Saturday, 11 November 2017

smu bsc it fall 2017 (jan/feb 2018 exam) assignment IInd and IIIrd sem

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DRIVE fall 2017
PROGRAM Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
SUBJECT CODE & NAME BIT201 – Object Oriented Programming – C++

Assignment Set -1
1 What is Polymorphism? What are the different types of Polymorphism?

Answer: Virtual functions in C++ are important to implement the concept of polymorphism. Polymorphism means same content but different forms. In C++, polymorphism enables the same program code calling different functions of different classes. Imagine a situation where you would like to create a

2 Discuss the following functions of file operations
a) tellg()
b) seekp()
c) ignore()
d) getline()

Answer: A. tellg() – Returns an int type, that shows the current position of the inside-pointer. This one works only when you read a file. Example:
#include <fstream.h>
void main

3 Explain sequence containers

Answer: Sequence Containers
There are three types of sequence containers in the STL. These, as their name suggests, store data in linear sequence. They are the vector, deque and list:
·         vector<

Assignment Set -2
1 Differentiate between an external variable and an automatic variable with the help of an example.

Answer: Automatic variables is default variable in C++. All the variables we have created and used in programs are automatic variables. These variables can also be declared by prefixing the keyword auto. One of important characteristics of these variables are that they are created only when the function or

2 What is “this pointer” in C++? What are the features of “this pointer”?

Answer: The this pointer is used as a pointer to the class object instance by the member function. The address of the class instance is passed as an implicit parameter to the member functions. The sample below, in this section shows how to use it. It is common knowledge that C++ keeps only one copy of each member function and the data members are allocated memory for all of their instances. This kind

3 Explain destructor in detail.

Answer: Destructors are usually used to deallocate memory and do other cleanup for a class object and its class members when the object is destroyed. A destructor is called for a class object when that object passes out of scope or is explicitly deleted. A destructor is a member function with the same name as its class

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DRIVE fall 2017
PROGRAM Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - B.SC(IT)
SUBJECT CODE & NAME BIT202 – Basic Mathematics

Assignment Set -1

1 Integrate the following w.r.t. x
i) x √(x + a)
ii) x /√(a + bx)

Answer: a) x √(x + a)

∫x√(x+a) dx = I                                 (say)

2 If a = cos q + i sin q, 0<q <2p prove that {1+a}/{1-a} = i cot q/2

Answer: i. If a = cos q + i sin q,0 <q < 2p prove that 1+a/1-a = i cot q/2

L.H.S = 1+ cos q + i sin q
                1 - cos q - i sin q

= 2 cos^2 q/2 + 2 i sin q/2 cos q/2
   2 sin^ 2

3 Solve: 3/1 + (3.5/1.2) . (1/3) + (3.5.7/1.2.3) . (1/3^2) + …………..∞]

Answer: Comparing the given series with one of the general Binomial series, we get

P=3, q=2, x/q=1/3


But the

Assignment Set -2
1 a) If in group G, (ab)^2 = a^2b^2 for every a, b Î G prove that G is abelian.
b) Show that if every element of a group G is its own inverse then G is abelian.

Answer: a) (ab)^2 = a^2.b^2

Ø  (ab) (ab) = (a . a) (b . b)

Ø  a[b(ab)] = a[a(bb)] (Associative)

2 If tan A = 1- cos B . show that tan 2A = tan B.

Answer: Given that tan A = 1-cosB

i.e tan

3 Evaluate dy/dx,  when y = log[√(1+x^2)+x]) / [√(1+x^2)-x])

Answer: d/dx{(log[√(1+x^2)+x]) - log[√(1+x^2)-x])


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fall 2017 ASSIGNMENT
CREDIT – 4, BK ID - B1476, MAX. MARKS 60

Set 1
Q1. Describe any Five types of graph. [5*2]= 10


Types of Graphs
Depending upon the vertices and edges and the weight associated to it, graphs can be

Q2. Describe the following storage allocation:
1. Fixed block
2. Variable block


Fixed block storage allocation
First block storage allocation is the simplest case of dynamic storage allocation. This is the straight forward method in which, all the blocks are of identical in size. The user can decide the

3. Define sorting. Explain merge sort with suitable example.
Sorting is the process of arranging a collection of items in some specified order. The items/records in a file or data structures in memory, consist of one or more fields or members. One of these fields is designated as the "sort key" which means the records will be ordered

Set 2
Q1. What do you mean by complexity of algorithm? Explain asymptotic notations.
Complexity of Algorithm
To compare the efficiency of the algorithms we need some criteria to measure the efficiency. Time and space are two main measures for the efficiency of an algorithm.
Time is the number of time the basic operation is executed. For example in sorting and

Q2. What is Queue? Describe the two ways of implementing the Queue.

