Friday, 3 November 2017

smu bba fall 2017 (jan/feb 2018 exam) all sem assignment

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PROGRAM: Bachelor of Business Administration- BBA
DRIVE: summer 2017
SEMESTER: Semester 2
BK ID: B1518

Q.1: Discuss the various steps involved in research process with a suitable diagram.
Steps involved in research process
Research process diagram

Steps involved in research process

There are many steps of research process:
1. Identify the Research Problem
A research problem refers to some difficulty, which an organization faces and wishes to obtain a solution for. While undertaking research, defining the problem is very vital because “problem clearly stated is half solved”. This shows how significant it is to “identify the problem

Q.2: What is Secondary data? What are the advantages & disadvantages of Secondary Data?
Secondary data
Advantages of Secondary
Data Disadvantages of Secondary Data

Secondary data:
Secondary data refers to data that was collected by someone other than the user.Common sources of secondary data for social science include

Q.3: Explain the qualities of a good questionnaire.
Qualities of a good questionnaire

Qualities of a good questionnaire:
Questionnaire framing is the most difficult task in research. Careful framing of questionnaires is essential to obtain reliable data. Some of the principles

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Qus:1 Define Business Policy. Explain – the importance of business policy with suitable example.
Business policy                                   2
Importance of Business Policy         8
Answer: Before going into the details of business policy, let us study the definition of business policy as given by eminent authors and practitioners of Management.
"Business Policy

Qus:2 Explain - Formulation of Business Strategy with example.
Formulation of Business Strategy                10
Answer: Formulation of a strategy is generally broken down into three organizational levels:
a. Operational
b. Competitive
c. Corporate

Qus:3 Explain – Leadership traits in detail.
Leadership traits                                           10
Answer: Strategic leadership helps to attain strategic productivity. By encouraging employees to implement their original ideas, a strategic leader helps the employees to project their individual needs with those of the organization. Strategic leadership also helps to look at the broader picture by providing objectivity and potential.
Let us now understand

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FALL 2017
Bachelor of Business Administration- BBA
Semester 2

Set -1

Q.1] ABC Ltd Purchased Plant and Machinery costing Rs 40000 on 1st April 2013. It has been decided to depreciate it at the rate of 30% p.a on the written down value method. Show the Plant and Machinery account till 31st March 2017.
ABC Ltd. Plant and Machinery Account

Debit Side
Amount in Rs.
Credit Side
Amount in Rs.
1st April 2013
To Cash

31st March 2014
By Depreciation
By Balance c/d

Q.2] Mita, Vikash and Preetha are partners sharing profit and losses in the ratio of 3:2:1. Their Balance Sheet was as follows.
Balance Sheet of Mita, Vikas, Preetha as on April 31st, 2016


Cash in Hand
Bills payable
Capital :

Preetha retires on 01.05.2017 and as a result the assets are revalued and liabilities reassessed as follows:
1. Goodwill of the firm valued at Rs 30000
2. Machinery is depreciated at 10%
3. Creditors were underestimated by Rs 500
4. Building and Investment are appreciated by 20%
5. Create a provision for doubtful debt on debtors at Rs 800
Prepare necessary ledger accounts and show the balance sheet of new firm after adjustments.
Ans: Working Note:
1)    It is assumed that Mita & Vikash gaining ratio remains 3:2.
New Profit sharing ratio between Mita & Vikash is 3/5 : 2/5.

Q.3] Prepare a Banks reconciliation statement from the following particulars as on 31st April 2016
1. Balance as Per Pass Book Rs 8620
2. Cheques for Rs 4860 were deposited into bank but credited only Rs 3260 up to 31st April, 2016
3. A customer directly deposited into bank Rs 470
4. Interest credited by bank Rs 230
5. Bank Charges Rs 30
6. Balance as per Cash Book Rs 9550

Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 31st April 2006

Balance as per cash book (given)


Set -2

Q.1] Elucidate how accounting information is beneficial to various users.
Various users of Accounting Information
Different categories of users need different kinds of information for making decisions. These users can be divided into:
1. Internal Users
2. External Users.

