Saturday, 11 November 2017

smu mba fall 2017 (jan/feb 2018 exam) IIIrd sem assignment Heathcare and IT

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DRIVE fall 2017
MBA (sem 3) MBADS (sem 3/sem 5)/PGDHSMN (sem 1)
Semester 3
MH0051 – Health Administration
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Qus:1. Explain the types of epidemiological studies and list the uses of epidemiology.
·         Explanation of the types of epidemiological studies
·         Uses of epidemiology

Types of epidemiological studies:

·         Observational studies: In observational studies, the epidemiologist does not assign a treatment but rather observes. For example, if the epidemiologist wanted to see if smoking is related to lung cancer, she would not be able to ethically assign people to smoke and not

Qus:2. Describe the demographic profile of India.
·         Mentioning the components of demography
·         Explanation of components of demography
Mentioning the components of demography:
The components of demography are:
1. Age composition
2. Inter-state differences
3. Maternal mortality

Q.3.Define disaster management. Explain the steps in disaster management.
·         Definition of disaster management
·         Explanation of steps in disaster management

Disaster management:

It is considered that the number of natural disasters is increasing worldwide due to climatic changes. Still, disasters fascinate people. They bring on feelings of amazement and fear, and provide instances of courage, folly, and tragedy – in a sense, all the aspects of a greast drama. With the

Qus: 4. what is ergonomics? Discuss the occupational related legislations in India.
·         Meaning of ergonomics
·         Discussing occupational related legislations in India
Meaning of ergonomics:
The applied science of equipment design, as for the workplace, intended to maximize productivity by

Qus:5 Explain the different types of health insurance policies in India.
·         Mentioning health insurance policies in India
·         Explanation of important health insurance policies in India
Mentioning health insurance policies in India:
Following are the health insurance policies in India:
·         The

Qus:6. Discuss the impact of lifestyle diseases on healthcare industry and economy.
·         Explanation of various impacts of lifestyle diseases on healthcare industry and economy
Explanation of various impacts of lifestyle diseases on healthcare industry and economy
Lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension and other circulatory diseases are on the rise as a result of the adoption of modern diets high in saturated fats, oils and processed sugar. A lot of people are suffering from such diseases which reduce their work efficiency. Healthcare industry has

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DRIVE fall 2017
MBA (sem 3)/MBADS (3 and 5)/PGDHSMN sem 1
MH0052 – Hospital Organization, Operations and Planning
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q.1 Define a hospital. Discuss the various functions of hospital. (Definition, Explanation of various functions of hospitals) 1, 9
Answer : Hospital :
A hospital is a health care institution providing patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment.
Hospitals are usually funded by the public sector, by health organizations (for profit or non profit), health insurance companies, or charities, including direct charitable donations. Historically, hospitals were often founded

Q.2. List the various committees in a hospital setting. Discuss the factors that affect the effectiveness of committees. (Listing the various committees, Explanation of the factors that affect the effectiveness of committees) 2, 8

Answer : Listing the various committees :
1. Medical Executive Committee
2. Ethics

Q.3  Explain the process of material management in a hospital. (Mentioning all the processes, Explanation of all the processes of material management) 2, 8

Materials management is an important issue for healthcare systems because it influences clinical and financial outcomes. Before selecting, adapting and implementing leading or optimized practices, a good understanding of processes and activities has to be developed. In real applications, the

Q.4. Discuss in brief the planning, design and staffing of a billing department in a hospital. (Explanation of planning a billing department, Explanation of designing a billing department, Explanation of staffing in a billing department) 4, 3, 3
ANS: Brief outline of billing department:
The decision on how to bill, file insurance claims, document these claims, and finally to collect on these claims is one of the most important decisions a Hospitalist practice will make, second only to selecting the

Q.5. Discuss the managerial skills required to be possessed by a health service manager. (Mentioning the three major categories of managerial skills, Explanation) 1, 9
ANS: Managerial skills: three major categories of managerial skills are given below.
A. Knowledge of Subordinate Functions
B. Interactive Skills
C. Administrative Skills
Technical and Administrative:

– The performance of all operative and technical tasks is not a prerequisite for a manager, but he/she should be well

Q.6  Imagine that you are appointed as a consultant for setting up a Radiology and X-ray unit in a tertiary care teaching hospital. What are the planning considerations you have to keep in your mind before executing the task?  (Importance of Radiology and X-ray unit in a hospital, Planning considerations) 2, 8

Answer : Importance of Radiology and X-ray unit in a hospital  :

The imaging department within a hospital or as a stand-alone centre can be treated as a separate

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fall 2017
MH0053 – Hospital & Healthcare Information Management

Qus:1 Discuss the organizational arrangements for the HMIS in India.
·         Brief description of all the three levels of organizational arrangement of HMIS
Brief description of all the three levels of organizational arrangement of HMIS:
The organizational arrangement of HMIS and the agencies responsible for it is discussed in the three levels namely central, state and district.

