Friday, 3 November 2017

smu mba fall 2017 (jan/feb 2018 exam) IIIrd sem assignment finance and HR

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DRIVE Fall 2017



1. Define business research and explain the process of research?
Definition of Research
Explanation of the steps in a research study

Answer: Different scholars have interpreted the term ‘research’ in many ways. For instance, Fred Kerlinger (1986) stated that ‘Scientific research is a systematic, controlled and critical investigation of propositions about various phenomena.’ Grinnell (1993) has simplified the debate and stated ‘The word

2 What are descriptive research designs? Explain the different kinds of descriptive research designs.
[Meaning of Descriptive Research designs
Kinds of Descriptive research designs]

Answer: As the name implies, the objective of descriptive research studies is to provide a comprehensive and detailed explanation of the phenomena under study. The intended objective might be to give a detailed sketch or profile of the respondent population being studied. For example,

3 Discuss four types of measurements scales with appropriate examples.

Answer: Types of measurements scales
Nominal scale: This is the lowest level of measurement. Here, numbers are assigned for the purpose of identification of the objects. Any object which is assigned a higher number is in no way


1 Differentiate between the Stratified random sampling and Systematic sampling.
a. stratified random sampling
b. systematic sampling

Answer: Stratified random sampling
Under this sampling design, the entire population (universe) is divided into strata (groups), which are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. By mutually exclusive, it is meant that if an element belongs to one stratum, it cannot belong to any other stratum. Strata are collectively exhaustive if

2 Distinguish between coding closed-ended structured questions and coding open-ended structured questions
Coding Closed-ended
Coding Open-ended

Answer: Coding Closed-ended Structured Questions
The method of coding for structured questions is easier as the response categories are decided in advance. The coding method to be followed for different kinds of questions is discussed below.
Dichotomous questions:

3. Explain the Structure of the Research Report. What are the guidelines for effective report writing?
[Explanation of the Structure of the Research Report-5
Guidelines for effective report writing-5]

Answer: Whatever the type of report, the reporting requires a structured format and by and large, the process is standardized. As stated above, the major difference amongst the types of reports is that

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Master of Business Administration- MBA
Semester 3
Mba3-Legal Aspects of Business

Qus:1 What is fiduciary relationship in a contract of guarantee? Explain the kinds of guarantees.
Answer: A contract of guarantee is not a contract “Uberrimae fidei” (requiring utmost good faith). Nevertheless, the suretyship relation is one of trust and confidence and the validity of the contract depends on the good faith of the creditor. A creditor must disclose all facts which, under the circumstances, the surety would expect not to exist. Hence, where the guarantee is given for good

Qus:2 i) Do you think contract with a minor is valid? Narrate with the help of the facts and judgement in the case: Mohori Bibee v. Dharmodas Ghose.
ii) Explain the rules and remedies for discharge of contract by breach
Answer: The law protects minors against their own inexperience and the possible improper designs of those who are experienced. The Contract Act states that only a person who is a major can enter into a

Qus:3 i) Narrate the facts and judgement in the case Howell vs. Coupland.
ii) Who is an unpaid seller? What are the rights enjoyed by an unpaid seller under the extant provisions of law?
Answer: Case study: Howell vs. Coupland
In this case, the seller agreed to sell 200 tonnes of potatoes to be grown by him, to the buyer at £2 a ton. Though he had the resources to grow 200 tons, an attack of pestilence killed most of the crop and he was able to deliver only 80 tons. The buyer instituted a suit against the seller for breach of


Qus:1 The Banking Regulation Act, 1949, provides various methods of regulation of the banking business. Elaborate the key areas of regulation.
Answer: Regulation of business
The Banking Regulation Act, 1949, provides various methods of regulation of the banking business. Some of the key areas of regulation are:
 Power to provide directionsSections 21 and 35A of the Act empower the RBI to regulate the

Qus:2 Explain the nature and scope of complaints under the Consumer Protection Act?
Answer: To provide simple, speedy and inexpensive redressal of consumer grievances, the Act envisages three-tier quasi-judicial machinery at the district, state and national levels. At the district level, the

Qus:3 a) Differentiate between a holder and a holder in due course.
b) Explain the privileges enjoyed by a holder in due course
Answer: According to Section 9 of the Act, a ‘holder in due course’, is any person who for consideration:
 Becomes the possessor of a bearer negotiable instrument or is the payee or endorsee of an order instrument, or
 Becomes the possessor before the amount mentioned in it becomes payable and without having sufficient cause to believe that any defect existed in the title of the person from whom the person