A queue is a linear list of elements in which deletions can take place only at one end, called the front and insertions can take place only at the other end, called the rear as referred in the

Q3. List the benefits and drawbacks of Linear and linked representation of tree.


Advantages of linear representation of binary tree
1)      Node can be accessed directly with the help of the index through which we can improve the

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fall 2017 ASSIGNMENT
CREDIT 4, BK ID - B1648, MAX. MARKS 60

Set 1
Q1. Differentiate between Process and Thread. 5+5=10

Concept of process
In operating system terminology, instead of the term ‘program’, the notion of process is used in connection with execution. It designates a commission or job, or a quantum of work dealt with as an entity

Q2. Explain the any five types of addressing modes. 5*2= 10

Every instruction of a computer states an operation on certain data. There are a numerous ways of specifying address of the data to be operated on. These different ways of specifying data

Q3. Describe the logical layout of both RISC and CISC computers 5+5= 10

While processing operates instructions, RISC pipelines have to cope only with register operands. By contrast, CISC pipelines must be able to deal with both register and memory

Set 2
Q1. Explain the concept of branch handling. What is delayed branching? 5+5= 10

Branch Handling
Branch is a flow altering instruction that is required to be handled in a special manner in pipelined

Q2. Explain any five types of vector instructions in detail.5*2= 10

Answer: Types of Vector Instructions:
(a)      Vector-scalar instructions: Using these instructions, a scalar operand can be combined with a vector one. If A and B are vector registers and f is a function that performs some operation on each element of a single or two vector operands, a vector-scal

Q3. Write short notes on:
a) UMA
b) NUMA 5+5= 10

a)      UMA (Uniform Memory Access):
In this category every processor and memory module has similar access time. Hence each memory word can be read as quickly as other memory word. If not then quick references are

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Drive fall – 2017
PROGRAM Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
SUBJECT CODE & NAME BIT205 – Basics of Data Communication

Assignment Set -1
1 What are the criteria for a Data Communication Network?

Answer: Communication Network is set of equipment or say facilities that provide a communication services like to transfer of data between two or more nodes located in any of its geographical point. Example of such networks includes computer networks (LAN/WAN), telephone networks,

2 Explain the TCP/IP Protocol Architecture.

Answer: Two protocol architectures have served as the basis for the development of interoperable communications standards: the TCP/IP protocol suite and the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)

3 Write short notes on Delta Modulation (DM).

Answer: Delta Modulation (DM)
In delta modulation, an analog input is approximated by a staircase function that moves up or down by one quantization level ᵟ at each sampling interval (TS). An example is shown in figure below, where the staircase

Assignment Set -2

1 What are communication model?

Answer: Data communication model:
The figure below shows the simple

2 What is the need for Protocol Architecture?

Answer: The architecture of the TCP / IP protocol is the result of protocol development and experimental packet-switched

3 Write short notes on Pulse Code Modulation (PCM).

Answer: Pulse Code Modulation
Pulse code modulation (PCM) is based on the sampling theorem.

Sampling Theorem: It states that “If a signal f(t) is sampled at regular intervals of time and at a rate higher than twice the highest signal frequency, then the samples contain all the information of the original signa

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Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - B.SC(IT)
BIT301 – Operating System

Qus:1 What are the different operation performed by operating system?
Answer: Operating System is a System Software (Set of system programs) which provides an environment to the user so that they can execute the programs or instruct the computer to do certain work i.e. provide interface for user to communicate with the computer system. The Operating System acts as a resource manager which allocates and manages various resources like processor(s), main

Qus:2 Mention different states of a process.
Answer: A program in execution is called a process. A process is executed sequentially, one instruction at a time. A program is a passive entity. For example, a file on the disk. A process on the other hand is an

Qus:3 What are the necessary conditions for a deadlock?
Answer: Deadlock prevention algorithms ensure that at least one of the four necessary conditions for deadlocks namely mutual exclusion, hold and wait, no preemption and circular wait do

Qus:4 Write a short note on Multi-programmed Batched Operating Systems.
Answer: The concept of spooling introduced an important data structure called the job pool. Spooling creates several jobs on the disk ready for execution or processing. The operating system now has to choose from the job pool, a job that is to be executed next. This increases CPU utilization as CPU is

Qus:5 What are the different information stored in a process control block (PCB)?
Answer: In order to manage and coordinate the various processes, the operating system identify these processes in terms of numbers and Process Control Block (PCB). A Process Control Block is a data structure maintained by the Operating System for every process. A PCB keeps all the information needed to keep track of a process. The PCB serves as a repository of

