain the objectives of economic planning in India.
Sol: The objectives of economic planning in India are:
1. Economic Planning and Removal of Poverty
2. Economic Planning and Social Justice.
The Objectives can be briefly explained as:
From the First Five-Year-Plan itself, it was very clear which objectives regarding economic planning needed to be achieved—maximum production and full
Question 4- Discuss the indicators in order to explain the role of public sector in Indian Economy.
Sol: It would not be appropriate to use any single measure to estimate the role of the public sector in the Indian economy, rather it would be desirable to use a few indicators:
1. Share of public sector in employment: There are two important categories of public sector employment: (a) Government administration and defence and other government services like health, education, research and various activities to promote economic development; and (b) public sector proper, i.e., economic enterprises owned by the Centre, State and Local Governments.
Question 5- Discuss any five components of price policy for growth.
Sol: The price policy designed to achieve the above objectives may have the following components:
1. Price Control and Regulation
The government has accepted the policy of liberalization in all economic activities and accordingly it has relaxed in most cases and removed control on prices and distribution of goods. At the same time, the government is also aware that free competition and free market prices are not fully or universally applicable in India because (a) there are still serious demand–supply gaps in some
Question 6- Write a short notes on: a. Land reforms
Sol: Efficiency in agriculture can be primarily derived from two major factors — technological and institutional. The implementation of the technological factor includes the use of agricultural inputs and methods such as improved seeds, fertilizers, improved ploughs, tractors, harvesters and irrigation among others which help to improve productivity, even though no land reforms are introduced. The institutional factors
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