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PROGRAM-Master of Science in Information Technology (MSc IT)Revised Fall 2011
BK ID-B1476
Q. No.1 Define data structure? Explain different types of data structures.
Data structure:
Adata structure is a particular way of storing and organizing data in a computer so that it can be used efficiently.
Different kinds of data structures are suited to different kinds of applications, and some are highly
Qus:2 Explain the different types of binary tree with suitable diagrams.
The different types of binary tree with suitable diagrams:
Important types of binary tree are :
1) Skewed binary tree
2) Full binary tree
3) Complete binary tree
Qus:3 Explain in detail about Adjacency matrix [10]
Adjacency matrix:
It is a two-dimensional Boolean matrix to store the information about the graph nodes. Here the rows and columns represent source and destination vertices and entries in the matrix indicate whether an edge exists between the vertices associated with that row and column. The values of matrix are either 0 or 1.
Qus:4 Explain in detail about topological sorting [3+7]
Topological Sorting:
A topological sort defines a linear ordering on those nodes of a directed graph that follows the property: if node u is predecessor of node v then v cannot be the predecessor of node u. This property must hold even if u = v, i.e. u cannot be its own immediate predecessor and successor. In other words, a topological sort cannot order the nodes in cycle.
Q5. Explain
1. Fixed block storage allocation.
2. Variable block storage allocation [5+5]
1. Fixed block storage allocation:
First block storage allocation is the simplest case of dynamic storageallocation. This is the straight forward method in which, all the blocks are ofidentical in size. The user can decide the size of the block. The operatingsystem keeps a pointer called AVAIL. This pointer points to memory asshown in figure.
Q6. What is the use of external Storage Devices? Explain any two external storage devices [4+3+3]
Use of external Storage Devices:
An external storage device may be defined as device other than the mainmemory on which information or data can be stored and from which theinformation retrieved for processing. External storage devices are havinglarger capacities and fewer expenses to store compared to main memory.Primary uses of external storage devices are:
Backup or overlay of program during execution.
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