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PROGRAM Master of Science in Information Technology(MSc IT)Revised Fall 2011
SUBJECT CODE &NAME-MIT104– Software Engineering
BK ID -B0808 & B0809
Qus:1 Explain the following
a) System software
b) Embedded software
a)System software:
System software is a collection of programs written to service other programs. Some system software process complex information structures. Other systems applications process largely indeterminate data. It is characterized by heavy interaction with hardware, heavy usage by multiple users, concurrent operation that requires scheduling, resource sharing, and sophisticated process management, complex data structures and multiple external interfaces.
Q2. List the limitations of the linear sequential model?
The Serial or Linear Sequential Development Model:
This Model also called as the Classic life cycle or the Waterfall model. TheLinear sequential model suggests a systematic sequential approach tosoftware development that begins at the system level and progressesthrough analysis, design, coding, testing, and support. Figure shows thelinear sequential model for software engineering Modeled after aconventional engineering cycle, the linear sequential model has thefollowing activities:
Q3 What do you mean by object –oriented design? List the characteristics of an object-oriented design (OOD).
Object Oriented Design:
Object –oriented design is a design strategy based on information hiding. It differs from the function approach to design in that it views a softwaresystem as a set of interacting objects, with their own private state, ratherthan as a set of functions that share a global state.
Q4. Write a note on Prototyping Model.
The Prototyping Model:
Prototypes are used in many engineering disciplines. Although whatconstitutes a software or information systems prototype cannot be uniquelydefined, there are three readily identifiable characteristics. The prototypeshould be able to:
· Be a temporary system
Qus:5 Explain the following
a) Reverse engineering
b) Forward engineering
c) Data reengineering
d) Redocumentation
e) Restructuring
a) Reverse engineering:
Reverse engineering refers to the attempt to extract and abstract designinformation from the existing system’s source code; in other words, it attempts to recover the design implemented in the code. Reverse engineering uses the information about the system’s scope and functionality provided by the inventory analysis.
Qus:6 What are the factors affecting the status or interpretation of differences in software engineering?
Factors affecting the status or interpretation of differences in software engineering:
· The simultaneity factor: Some differences can appear contradictory when they occur simultaneously, but are actually complementary when placed in sequential order on a timeline. For example, consider a false dichotomy such as whether analysis or design, process or architecture is more important in software development. Of course, when
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