1. Internal Users:

These are the persons who manage the business, i.e. management at the top, middle, and lower levels. Their requirements of information are different because they

Q.2] Explain the features of final account.
Ans: Features of Final Accounts
Qualitative characteristics of financial statements include:
       True and Fair View/Fair Presentation
The qualitative characteristics of useful financial reporting identifies the types of information that are likely to be most useful to users in making decisions about the reporting entity on the basis of information in its financial report. The qualitative characteristics

Q.3] 1. Explain why Revaluation account is prepared.
Ans: When a new partner is admitted, the firm stands reconstituted and all the assets and liabilities are required to be re-valued. This is because, it is necessary to show the true position of the firm at the time of admission.
In the process of revaluating the assets and liabilities, there could be some profit or loss which

2. X and Y are in partnership, sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:5. They admit Z into partnership and the new-profit sharing ratio is 4:3:3. Value of Goodwill is agreed at Rs 30000. Z contributes Rs 20000 as capital and necessary amount of premium, half of which is retained in the business. Show the Journal Entries
Cash/Bank A/c                                             Dr. 50,000
To Goodwill A/c                                                                    30,000
To Z’s

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Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA
Marketing Management

Qus:1 What do you mean by Marketing? What are the various scope of Marketing?
Explain Marketing                                        3
Explain various scope of Marketing.           7
Answer: The meaning of marketing has been clearly brought out by the following definitions:
In the words of C.C.

Qus:2 Explain various Micro and Macro Environment of an Organisation.
Micro Environment              5
Macro Environment.                        5
Answer: Micro-environment of the organization
Micro environment consists of forces that are close to the company and affect its ability to serve its customers.

Qus:3Write short notes on various tasks involved in Marketing Plan and Marketing Audit.
Tasks involved in Marketing Plan.              5
Marketing Audit.                                          5
Answer: The various tasks involved in marketing plans are –
a.       Analysis of business environment – Helps in identifying the favourable and unfavourable factors in the business

 SET 2
Qus:1 What are the various merits and demerits of Branding?
Merits of Branding.              6
Demerits of Branding.          4
Answer: Merits and Demerits of Branding
Branding is the most powerful tool of promoting the sales of the product. The merits of branding are –
i.                    Advertising – Branding is the cornerstone of advertising and helps the organization to address the needs

Qus:2 What do you mean Distribution Channel? What are the various Factors
Influencing Channel Decisions?
Explain Distribution Channel.         3
Explain various Factors Influencing Channel Decision.               7
Answer: The term 'channel' is derived from the French word 'canal, meaning artificial waterway for transportation or irrigation. So, channel of distribution refers to the pathway, path or route taken by goods as they flow or move from the point of production to the point of consumption or use.

Qus:3 What do you mean by Market Segmentation? What are the various bases for
market segmentation?
Explain Market Segmentation.                    3
Explain various bases for market segmentation.                7
Answer: A market is an aggregation of individuals, who have the need for a product or service and are willing and able

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Qus:1 The role of MIS in business has been changing with the invention of new technology. Discuss.
Role of Information system in Business                  10
Answer: Organizations strive to be market leaders in their given industry. In climates where factors such as recession, inflationary pressures and increased competition can hinder the achievement of this goal, companies look for strategies that lead to competitive advantages. One such

Qus:2 Write a brief note on
a) Online Analytical Processing System (OLAPS)
b) Executive Information System (EIS)
c) Decision Support System (DSS)
d) Object Oriented Systems (OOS)
a. Online Analytical Processing System (OLAPS)                          2.5
b. Executive Information System (EIS)                               2.5
c. Decision Support System (DSS)                                       2.5
d) Object Oriented Systems (OOS)                          2.5
Answer: Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
OLAP refers to a system in which there are predefined multiple instances of various modules used in business applications. Any input to such a system results in verification of the facts with

Qus:3 Business Process Reengineering is used for changes in the work process. Explain how it improves a process?
Improving a process in BPR                                    10
Answer: Any organization will have a number of processes aligned with their business activities. Over years the processes may have to be improved. For any improvement it is necessary to

Qus:4 What is E-commerce? What are the different E-Commerce process models?
a. E-Commerce                      2
b. E-Commerce Process Models                  8
Answer: E-commerce
e-commerce is a second big application next to ERP. It essentially deals with buying and selling of goods. With the advent of internet and web technology, e-commerce today covers an entire commercial scope online including design and developing, marketing, selling, delivering, servicing and

Qus:5Explain the concepts of Knowledge management and Knowledge Management Systems.
Knowledge management                              3
Knowledge management systems                7
Answer: Knowledge Management (KM)
Knowledge Management has the following processes:
 Define, capture, manipulate, store and develop.