·         Central Level:  At the central level there are four major agencies dealing with the HMIS.

Ø  Central

Qus: 2 explain the categories of Information system in hospital. Add a note on functional areas of Hospital Information System
·         Explanation of the categories of Information system in hospital.
·         Explanation of functional areas of hospital information system
Explanation of the categories of Information system in hospital:
There are three general categories of information systems available in hospitals: clinical or medical information system, information system to support administrative operation and

Qus: 3 Define E-health. Discuss the advantages and challenges in E-health.
·         Definition
·         Advantages of E-health
·         Challenges in E-health
E-health is defined as the use of communication and information technology in the field of medicine. Transfer of medical records or other related data takes place through electronic processes

Qus: 4 explain the process of audit. Add a note on types of audit.
·         Explaining the steps in the audit process
·         Types of audit
Explaining the steps in the audit process:
The process of audit involves the following steps:

Qus:5 Describe the components of quality assurance in health care.
·         Mentioning the various components of quality assurance in healthcare
·         Explanation of the components of quality assurance in healthcare
Mentioning the various components of quality assurance in healthcare:
The main four components of Quality Assurance (QA) include
1.      Quality

Qus: 6 discuss the threats to healthcare information.
·         Mentioning the various categories of threat
·         Explanation of various categories of threat
Mentioning the various categories of threat:
The threats to the healthcare information system can be classified into two main categories:

·         Internal

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DRIVE                          fall 2017
PROGRAM                  Master of Business Administration in Healthcare Services Management – MBA(HCS)
SEMESTER                 Semester 3
SUBJECT CODE & NAME     MH0054 – Finance, Economics and Planning in Healthcare Services
BOOK ID                                B1215
CREDITS                                4
MARKS                                  60
Note – Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Ques 1. Explain medical billing process in healthcare organisations.
AnsBilling in healthcare is the process of submitting and following up on claims to insurance companies in order to receive

Ques 2. Explain cost allocation in healthcare organizations.
AnsCost Allocation
Healthcare organizations, like any other organization, are required to set priorities and allocate resources within the constraint of limited funding. Despite that, the decision makers are sometimes not

Ques 3. Throw light on the incentives available for healthcare sector under the Income Tax Act.
Ans Incentives Available to Healthcare Sector under the Income Tax Act Recognizing the critical role played by the health Industry, the industry has been conferred with the infrastructure

Ques 4. Explain budgeting techniques in healthcare services.
AnsBudgeting Process for Healthcare Services
The process of preparing a meaningful and useful budget is best undertaken as an organised and structured group exercise. The budget process involves asking a number of questions. These start with plans

Quest 5. Explain different methods of evaluation of healthcare services.
AnsMarginal analysis
This is the one of simplest method of micro-economic evaluation. In this method, there is no need to know the total exact costs or benefits of the various services or treatments. It involves a comparison of the marginal costs and benefits of the alternative services, and it leaves much to the judgements of the decision-maker. It provides estimates of the implications of redeploying resources within, to, or from a programme where alternative patterns of care are possible. If there is no budget restraint, then a programme should be expanded or contracted to the point

Ques 6. Explain the importance of healthcare planning. Add a note of types of healthcare planning.
Ans The Government is conscious of the need for dynamic Indian health planning and management. Innovative healthcare and development programs are the need of the hour. For this, major organizations like the National AIDS Control organization have been established by the Health
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Qus:1 Explain characteristics and objectives of Software Engineering
Answer: Characteristics of software engineering
Software is developed by adopting a systematic approach. A logical way of engineering is followed. Software and hardware are the two parts of a computer. The physical entity is the hardware and serves as the backbone of the computer. Software cannot perish, whereas hardware can perish and

Qus: 2. Explain
a) Linear sequential/ waterfall model, and
b) V-shaped model
Answer : Linear sequential/waterfall model
This is perhaps the oldest model of the traditional process models. The basic assumption is that the development of software progresses in a sequential form, analogous to the manner in which water flows

Qus 3: What is software reuse? How can we categorize the software reuse?
Answer : Software reuse is a new approach of building software, using the software that already exists in a company, rather than building software systems from scratch. Therefore, we can define software reuse as a process of developing new software systems from predefined

Set 2

Qus:1 Discuss the concept of Software Prototyping
Answer: We can define software prototyping as the rapid development of software to evaluate the requirements. Prototype is developed to facilitate you and developers to understand the requirements for the system. Prototype is necessary at the start of the analysis because, creating

Qus: 2. Compare modular software design with architectural software design.
Answer : Modular Design
We can define a modular design as the design of any system made up of separate modules that can be linked

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Database Management Systems
Set 1
Qus:1 What are the properties of DBMS?                        
Answer: The following are the important properties of database:
 A database is a logical collection of data having some implicit meaning. If the data are not related then it is not called as proper database. For example, a student studying in class II got 5th rank.
Rank obtained
Class II

Qus:2 Describe various notations of ER Model.
Answer: The basic representation of ER Model is given below. After the requirements collection and analysis phase, we create its conceptual schema step-by-step by using ER Model concepts.

