Sunday, 4 February 2018

smu mba fall 2017 (jan/feb 2018 exam) assignment IIIrd sem project management

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Masters of Business Administration - MBA
Project Planning & Scheduling

Qus:1 Define Project Organization structure. Differentiate Pure project management
organization from matrix organization structure.
Project Organization structure                                2
Pure project management organization                  4
Matrix organization structure                                  4
Answer: The company should use the line and staff project organization structure because in this structure the project activities are assigned in accordance to a specific and supportive line of command. This helps in keeping the control of the project in the hands of the management, which, in turn,

Qus:2 Elaborate various negotiation strategies.
Concession-Making                                       2
Contending                                                    2
Compromising                                               2
Problem- Solving                                           2
Withdrawal/ inaction                                    2
Answer: Concession-making: It signifies alteration of a proposal in such a manner that the proposal becomes more favourable to the other party but less favourable to you. Note that concession-making can take place as a result of power or influence used by the other party.
Contending: It indicates persuading the other party to change the proposal in such a manner that the

Qus:3 What are project-planning tools? Explain them.
Project Planning Tools                                 2
Force-Field analysis                                      2
Cash Flow Forecast                                      2
Plus-Minus interesting                                  2
Cost/ Benefit Analysis                                   2
Answer: Project Planning Tools
As mentioned earlier, project planning is one of the most important components of project management. Therefore, in order to ensure proper planning of a project, a project manager usually takes help of various tools and techniques. For example, in the process of gardening, wemake use of various tools such as a spade, a garden fork, etc. in order to have a welltended garden. Similarly, an

Qus:4 What is product development? Elaborate types of product development Projects.
Define Product Development                       2
New Product Platform                                             2
Derivatives of existing product platform                                        2
Incremental improvements to existing product                              2
Fundamentally New product                                   2
Answer: Product development
Product development is the result of effective idea generation. In the modern competitive market, the demand for a product changes frequently due to changes in the fashion, tastes and preferences of the

Qus:5 Write short-notes on:
1. CPM Model
2. PERT Model
CPM Model                                       5
PERT Model                                     5
Answer: CPM Model

Qus:6 What is Resource Scheduling? Elaborate the process of resource scheduling.
Resource Scheduling                         10
A resource is any entity that contributes towards the accomplishment of project activities. Resources can be of two types, storable and non-storable. Storable resources such as raw

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Masters of Business Administration - MBA
Project Finance and Budgeting

Qus:1 Describe different types of project cost & factors associated with estimation of project cost.
Capital Cost                           3
Operating Cost                      3
Maintenance Cost                 4
Answer: The cost of the project is the money required to complete the project. Cost estimation is very important for the

Qus:2 Explain the process of Creating Project Budget.
Creating Project Budget                               10
Answer: Budgeting acts as a control mechanism where actual costs are compared with and measured to the budget. A project budget should be according to the company’s strategy and financial goals. These goals are

Qus:3 Detail Project Configuration Process of developing a common framework for the construction projects.
Project configuration                        10
Answer: Construction projects are generally complex in nature, require a large amount of capital and involve higher degree of risk. Project configuration is a process of developing a common framework for the

Qus:4 Elaborate the factors that can have a negative impact on the project cash flow.
Factors Affecting Project Cash Flows                    10
Answer: There are many factors that may affect the cash flow of any organisation. While planning for the funds required for a project, the project manager should consider all factors that can affect the cash

Qus:5 Define various types of Project Risks
Types of Project Risks
Answer: Different types of risks can arise at different stages of a project. These may be as follows:
External risks: These risks are generally outside the control of the project manager and sometimes, the

Qus:6 What are the functions of Quantitative Risk Analysis? Elaborate Monte Carlo Analysis.
Quantitative Risk Analysis                           5
Monte Carlo Analysis                                   5
Answer: Quantitative Risk Analysis
Quantitative risk analysis is a process of evaluating the impact of risks prioritised during qualitative risk analysis. It involves the following functions:
 Quantification of possible outcomes of the project.
 Determination of probability

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Masters of Business Administration - MBA
Managing Human Resources in Projects

Qus:1 What do you understand from Project Scope & Product Scope? Describe various elements in project scope.
Project Scope                                                 2
Product Scope                                               2
Elements in Project Scope                            6
Answer: The scope of a project is the capacity of a project and is defined in terms of its objective, deliverables, milestones, technical requirements, limits and exclusions and customer feedback. Based on the scope, the process is identified, the responsibilities are assigned, and the resources are allocated. From the perspective of project management, the scope of a project has

Qus:2 Elaborate various challenges in managing Human Resources in a project.
challenges in managing Human Resources in a project                 10
Answer: Frequent changes in socio-economic and political environment lead to organisational changes and project challenges such as managing human resources. Challenges make an organisation and its human resources ready to sustain in a competitive business environment. Some of the major challenges in managing the human resources in a project are:

Qus:3 Define Project Sponsor & Project Manager. List the responsibilities laying with them.
Project Sponsor                                             1
Project Manager                                           1
Responsibilities of Project Sponsor             4
Responsibilities of Project Manager            4
Answer: Project Sponsor
A project sponsor is responsible for funding the project, locating the resources and recruiting the key personnel

Qus:4 Describe five stages of project team lifecycle.
Project team Development                                       10
Answer: The success of a project depends on the efficiency of the project team and the problem-solving ability of individuals involved in a project. Every project team goes through five stages of a project. These are conception, definition, production, operations and closeout. As the project

Qus:5 Define various function areas of project manager.
Function areas of project manage                           10
Answer: Let us discuss the functional areas of a project manager in detail.
Planning: It is the basic functional area of a project manager. The project manager makes a project plan that covers the

Qus:6 What do you understand by Conflict in Project team? Define various techniques for conflict resolution.
Conflict in Project Team                                          2
Techniques for conflict resolution                           8
Answer: Conflict is the difference between needs, values and interests of individuals or teams in an organisation. It can be defined as a friction which results in perceived or actual differences among individuals or teams. For example, if you buy a mobile phone without a performance guarantee card and it starts malfunctioning within a few days, the dealer may refuse return the money or

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