Qus: 6 Explain the Governance modes in the use of IT
Governance modes in the use of IT                         10
Answer: Governance Modes in the use of IT
Entire business is conceptualized from a loosely-coupled system through to a tightly-coupled system. The specific mode

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Qus:1 Write short notes on
 The Transformation Process
 Differences between Goods and Services
 Objectives of Production Management
 Importance of Technology in Production
Answer:  The Transformation Process
 As the complexities of organizations grew, it was found that merely converting input to output was not enough. Feedback from the output stage was necessary to adjust the changes required in

Qus:2 Why Operations Strategy is considered as a Competitive Weapon in today’s scenario?
Answer: A firm’s mission statement, majorly, is a reflection of its operations strategy. This operations strategy is an enduring arrangement for achieving the mission communicated in the mission statement. Operations strategy predominantly is a specification of the best way in which a

Qus:3 Discuss various steps of Product selection and development.
Answer: Product selection and development involve a number of steps that are as follows:
       Idea gereration
       Idea screening
       Development process

Qus:4 Define materials management and state its importance and functions.
Answer: Materials management can be defined as controlling, organizing and managing materials/stock so that it guarantees the maximum return for a business. It involves determining the purchase, location, storage, account-keeping and transportation of stock (planning of moving stock through various processes of manufacturing, warehouses and channels of

Qus:5 Define following term in reference of Value Chain
 Supply Alliances
Answer:  Supply Alliances
Value chain activities are facilitated by support activities. Porter identified four industry- specific

Qus:6 Define Work Measurement and state its objectives and techniques.
Answer: Work Measurement is a technique to find out the time required to do any activity at a predetermined level of performance by a qualified worker. In other words, it is a technique to develop time standards for the performing jobs.
To establish

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Qus:1 Explain the limitations of Profit Maximization. What is Risk-return Trade-off and Risk-free rate?
Answer: It suffers from the following limitations:
• It is vague
• It ignores the timing of returns
• It

Qus:2 Write short notes on:
a) Budgeting and forecasting
b) Financial Budgets
c) Cost Centre
Answer: a) Budgeting and forecasting
A budget is not the same thing as a forecast. A forecast is the likelihood of events happening, given the

Qus:3 Explain cost of Internal Equity and cost of External Equity.
Answer: Cost of Internal Equity: Dividend-growth Model
A firm’s internal equity consists of its retained earnings. The opportunity cost of the retained earnings is the rate of return foregone by equity shareholders. The shareholders generally expect

 Solve the problem:
Determine the degree of operating leverage from the following data:
S Ltd
R Ltd
Fixed costs
Variable expenses is 50% of sales for firm S and 25% for firm R.


Qus:5 Explain the phases of Capital Investment Planning and Control. Why is Net Present Value (NPV) important?
Answer: Capital Investment Planning and Control
There are

Qus:6 Explain the Advantages and Disadvantages of Leasing.
Answer: Disadvantages of Leasing
We can now examine the disadvantages of leasing. Leasing does not provide 100 per cent financing: One misconception about leasing is that it provides 100 per cent financing for the asset as the lessee can avoid payment for acquiring the asset. The lessee, it is assumed, can

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BBA 503

Qus:1 Briefly explain any 3 types of theory of Economic Development and also discuss the features of a Developing Economy.
Answer: Different theories of economic development exist. Some of them have been described below:
(a) The ‘Wealth of Nations’ Theory
Adam Smith has been recognized as the leading expounder of economic thought. Adam Smith’s opinions can be

Qus:2 Write short notes on:
a) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in India
b) Communication system in India
Answer: a) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in India
Latest terms of trade development with respect to important areas like auto components, apparels, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, jewellery, etc., form the basis for FDI in India although its rigid FDI policies

Qus:3 Discuss in detail Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) Model of Development with the help of examples?
Answer: LPG Model of development was brought out in 1991. The model was pioneered by the then Finance Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh with a huge impact and it proposed to lay focus on liberalization,

Qus:4 Discuss the Significance of Agriculture in the National Economy?
Answer: Agriculture has always been the backbone of the Indian economy and despite concerted industrialization in the last six decades; agriculture still occupies a place of pride. It provides

Qus:5 Discuss the Overview of the Services Sector
Answer: The services sector covers a wide array of activities ranging from services provided by the most sophisticated sectors like telecommunications, satellite mapping, and computer software to tourism, real estate,

Qus:6 Explain the role of the Public Sector in India.
Answer: Public sector in India has been criticized vehemently by a number of supporters of the private sector who have chosen to shut their eyes towards the achievements of the public sector.
It would

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fall 2017
BBA 504 &

1 Write notes on:
a) Tax Treatment of Income.
b) Capital Expenses vs. Revenue Expenses.
c) Fringe Benefit Tax.

Answer: a) Treatment of income for tax purposes can be divided into three categories. They are:
(i)                Taxable income: These incomes form a part of the total income and are fully taxable. These are
2 Raj was born in Karachi on January 2, 1947. He has been staying in USA since 1986. He comes to India on a visit of 200 days on October 10,2014. Determine the residential status of Mr Raj for the assessment year 2015-16.
Determine the residential status of Mr Raj
Discuss the advantages of VAT over Sales tax.

