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Qus:1 What is the difference between process and thread?
The Difference between Process and Thread:
Every process presents the resources required to execute a program. A process has an executable code, a virtual address space, open handles to system objects, a unique process identifier, a security context, minimum and maximum working set sizes, environment variables, a priority
Qus:2 Explain in detail the techniques to handle hazards.
The Techniques to Handle Hazards:
There are two techniques to handle hazards namely minimising data hazard stalls by forwarding and reducing pipeline branch penalties.
1.Minimising data hazard stalls by forwarding:
Qus:3 Explain the Tumasulo approach. Write the differences between Tomasulo’s scheme and score boarding.
The Tumasulo Approach:
Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm – The Tomasulo Approach:
Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm was proposed by Robert Tomasulo. Tomasulo’s scheme combines the important constituents of scoreboard methodology with the prologue of Register renaming. This scheme has many variants. The basic idea behind this algorithm is “Avoiding WAR and WAW data hazards by use of renaming registers”.
Qus:4 Explain any five types of vector instructions in detail.
Five types of vector instructions in detail:
(a) Vector-scalar instructions: Using these instructions, a scalar operand can be combined with a vector one. If A and B are vector registers and f is a function that performs some operation on each element of a single or two vector operands, a vector-scalar operand can be defined as follows:
Qus:5 Differentiate between multiprocessor and multi-computer.
Differentiate between Multiprocessor and Multi-computer:
Multi processor:
Multiprocessor are systems with multiple CPUs, which are capable of independently executing different tasks in parallel. They have the following main features:
· They have either shared common memory or unshared distributed memories.
· They also share resources for example I/O devices, , system utilities, program libraries, and databases.
· They are operated on integrated operating system that gives interaction among processors and their programs at the task, files, job levels and also in data element level.
Qus:6 Write short notes on:
a) DSP Processor
b) Dual core technology
a) DSP Processor:
DSP Processor is designed to execute digital signal processing, i.e. mathematical handling of digitally presented signals. ‘Digital signal processing’ is one of the most important core technology in swiftly emerging areas like video & audio processing wireless communications and industrial digital security and control. Beside the growing recognition of DSP applications,
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if urgent then call us on 08791490301, 08273413412
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