Qus:3 Describe the construction of hard disk drive.
Answer: The hard drive is also known as hard disk drive or fixed disk drive. It is the main and largest storage device on the computer. It is referred usually in the computer by C: drive. This consists of all the important programs and applications of the computer. Hard drive is a non-volatile memory,

Set 2
Qus:1 Identify the advantages of client applications
Answer: In a centralised database system, all system components such as data, DBMS software and storage devices reside at a single computer or site, whereas in distributed database system, data is spread over one or more computers connected by a network.
Distributed Database (DDB) is thus a set of databases stored on multiple computers but it appears to a user as a single

Qus:2 Explain the basics of OOD.
Answer: Object-Oriented Designing (OOD) can be used to explain how a software design may be represented as a set of interacting objects that manage their own states and behaviours.

Qus:3 Explain kinds of joins are: simple equi-join, self-join, outer join.
Answer: Simple equi-joins
We must follow the guidelines given

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Set 1
Qus:1 What is a Router? What is a Bridge? Differentiate between the two.
a) Definition of Router                                 2
b) Definition of Bridge                                  2
c) Difference between Router and Bridge.             6
Answer: Router
A router is the most intelligent yet expensive device as compared to hubs and switches; however, its working is somewhat dissimilar, switches are perfect for communication between

Qus:2 Write Short notes on:
a) Connectors                                                2
b) PC Cards                                       3
c) Hubs                                               2
d) Switch                                            3
Answer: Connectors
Connectors are devices that join two network hardware components together and are used for varied purposes such as audio/video, internetworking, power transfer, etc. In computer

Qus:3 Explain the Elements of Communication System. Elaborate on Modulation/Demodulation (Modem)
a) Explanation of the Elements of Communication System          4
b) Elaborate on Modulation/Demodulation (Modem)                   6
Answer: Elements of Communication System
The data exchange between computer and its components by means of protocols and hardware

Set 2
Qus:1 Explain LAN (Local Area Network). Elaborate its advantages, characteristics & architecture.
a) Explanation of LAN                     2
b) Advantages of LAN                     3
c) Characteristics of LAN                2
d) Architecture of LAN                    3
Answer: When several computers are connected by means of hardware and software in a small range then

Qus:2 Define Internet. What are its uses?
a) Explanation of Internet                3
b) Uses of Internet                             7
Answer: Internet is a global system that can be used for sharing information, providing worldwide

Qus:3 Cryptography is the process of writing the cipher text. Explain its uses and goals.
a) Uses of Cryptography                              5
b) Goals of Cryptography                            5
Answer: Cryptography is the process of writing the cipher text. In cryptography, a plain text is converted into the cipher text (refers to the secret text) by using some mathematical functions, so that other users on the network cannot read the information. Cryptography plays an

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Set 1
Qus:1 There are different types of roles in a programme team. Explain each.
Roles in BI Programme team.                                  10
Answer: The BI program team creates the foundation, provides continuity and is responsible for maintaining standards, coordination and integration in a project. There are different types of roles in a

Qus:2 OLAP is a technology that is used to analyse data stored at different network locations or data warehouses. Explain its Characteristics and types.
a) Characteristics of OLAP                          5
b) Types of OLAP                                         5
Answer: OLAP is a technology that is used to analyse data stored at different network locations or data warehouses. It allows you to analyse data from multiple database systems at the same time. The five main

Qus:3 Business intelligence tools are software programs and applications that are used for comprehensive and detailed data analysis. Explain the “Tools supporting information integration capability” and “Tools supporting presentation capability”.
a) Tools supporting information integration capability                             5
b) Tools supporting presentation capability                                               5
Answer: Tools supporting information integration capability
Information integration capability is the ability to relate structured and unstructured data, and information and knowledge

Set 2
Qus:1 Write short note on the types of approaches for Development of Business Intelligence Solutions and Differentiate between Waterfall & Agile Approach
a) Short note on the types of approaches for Development of Business Intelligence Solutions                                                                                      7
b) Difference between Waterfall & Agile Approach                     3
Answer: Approaches for Development of Business Intelligence Solutions
The two approaches in software development, which are significant in the case of BI solution

Qus:2 Elaborate on the Business Intelligence (BI) applications in Finance
Business Intelligence (BI) applications in Finance                          10
Answer: Understanding how BI can be harnessed and applied to the finance sector is beneficial for both investors and financial institutions. A recent report of financial institutions states that many

Qus:3 Business intelligence (BI) is a process by which an organisation analyses raw data so that it can take informed decisions about its future in a timely manner. Explain the keys to ensure success of BI in organisations
The keys to ensure success of BI in organisations                          10
Answer: A company or an organisation should recognise the importance of data and information to measure its performance and adopt BI for better decisionmaking and analytic operations. However, only adopting BI will not ensure an organisation’s success. BI needs to be deployed

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