Answer: Rules for determining residential status of individuals
There are two conditions to determine the residential status of an individual viz.
 (i) Basic conditions
There are two basic conditions. They are:
(a)   An

3 “Section 48 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 discusses the methods of computation of short term and long term capital gains”. Enumerate with examples.
A Discuss the methods of computation of Short term and Long term Capital Gains under Section 48 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 with examples.

Answer: Charging Tax for Short-Term/Long-Term Capital Gains

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Fall 2017

1 Explain – the nine types of personalities of entrepreneurs defined by Zahorsky.
Nine types of personalities of entrepreneurs

Answer: Nine types of personalities of entrepreneurs
(i)                 The improver: An improver operates business with high degree of integrity and ethics and focus on continuous improvement.
(ii)               The advisor: An advisor entrepreneur tends to be focussed on customer needs, and they provide high level of assistance and advice to customers.
(iii)             The

2 What are the contents of a Business Plan? Draft a model Business Plan.
Contents of Business Plan
Answer: Contents of a Business Plan

(i)                 Description of venture: For an existing business, the details like date of establishment, journey over time with significant milestones, employee data, sales and profit data over time (if history is too long then selected period of say, five years’ data would be enough), organization structure,

3 Explain - Harvesting Strategy in any industry.
Harvesting Strategy

Answer: Harvesting Strategy
Harvesting of business though becomes necessary when in the process of bankruptcy it is realised that the business is not viable. At this time business is not harvested or sold voluntarily but through court intervention. If there is no buyer of the business-as-is then assets are sold one by one and the proceeds are used

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Qus:1 Define Technology management. What are the dimensions of technology management?
a) Technology management definition                                5
b) Dimensions of technology management                          5
Answer: The definition provided by Gendron says ‘technology is practical knowledge based on experimentation and theory, which is embodied in productive skills, organization, or machinery’.

Qus:2 What is the need and importance of Technology Strategy? Explain different types of technology strategy.
a. Technology Strategy need and importance                    5
b. Types of technology strategy                                           5
Answer: Need and Importance of Technology Strategy
Technology strategy is needed when an organization has to decide whether it would generate or develop its own technology or it would follow the technology leader and to what extent. Technology strategy, as mentioned earlier, implies long-term, purposeful and interconnected efforts. It is a

Qus:3 What is the link between Technology Development and Competition?
Link between Technology Development and Competition                       10
Answer: There is a strong bond between technology development and competition. To reach a strong position in the market and maintain high level of profitability, an organization needs to have a strong sense of

Qus:4 What are the different perspectives of Innovation Diffusion Process
Perspectives of Innovation Diffusion process                                             10
Answer: Technology diffusion is an essential component of technological progress and thus, an important source of economic growth. A major channel through which technology diffusion occurs is investment in technology-embodied machinery and equipment. The different

Qus:5 Define Innovation. Explain different types of Innovation.
Briefly explain the external and internal factors which influence innovation.
a. Define the concept of innovation                                     2
b. Explain four types of innovation                                     4
c. Explain the external and internal factors which influence innovation 4
Answer: In today’s businesses, creativity and innovation have a major role to play. They are the main components the success of a business, especially during strategic planning, and when

Qus:6Briefly explain Cloud computing, RFID, Business Analytics, Social media and 4G technologies.
a. Cloud computing                                       2
b. RFID                                                          2
c. Business Analytics                                     2
d. Social Media                                              2
e. 4G Technology                                          2
Answer: Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is gaining much focus among organizations of all sizes. There is a major shift in the way companies obtain software and computing capacity, as more companies tap into web-based

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Bachelor of Business Administration- BBA
Management Development and Skills
Qus:1 What do you mean by Directing? Explain the principles of Directing.
Answer: Direction is a vital function of management as it is concerned with action and not thought. It is the process of instructing, guiding, supervising and motivating people towards the accomplishment of organizational goals. It is an actual performance of people that is guided towards