Qus:6 Discuss in details about deadlock prevention.
Answer: The four necessary conditions for deadlocks to occur are mutual exclusion, hold and wait, no preemption and circular wait. If any one of the above four conditions does not hold, then deadlocks will not occur. Thus prevention of deadlock is possible by ensuring that at least one of the

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Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - B.SC(IT)
BIT302 – Computer Networks

Qus:1 Discuss about different network hardware by scale.
Answer: In broadcast network, communication channel is shared by all the machines on the network. Broadcast systems allow the possibility of addressing a packet to all the destinations by specifying a special code in the address field. This packet is received and processed by every machine on the network

Qus:2 Discuss briefly about Byte-Oriented Protocols (BISYNC, PPP, DDCMP).
Answer: This is one of the oldest approach in framing, which consider each frame as a collection of bytes, rather than a collection of bits. Byte-oriented approach is represented by older protocols such

Qus:3 Discuss briefly Virtual-Circuit Networks.
Answer: Networks having connection oriented services in the network layer are called Virtual Circuit networks and these network layer connections are called virtual circuits (VCs). Let’s now consider how a VC

Qus:4 Discuss in details about OSI Reference Model.
Answer: The OSI Model is based on the protocol developed by ISO (International Standards Organization) as the first step towards international standardization of the protocols used in the various layers. This model deals with connecting open systems, so it is called ISO OSI (Open Systems Interconnectio
Qus:5 Discuss in details about Clock-based Framing (SONET).
Answer: Clock- based framing is another approach to framing, and is represented by the Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) standard. SONET was first proposed by Bell Communications Research (Bellcore), and then developed under the American National Standards Institute (

Qus:6 Discuss in details about Internet protocol version 4 (IPV4).
Answer: IPV4 is a connectionless protocol and is unreliable. It is primarily responsible for addressing and routing packets between hosts. A higher layer protocol such as TCP or an application protocol must acknowledge delivered packets and recover lost packets if required. IPV4 is defined in RFC 791. Figure shows the datagram format of IPV4. It consist of IPV4 header and Payload.

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Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - B.SC(IT)

Qus:1 What are the different features of Java?
Answer: The Java buzzwords or features of Java
The fundamental forces that necessitated the invention of Java are portability and security but other factors also played an important role in molding the final form of the language. The key considerations that characterizes Java programming language are the following list of buzzwords:

Qus:2 Discuss different control flow statements in Java.
Answer: To control the flow of execution in a program the following statements are used:
1. Decision Making Statements

Qus:3 Explain with example exception handling techniques.
Answer: Java creates an object of appropriate exception class whenever there a error occurs in your method. Once the exception objects are created it is passed to your program. This is called throwing an

Qus:4 What is a Java Virtual Machine (JVM)?
Answer: JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is an abstract machine, i.e., it is a software implementation of a computer that executes programs like a real machine. It specifies and provides runtime environment where java bytecode can be executed. Since JVM is a software implementation, it is written specifically for a specific operating system. So JVM is platform dependent because configuration of each OS differs. For example, a special implementation is required for Lin

Qus:5 What do you understand by enhance for statement?
Answer: An another form of for statement also exists. It
performs iteration

Qus:6 What are exception in Java? (Mention different types).
Answer: The term exception in Java means occurrence of an exceptional event. It is defined as abnormality that occurs while the program is in execution which hinders successful execution of the program, which means the way the program is meant to produce result it doesn’t do so. When you are developing apps Error Handling is very necessary. The abnormalities or

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Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - B.SC(IT)
BIT304 – Data Base Management System

Qus:1 What are the properties of database?
Answer: The database is a collection of related data. In a file system, the fundamental component of a file is a data item, which is the smallest named unit of data that has meaning in the real world – for example, last name, first name, street address, ID number, or political party. A group of

Qus:2 Write a note on hierarchal model.
Answer: The hierarchical data model organizes data in a tree structure. There is a hierarchy of parent and

Qus:3 Discuss select statement with example.
Answer: The select statement specifies the method of selecting the tuples of the relations(s). The tuples processed are from one or more relations specified by the form clause of the select statement. The basic form of

Qus:4 What are the different function of database management system?
Answer: There are several functions that a DBMS performs to ensure data integrity and consistency of data in the database. The ten functions in the DBMS are: data dictionary management, data storage management, data transformation and presentation, security management, multiuser access control, backup and recovery management, data integrity management,

Qus:5 Discuss briefly relative data model.
Answer: The relational model today, is the primary data model for commercial data processing applications. It has attained its primary position because of its simplicity, which eases the job of the programmer, as compared to earlier data models such as the network model or

Qus:6 What are subqueries? Explain with example.
Answer: The expression following WHERE can be either a simple predicate as explained above or it can be a query itself! This part of the query following WHERE is called a Subquery.
A subquery, which

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