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Q.1. Elucidate the implications of Efficient Market Hypothesis EMH for security analysis and portfolio management.  10
1. Implications for active and passive investment   5     
2. Implications for investors and companies 5 
1. Implications for active and passive investment        
Proponents of EMH often advocate passive as opposed to active investment strategies. Active management is the art of stock-picking and market-timing. The policy of passive investors is to buy and hold a broad-based market

Calculate Risk of Portfolio
The expected return of the portfolio
E(Rp) is   E(RP) = x1R1 + x2E(R2)

Q3. Explain the business cycle and leading coincidental & lagging indicators. Analyse the issues in fundamental analysis. 10   
       Explanation of business cycle-leading coincidental and lagging indicator  6       
       Analysis and explanation of the issues in fundamental analysis all the four points  4 
Explanation of the business cycle and leading coincidental & lagging indicators:

1. Explain the meaning of Risk Diversification.
2. How do we measure Portfolio Risk?
1. Explain Risk Diversification 5
2. Measurement of Portfolio Risk 5
Risk Diversification:-
1.      Diversification is a risk management technique that mixes a wide variety of investments within a portfolio. The rationale behind this technique contends that a portfolio constructed of different kinds of

Q2 Explain the Meaning and Benefits of Mutual Fund.
       Explain the Meaning of Mutual Fund 5 10
       Elucidate the various Benefits of Mutual Funds 5
A mutual fund is a type of financial intermediary that pools funds of investors with similar investment objectives

This distribution of returns for share P and the market portfolio M is given above. Calculate the Expected Return of Security P and the market portfolio, the covariance between the market portfolio and security P and beta for the security.
1. Expected Return of Security P and the market portfolio,
2. Covariance between the market portfolio and security P
3. Beta for the security. 5+3+2=10


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fall 2017

Q. 1. Explain the basis for arriving at Fair Price. 
·         Explanation for the basis for arriving at Fair Price. 10
Basis for arriving at fair price
All-India level financial institutions and banks follow the following criteria for calculating the fair

Q 2. Explain the concept of Synergy and the prerequisites for its creation.  
a) Explanation of the concept of Synergy 4
 b) Explanation of the prerequisites for its creation 6
a) Explanation of the concept of Synergy 
Synergy refers to a situation where the combined value of a merger is more than the sum of the values of merging firms. It is the phenomenon where 2 + 2 = 5. If the value of firm A is VA value of firm

Q3. Explain Demerger and its tax implication. 
a) Explanation of Demerger 4
 b) Explanation of the Tax Implication of Demerger 6
a) Explanation of Demerger 
 Demerger is often used to divide or separate some undertakings of a business, functioning till then under a common umbrella. It is a way to get rid of underperforming or non-core business divisions that can


Q. 1. A strategic alliance is when two or more businesses joins for a set period. Explain its advantages. Explain the tax aspect of Joint Venture.   
1) Advantages of Strategic Alliance 5  
2) Tax aspect of Joint Venture. 5 
1) Advantages of Strategic Alliance  
1. Gain a

Q.2: Explain the types of takeovers. Explain defenses against takeover bids.
a) Types of takeovers.
b) Defenses against takeover bids.

a) Types of takeovers:
Takeovers are of different types.
Bailout takeovers Bailout takeover refers to a substantial acquisition of shares in a financially weak

Q.3: Explain the factors in Post-merger integration and Five rules of Integration Process.
a) Explanation of factors in Post-merger integration.
b) Explanation of Five rules of Integration Process.

a) Explanation of factors in Post-merger integration:
Some important factors that can decide the success or failure of a merger or acquisition are: Due diligence: Thorough due diligence involves comprehensive analysis of the financial position, management capabilities, physical assets and intangible assets of the target company. However, it can result in failure

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FALL 2017
FIN 303
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.

Q1.Explain the objectives of tax planning. Discuss the factors to be considered in tax planning.
(Objectives of tax planning, Factors in tax planning) 5,5
Objectives of Tax Planning
The prime objectives of tax planning are:

Q2.Explain the categories in Capital assets.
Mr. C acquired a plot of land on 15th June, 1993 for 10,00,000 and sold it on 5th
January, 2016 for 41,00,000. The expenses of transfer were 1,00,000.
Mr. C made the following investments on 4th February, 2016 from the proceeds of the plot.
a) Bonds of Rural Electrification Corporation redeemable after a period of three years,12,00,000
b) Deposits under Capital Gain Scheme for purchase of a residential house 8,00,000 (he does not own any house)
Compute the capital gain chargeable to tax for the AY2016-17.
(Explanation of categories of capital assets, Calculation of indexed cost of acquisition, Calculation of long term capital gain, Calculation of taxable long term capital gain) 4,2,2,2
Categories of capital assets
For taxation purposes, the capital assets have been, divided into (a) short term capital assets and (b) long-term capital assets.
(a)    Short-term capital assets: According to Section 2(42A), a short-term capital asset means a capital asset held by an assessed for