Qus:2 What is Creative Thinking? Discuss the importance of Creative thinking. Explain
the process of Creative Thinking.
Answer: Critical thinking emphasizes analysis and understanding of how people assert themselves, give explanations, derive solutions, select the right path to tread on and move away from the wrong one. On the other hand, creative approach moves towards exploring ideas, finding

Qus:3 Explain the concept of Time Management. Discuss the Steps involved in Time
Answer: Time management is not a new concept; it has been in practice from the time of the sages, who used to divide the day into different parts, with each part dedicated to a different task, such as the mornings dedicated to prayer and exercise because of low temperatures and peaceful surroundings, afternoons dedicated to siesta and evening dedicated to study and discourse. The

Qus:4 Suppose you have joined as a Manager in an organization and you are asked to negotiate on a particular issue. What according to you are the principles of Negotiation? Explain the steps in the process of negotiation.
Answer: The twelve basic principles of negotiations given by Marvin Gottlieb and William J. Healy in their book Making Deals: The Business of Negotiating are:
1.      The greatest

Qus:5 Discuss the qualities required to become an effective leader.
Answer: A leader should have specific leadership qualities so as to provide effective
leadership. According to Henry Fayol, a leader exhibits the following qualities:
(i)                 Physical

Qus:6 Write a short note on the following:
a) Impact Analysis
b) Catwoe Analysis
Answer: a) Impact Analysis
Impact analysis is a challenging exercise carried out in order to capture and structure all the potential consequences of a decision at first and secondly to ensure that they are managed appropriately. Larger or more risky decisions call for experienced people, ideally from different

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Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA
Role of International Financial Institutions

Qus:1 Write a Short Note on Balance of Payment and derivatives.
Answer: Balance of payments (BoP) is an account statement which holds the summation of all international transactions a country has had with other nations. It reflects a country’s performance in trade, in

Qus:2 What do you mean by Exchange Rate? What are the various Determinants of
Exchange Rates?
Answer: Exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another. Similar to a product in a store which has a price, a unit of currency also has a price. For example, a book at an Indian airport can

Qus:3 Write Short Note on Letter of Credit and Bill of Exchange.
Answer: Letter of Credit
Letter of Credit (LC) is one of the methods of making trade payment while dealing with unknown exporters or importers. LC is one of the most secured modes of payment for international traders, especially when the foreign buyer’s reliable credit information is not there. The exporter has to be content with the creditworthiness of the importer’s bank. Through this method
Qus:4 Write a short note on International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
and International Development Association.
Answer: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is an international financial development institution and is the first of the five-member institutions which make up the World Bank Group. IBRD has been constituted for the purpose of giving loans to middle-income developing nations of the world and is considered to be the hard lending arm of the World Bank. Initially, IBRD was set up for financing the reconstruction of the European countries which were destroyed by World War II, but later on its aid was extended all over the world for eradicating poverty and advancing economic development. The areas of focus for

Qus:5 What do you mean by Asian Development Bank (ADB)? What are the various criticism made for Asian Development Bank (ADB)?
Answer: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) was originally a brain child of some influential Japanese in 1962, since they felt that the World Bank was not able to successfully serve the interest in Asia. This was also supported by the Japanese government and finally it was established in 1966. The Asian Development Bank has its headquarters in Mandaluyong City, Philippines. Japan being the major shareholder, held a very influential position in the banks administration and

majorly criticized by the China.

Qus:6 What do you mean by Basel III and what are the Key features of Basel III.
Answer: Basel III is a global regulatory standard on capital adequacy of the banks, their market liquidity risks and stress

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fall 2017
Bachelor of Business Administration- BBA
Semester 6
BBR601 –Modern Retail Management Process and Retail services

1 What are the main factors challenges international retailing? List down the leading international retailers.
Factors challenges international retailing
List the leading international retailers

Answer: Challenges in International Retailing
·         New Environment: A retail organisation needs to understand the culture, values and ethics of a country where it wishes to operate in order to fulfil the requirements of the customers of that country. This requires extensive market research and huge cost, which can be a

2 Briefly discuss the internal resource & competitive advantages with examples.
Internal resource and competitive advantages

Answer: Internal Resources and Competitive Advantage
Globalisation and easing retail FDI norms are also going to intensify competition in the Indian retail market. To survive in the market and gain an edge over its competitors, a retail organisation needs to manage its internal resources effectively. These internal resources are:
·         Workforce: It
3 Explain in detail Expansion strategy.
Expansion strategy

