Thursday, 15 February 2018

smu BCA Winter 2017 (April/may 2018 exam) assignment Vth sem

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Qus:1 Explain the process steps of developing web site.
Answer: The creation and maintenances of website broken down into a process of steps. Following these steps will immensely help you to build a website. All the steps in website creation and maintenance required and effort, but they don’t necessary involve any technology for

Qus:2 Explain the working principle of Domain Name System
Answer: The DNS is a distributed, scalable database of IP addresses and their associated names. It is distributed in the sense that unlike the hosts file, no single computer contains all the DNS information in the world. The DNS data is distributed across many name servers. All messages in the Domain Name System protocol use a single format. This format is shown in Fig. This frame is

Qus:3 Briefly explain the structure tags of HTML document
Answer: A markup language like HTML is simply a collection of codes/elements tags that indicate the structure and format of a web document. How do you instruct the browser to display the page the way you want it to be displayed? Tags are the mechanisms for attaining this end. The various tags

Qus:4 What are the different levels of Document Object Model?
Answer: DOM is an Application Programming Interface (API). It provides a platform where programming languages can "talk" to HTML and XML documents. Usually the programming language that does the talking by using JavaScript. The work of DOM is to represent all the attributes of HTML and Style sheets to JavaScript (JavaScript is the most compatible scripting language

Qus:5 Explain different file system functions available in PHP.
Answer: The real power of PHP comes from its functions. In this section we will discuss about how to create and calling a PHP function and how to pass parameter in a function, Get and post function of PHP etc.
Creating and

Qus:6 What are the different types of JavaScript Datatypes?
Answer: Java script is a programming language with direct support to object oriented methodologies. We can use JavaScript to perform a variety of functions on your website. Some of the functions are

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Qus:1 Explain the concept of Overriding in
Answer: Access modifiers will fix the accessibility levels of the data member and member function of the class. Means to what extend the members of the class will be accessible or visible. Following are the

Qus:2 Briefly explain the “For Next” loop in with an example.
Answer: This loop executes for single or group of statements for a specified number of times, here the loop index counts the number of iterations. This loop can be terminated at any point of time using Exit For statement.

Qus:3 What are the advantages of event driven programming?
Answer: In event driven or event based programming the flow of program is determined by events. It relies on events,

Qus:4 What is delegates? Explain the role of delegates on VB .NET
Answer: A delegate can be defined as a “type safe function pointer”. It encapsulates the memory address of a function in your code. Whenever you create or use an event in code, you are using a delegat

Qus:5 Discuss the following
a. SQLDataAdapter
 b. DataSet class
Answer: a. SQLDataAdapter
The DataAdapter is an interface between the database and the dataset. It is located between the connected and disconnected parts of Ado.Net as a connector. DataAdapter class will be instantiated by the constructor that are generally overloaded. If we use the default constructor for the DataAdapter,

Qus:6 Explain Features of Android Operating system
Answer:   Handset layouts: The platform is adaptable to higher, VGA (Video Graphics Array), 2D graphics library, 3D graphics library based on OpenGL ES 2.0 specifications, and traditional smartphone layouts.
Storage: SQLite is one of the lightweight relational databases, used in Android platform that makes the data

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Qus:1 What is The Need for a Business Model in Software Engineering?
Answer: Software engineering faces several dilemmas. It has comprehensive goals, but limited tools. It demands broad perspectives, but depends on narrowly focused practitioners. It places a high premium on quality, but often has insufficient inputs to its problem-solving process. As a field, software engineering has yet to define theories and frameworks that adequately combine the disciplines of

Qus:2 a) What are the different levels of software reuse?
b) What are the aspects of software reuse?
Answer: The design process in most engineering disciplines is based on component reuse. Mechanical or electrical engineers do not specify a design in which every component has to be manufactured specially. They base their design on components that have been tried and tested in other

Qus:3 What is meant by Architectural Design? Explain.
Answer: Large systems can be decomposed into sub-system that provides some related set of services. The initial design process of identifying this subsystem and establishing a framework for sub-system control and communication is called Architectural design.
Architectural design comes before detailed system specification, it should not include any design information. Architectural design is necessary to structure and organize the specification. This model is the starting point for the specification of the various parts of the system. There

Qus:4 What are the different phases of Rapid Application Development model?
Answer: Rapid Application Development (RAD) is an incremental software development process model that emphasizes an extremely short development cycle. The RAD model is a high speed adaptation of the linear sequential model in which the rapid development is achieved by using component
Qus:5 Explain Top-down Integration Testing and Bottom-up Integration Testing.
Answer: Top-down integration testing is an incremental approach to construction of program structure. Modules are integrated by moving downward through the control hierarchy, beginning with the main control module (main program). Modules subordinate (and ultimately subordinate) to the

Qus:6 What do you mean by Customer Driven software development?
Answer: It is a truism that, in a customer-focused economy, software engineering must also be customer driven. This section considers some characteristics and techniques typical of a customer-driven software development environment. These include:

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BCA5042– Graphics and Multimedia
Qus:1 Explain the following
(a) Full animation
(b) Limited animation
(c) Rotoscoping
Answer: (a) Full animation refers to the process of producing high-quality traditionally animated films, which regularly use detailed drawings and possible movement. Fully animated films can be done in a variety of styles, from more realistically animated works such as those produced by the Walt Disney studio (Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Lion King) to the more 'cartoony'

Qus:2 Discuss Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm.

The Bresenham's line-drawing algorithm is based on drawing an approximation of the true line. The true line

Qus:3 Discuss mid-point circle algorithm.
Answer: In computer graphics, the midpoint circle algorithm is an algorithm used to determine the points needed for drawing a circle. The algorithm is a variant of Bresenham's line algorithm, and is thus sometimes known as Bresenham's circle algorithm.
Let's simplify the

Qus:4 Explain polygon clipping.
Answer: A polygon is usually defined by a sequence of vertices and edges. If the polygons are unfilled, line-clipping techniques are sufficient however, but if the polygons are filled, the process in more complicated. A polygon may be fragmented into several polygons in the clipping process, and the original colour associated with each one. The Sutherland-Hodgeman clipping algorithm clips any polygon against a convex clip polygon. The Weiler- Atherton clipping

Qus:5 Discuss the parametric spline curves
Answer: Parametric equations can be used to generate curves that are more general than explicit equations of the form

Qus:6 Explain the different types of plotter.
Answer: Plotters are special output devices used to produce hard copies of large graphs and designs on paper. Plotters are often used for the production of construction maps, engineering drawings, architectural plans and business charts. They can be a component that is added to your computer system

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