Q3.Explain major considerations in capital structure planning. Write about the dividend policy and factors affecting dividend decisions.
(Explanation of factors of capital structure planning, Explanation of dividend policy, Factors affecting dividend decisions) 6, 2, 2

Major considerations in capital structure planning
Broadly, the following factors would be worth considering, while planning the capital structure.
1.      Risk of two


Q1.X Ltd. has Unit C which is not functioning satisfactorily. The following are the details of its fixed assets:
The written down value (WDV) is ` 25 lakh for the machinery, and15 lakh for the plant. The liabilities on this Unit on 31st March, 2016 are35 lakh.
The following are two options as on 31st March, 2016:
Option 1: Slump sale to Y Ltd for a consideration of 85 lakh.
Option 2: Individual sale of assets as follows: Land ` 48 lakh, goodwill ` 20 lakh, machinery 32 lakh, Plant 17 lakh.
The other units derive taxable income and there is no carry forward of loss or depreciation for the company as a whole. Unit C was started on 1st January, 2005.Which option would you choose, and why?
(Computation of capital gain for both the options, Computation of tax liability for both the options, Conclusion) 4,4,2

Option 1: Slump sale

Computation of net worth of Unit C
(in lakhs)

Q2.Explain the Service Tax Law in India and concept of negative list. Write about theexemptions and rebates in Service Tax Law.
(Explanation of Service Tax Law in India, Explanation of concept of negative list, Explanation of exemptions and rebates in Service Tax Law) 5, 2 , 3
Service Tax Law in India
Service tax was introduced in India in 1994 by Chapter V of the Finance Act,1994. It was imposed on an initial set of three services

Q3.What do you understand by customs duty? Explain the taxable events for imported, warehoused and exported goods. List down the types of duties in customs
An importer imports goods for subsequent sale in India at $10,000 on assessable value basis. Relevant exchange rate and rate of duty are as follows:
Rate Declared by CBE&C
Rate of
Basic Customs
Date of submission
of bill of entry
25th February, 2015
Date of entry
inwards granted to
the vessel
5th March, 2015
` 49/$

Calculate assessable value and customs duty.
(Meaning and explanation of customs duty, Explanation of taxable events for imported, warehoused and exported goods, Listing of duties in customs, Calculation of assessable value and customs duty) 2, 3, 2, 3
Meaning and explanation of customs duty

Customs duty is the duty imposed on goods imported into the country. In the years before globalization it was difficult to import goods on account of stiff duty rates and procedures, especially for less developed and developing nations like Indi

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PROGRAM Master of Business Administration - MBA
SUBJECT CODE & NAME Fin304 Internal Audit and Control

Q1 What do you mean by Financial Audit? What are the advantages of Financial Audit?
·         Define and Explain Financial Audit  
·         Explain the various advantages of Financial Audit  4+6 =10
Definition and Explanation of Financial Audit:-  
Financial Audit is a specialized discipline with its own principles, standards, postulates, procedures and techniques.
The International Auditing Practices Committee defines auditing as “the independent examination of financial

Q2 Write short notes on Key Objectives of Internal Audit System and Essentials for effective Internal Audit
·         Objectives of Internal Audit System  
·         Essentials for effective Internal Audit  5+5=10
The key objectives of a good internal audit system are:
1.      Evaluation of accounting controls: Ensuring that the checks and balances in the accounting processes are effective and

Q3 What are the factors that are to be considered in Internal Audit Planning?
·         Explain the factors that are to be considered in Internal Planning Audit 10
Factors to be considered in internal audit planning
1.      Audit objectives: The detailed audit plan largely depends upon the specific objectives to be achieved by the audit.