Answer: Expansion means opening more stores in more geographies. For example, domestic retailers can expand their businesses by entering into global markets. Usually, retailers expand their businesses when they have gained a competitive advantage in domestic markets or they want to utilise their idle resources

4 What are the modes of retail promotion?
Modes of retail promotion

Answer: How do you get acquainted to a new brand every time? Promotion does it for you. Promotion indicates the effort of any organisation to communicate about its offerings to the target consumers. It constitutes an important part in marketing. The main aim of promotion is to create sufficient

5 Mention some of the ways by which retailers can build relationship with the customers.
Ways by which retailers can build relationship with the customers

Answer: In today’s competitive business scenario, you have numerous alternatives for a single product. This may encourage you to switch from one brand to another based on factors such as the quality and price. However, in certain cases, you prefer to stick to one particular brand or retailer. Ever

6 Write short notes on:
a) Internet Retailing
b) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Answer: a) The Internet is a system that inter-connects different computer networks through Internet Protocol Suite or IP to serve billions of users across the world. It allows users to exchange data, ideas,

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Bachelor of Business Administration- BBA
Semester 6
BBR602 –Retail Project Property Management and
Case Studies in Retail

Qus:1 What are the duties of a property Manager?
Answer: Every organisation requires a manager to administer the different activities and explore opportunities. Similarly, property business also has managers who are called property managers. A property manager is a person who works as an agent. He works for either the land owner or the appointed representative. Usually, this involves carrying out the functions of the land owner when he/

Qus:2 Define a property management plan. What are the steps for formulating it?
Answer: Planning is the foremost function of any work or project initiation. It helps I determining the future, making optimum utilisation of resources, and facilitating coordination.

Qus:3 How to evaluate the performance of a property as an investment asset?
Answer: It is essential for an owner to evaluate the performance of a property as an investment asset so that it can earn the maximum return over it. For this purpose, the tool PPM has been developed.
PPM assesses the

Qus:4 Define lease. What are the different types of lease payments?
Answer: A lease is a legal document that mentions the terms under which one party agrees to take a property on rent from another party. This process of using the property against the rent is called leasing

Qus:5 What are the determinants of retail property value?
Answer: Any upcoming development plans by the government or civic bodies can affect the value of property both negatively and positively. Building new schools, hospitals and roads can change the character of an area and lessen the appeal of the location because of increased traffic

Qus:6 Write short notes on:
a) Special Economic Zones
b) Future design of retail store
Answer: a) Special Economic Zones
Special Economic zone (SEZ) is a geographical region that is designed to export goods and provide employment. SEZs are exempt from federal laws regarding taxes, quotas, FDI-bans, labor laws

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DRIVE fall 2017
PROGRAM Bachelor of Business Administration- BBA
SEMESTER Semester 6
BBR603 –Merchandising &Supply chain Management

1 Discuss the concept of retail supply chain.
Concept of retail supply chain

Answer: Concept of Retail Supply Chain
The success or failure of a retail supply chain depends on stock-outs. Stockouts (lost sales) represent the failure of supply chain. It is a serious situation for a retail organisation as it is difficult to determine the accurate

2 Elaborate on the management of retail product life cycle.
Management of retail product life cycle

Answer: Management of Retail Product Lifecycle
Retail product design
Product design has become an essential part of retailers’ supply chain processes. For some products, customers’ choices vary to a wide range, and where private labels dominate, the success/failure of the retailers

3 What are the factors affecting merchandise buying functions?
Factors affecting merchandise buying functions

Answer: Factors affecting merchandise buying functions
Merchandising is not an isolated function. It is affected by several factors, which are discussed as follows:
Size of a retail organisation: Retailing function varies with size of an organisation. The requirement of

4 Elaborate the process of merchandise planning.
Process of merchandise planning

Answer: Process of merchandise planning
Merchandise planning is based on merchandise strategy prepared by the organisation. The process of merchandise planning involves two important tasks, which are:
Ø  Determining goals for effective merchandise management
Ø  Preparing

5 Discuss some of the standard color schemes adopted in retail stores with example.
Standard color schemes

Answer: Shoppers most often choose what they buy based on color. In fact, it can account for up to 85 percent of the reason people buy one product over another, according to the Color Marketing

6 Write short notes on:
a) Retail Replenishment
b) Retail ERP

Answer: a) The process of filling up the empty shelves of retail stores with new merchandise is called retail replenishment. However, this definition does not address all the business conditions of retail inventory management. The replenishment of products in a retail store depends

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