Q1 What are the basic principles that are governing internal audit?
·         Explain the principles that are governing internal audit  10
The basic principles governing internal control are as follows:
1.      A proper system, preferably in writing, must be implemented so that origination, recording and accounting of

Q2 What is Audit Risk? What are the various important elements that an insurance company should ensure for effective internal control system?
·         Elaborate Audit Risk
·         Explain the various important elements that an insurance company should ensure for effective internal control system  3+7=10
Audit Risk:-
Audit risk is the conditional probability that the auditor does not detect a material misstatement in the financial

Q3 What the various important features of a good internal audit report
·         Explain the various features of a good internal audit report   10
The important features of a good internal audit report are:
1. Objectivity: To maintain the credibility of internal audit function the comments and opinions expressed in the report should be objective and unbiased.
2. Clarity: The language used should be simple and straightforward. The use of technical terms and jargon

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DRIVE-summer 2017
BK ID-B1765
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q1 What are the key human resource elements?
Answer. There are nine key HR elements that every human resource manager needs to practice or pay attention to when making decisions. They are:
I) Planning and Evaluating Employees
Organizations need to articulate the vision, mission, goals and objectives. These goals need to cascade down to every

Q2 What do you mean by Human Resource Accounting (HRA)? Discuss the objectives and advantages of HRA.
(Definition of Human Resource Accounting, Describing the objectives of HRA, Describing the major benefits of HRA)2, 4, 4
Human Resource Accounting
HRA can be defined as the process of identifying, recording, measuring human resources and communicating related financial information associated with the human resource to the interested users. Thus HRA

Q3 What is Manpower Planning? Mention five essential elements/steps of manpower planning.
Answer. The labor planning function is a key part of the HR function. Labor planning function conducts an orientation program for the representatives of each department engaged in developing the labor demand forecast at the department level. The HR function enables the labor planning function to obtain all the relevant

Q1 Discuss in details the Employee Exit Process
(Explaining the Employee Exit process in detail) 10
Employee Exit process
Employee exit process ensures that all the documentation and processes are followed in a professional manner by organizations and businesses.

The employee

Q2 What are the benefits of setting up a training academy?
Answer. Benefits of setting up a Training Academy By setting up an academy, an organization can get the following benefits:
Reduced Hiring Costs – As lesser number of employees is hired through consultants and more number of students is

Q3 Write short notes on the following:
a)Competency Mapping
b)Succession Planning
Answer. Competency Mapping
Competency-based HR is considered the best HR. Competency development and mapping still remains an unexplored process in most organizations. Level 3 of People Capability Maturity Model focused on the competency framework in an organization. The challenge is that there are few qualified people on the subject and most

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DRIVE-Summer 2017
SUBJECT CODE & NAME HRM302 – Management and Organizational Development
BK IDB1726
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q.1. Define Organizational Development (OD).What are the characteristics of OD? (Definition of Organizational Development, Explain the characteristics of OD) 2,8


Organisational Development

In its widest sense, OD is a planned approach to improve employee and organisational effectiveness. This can be achieved by conscious interventions in those processes and structures that have an immediate bearing on the human

Q2. As an HR, you find that the OD professional in your organization is not competent enough. What are the competencies you will consider in a good OD professional?
(Explain any ten competencies required for OD professional) 10
Competencies required for OD professional
To be effective, all OD practitioners must possess the following basic knowledge, skills and attitudes which are listed below:


Q3. Discuss the Ethical Dilemmas in practicing OD
(Explain the ethical dilemmas in practicing OD) 10
Ethical Dilemmas in practicing OD
“Ethical dilemmas” are the results of behaviours and inappropriate actions or roles on the part of both change agents and client systems. Ethical problems and dilemmas are, therefore, a mutual responsibility of change agents and client systems,

Q.1.What is Performance Appraisal? What are the purposes and characteristics of Performance Appraisal? Describe the steps in Performance Appraisal System. (Definition of Performance Appraisal, Describing the purposes of Performance Appraisal, Describing the characteristics of Performance Appraisal, Explanation of the steps in Performance Appraisal System) 1,2,3,4


Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal refers to the analysing and evaluating the performance of the employees in fulfilling the duties, roles and responsibilities that have been assigned to them. It is therefore a systematic process of assessing the

Q2. What is a Learning Organization? Discuss the attributes of a learning organization. Explain the various learning disciplines in learning organization
(Definition of a Learning organization, Describing the attributes, Explaining the five basic learning disciplines) 2,3,5
Learning organization
The figure states that in the condition of antecedent, the OD practitioners and the client system have their own set of goals, values, needs, skills and abilities. These differences may or may not be pointed out in the entry and the contracting

Write short notes :
a) Goal Setting
b) Managing Workforce Diversity
Explanation of Goal Setting
Explanation of Managing Workforce Diversity
Goal setting:
Edwin Locke, an American psychologist and a pioneer in goal-setting theory explains that specific and difficult goals lead to higher performance than easy goals. It also suggests that feedback and commitment lead to higher performance and

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DRIVE- summer 2017
SUBJECT CODE & NAME- HRM302 – Employee Relations Management
BK ID-B1734
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q1. Define Strategy. Describe the different strategy levels in an organization
(Definition of Strategy, Explain the different strategy levels in an organization) 2, 8
Johnson and Scholes define strategy as “The direction and scope of an organisation over the long-term; which achieves advantages for the organisation through its configuration of resources within a changing environment, to meet the needs of markets and

Q2 Write down the elements & dimensions of Organizational Culture?

Answer Elements of organisational culture
Now that we have defined organisational culture, let us look into the elements that define organisational culture. They are as follows:
 The paradigm: It defines the mission and values of the organisation. It outlines the functions of the organisation.
 Control systems: It defines the processes and the rules which monitor the organisational activities.
 Organisational structures: It outlines

Q3 Explain the reasons for grievances? List out the various points that was considered as precautions while Handling Grievances.

Answer There are a number of causes of employee grievances. Some of the reasons are as follows:
Economic: Issues related to wages like wage calculation, overtime, and bonus. Employees often feel that they earn less than what they deserve. Working environment: Issues related to the employee’s work environment like poor working conditions, defective


Q1 Discuss the Collective Bargaining Process and its issues
(Explaining the Collective Bargaining process, Explaining the Collective Bargaining issues)

Collective Bargaining process
Having understood what collective bargaining is, let us now discuss the general process involved in collective bargaining and negotiation towards resolving employee issues. The process includes negotiations between an employer and a group of employees to determine the conditions of the employment. The result of the collective bargaining

Q2 What is a Trade Union and what are its activities? Explain the functions of Trade Unions.
(Meaning of Trade Union
Describing the activities of Trade Unions
Explaining the Functions of Trade Unions )

Trade Union
A trade union or labour union is an administration of workforce grouped together to attain common goals such as enhanced operational circumstances.

Trade unions are

Q3  Write a brief note on the following:
a) Decision Making and its types
b)Disciplinary procedure


Decision Making
Let us first understand what decision making is. Decision making is a mental process which results in the selection of an option from many alternatives. Decision making is both a logical and emotional process. We will now
examine the different types of decision-making tactics employed by managers and supervisors.
Types of Decision Makin

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BK ID-B1735
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q1. Define Human Resource Planning (HRP).Discuss the objectives of Human Resource Planning.
(Meaning of Human Resource Planning., Explain the four main objectives of Human Resource Planning) 2, 8
Meaning of Human Resource Planning
Human resource planning is the term used to describe how companies ensure that their staff comprises the “right person for doing the job”. It includes planning for staff retention, planning for candidate search, training and skills analysis and much more. It is the

Q2. Suppose you have joined as an HR and you are asked to carry out the HR Audit process in your organization. What are the methods you will consider while implementing the HR Audit process?
(Explain the methods involved in the HR Audit process) 10
Methods involved in the HR Audit process
Methods used in the HR Audit process are: Interviews

In order to ascertain what the top management thinks about the future plans and opportunities available for the company, the auditors conduct individual interviews with the members of the top management. The top management
can provide a perspective for a good HR audit. To collect information about the effectiveness of the Human Resource Development System,

Q.3.What are the areas of HR Audit? Explain any four of them (Listing the areas of HR Audit., Explaining any four of them.) 1,9


Areas of HR Audit

Various areas in which HR audit is performed are as follows:

·         Audit of HR planning
·         Audit of HR development
·         Audit of training
·         Audit of


Q.1 .What do you mean by HR Scorecard? Explain the steps undertaken to approach a Human Resource Scorecard. (Definition of HR Scorecard, Explaining the steps in HR Scorecard Approach) 2,8


HR Scorecard

The various steps involved in conducting human resource (HR) audit including how to plan questions, collecting and analysing data and assessing the ability for change. HR scorecard which is an important tool for conducting a successful HR audit. It is used for measuring the contribution of human resource management practices for achieving organisational objectives. The purpose of the audit is to reveal the strengths and weaknesses in the non-profit human resources system, and any

Q.2. Write a brief note on the effectiveness of Human Resource Development Audit as an intervention. (Explaining the Effectiveness of Human Resource Development Audit as an intervention) 10


Effectiveness of Human Resource Development Audit as an Intervention

In any firm, along

Q3. What do you mean by Employee Orientation Programmes? List out some points of Good employee orientation programmes.
Definition of Employee Orientation Programmes
List of Good employee orientation programmes

Definition of Employee Orientation Programmes: Employee orientation programmes are given to new employees at a place of business or work. It helps employees to speed up and learn the “ground rules” of the company. This often reduces start-up time, training, and other indirect costs associated with having new employees who are unfamiliar with the company culture. Orientation

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