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smu mba Winter 2017 (April/may 2018 exam) assignment IVth sem IB

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DRIVE Winter 2017
PROGRAM                                                   Master of Business Administration- MBA
SEMESTER                                                  Semester 4
SUBJECT CODE & NAME                       IB0015- Foreign Trade of India
BK ID                                                             B1908
CREDIT & MARKS                                                4 CREDITS, 60 MARKS
Note – Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Ques1 Write a note on composition of India’s foreign trade?
Ans Composition of India’s Foreign Trade
India’s composition of foreign trade has undergone substantial changes during the last three decades. Many new products have entered the list of exports and imports. The composition of exports shows a perceptible shift in this decade from light manufactures to heavy manufactures and petroleum crude and products. The share of textiles and ready-made garments (RMG) has fallen

Ques2 Explain the composition of India’s import in detail?
Ans-Composition of Imports
The composition of imports showed much less change than that of exports.POL continues to be the single major item of import with its share stabilizing at the 30-31 per cent level. The share of capital goods imports shows the sharpest rise of about 4.9 percentage points in 2006-07 over 2000-01 due to 3-7

Ques3 what are the main features of India’s foreign trade policy and what are the various EPCG schemes?
Ans Foreign Trade of a country constitutes exports and imports. Exports are vital to a developing economy as the capacity to import is limited by the capacity to export because finally imports have to be paid for by exports. The growing industrialization of a developing country necessitates

Ques4 Write short notes on:
a. Advisory Bodies
b. Commodity boards
Ans. Advisory Bodies
Advisory & Promotional Services: These include:
I) Information on export opportunities.
ii) Assistance in formulating alternative & competitive financial packages to bid for export contracts.
iii) Provision of grants out of Export Marketing Fund (EMF) for marketing activities to export houses and exporters to increase their market share in developed countries. The various

Ques5 what are the various schemes under India’s foreign trade policy?
Ans Foreign Trade of a country constitutes exports and imports. Exports are vital to a developing economy as the capacity to import is limited by the capacity to export because finally imports have to be paid for by exports. The growing industrialization of a developing country

Ques6 Write a short note on WTO and dispute settlement?
Ans The most important issues in world trade include i) regionalism vs.multilateralism and ii) liberalization and globalization. The world trade is governed by multilateral trading system. However, regional trading arrangements are permitted. WTO is responsible for promoting the international trade by

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winter 2017

Q.1: Write a note on the difference between national and international logistics.
Comparison of National and international logistics

National and international logistics:
Today, business communities focus on expanding their market across the globe. However, companies have to realise that trading overseas requires higher operational standards at all levels of the supply chain. They must be flexible enough

Q.2: Explain the term trade blocs and list out the various advantages and disadvantages of trade blocs.
Trade blocs

Trade blocs:
Trading blocs are economic relationships built between countries of a region. This is formed to encourage and develop the trade between the member nations. It encourages regionalism where, the neighbouring countries form an alliance for expanding their trade and relationship. Trade blocs boost regional trade and provide

Q3. Briefly explain supply of shipping.
Explanation of the concept
Ship supply is one of the oldest lucrative businesses in the world. Dr. Joe Borg, Member of the European Commission who is responsible for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (2004 - 2009) said, "Ship supply is more than a business. It has

Q.4: Discuss about air cargo documentation.
Explanation of the concept

Explanation of the concept
Air traffic cargo movement is much faster than the sea shipments. Therefore, documents such as invoices,

Q.5: Explain the various functions of outbound logistics.
Demand forecast
Order management

Demand forecast:
Demand forecasting is the process of predicting or estimating the customer demand based on which the products are manufactured and distributed. The marketing team and principal overseas distributors of an organisation together carry out the demand forecast. It helps the organisation to plan for the

Q.6: Explain some of the frictions and frauds observed in the distribution channel.
Friction or Fraud in the Distribution Channel

Friction or Fraud in the Distribution Channel
Till now we have studied the various positive forces and activities that help in coordinating the movement of products to the buyers. However, most of the exporters continuously examine the long links of overseas distribution channel searching for some of the susceptible spots where the goods might be

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winter 2017

Q1. The legal environment of the host country affects a multinational company. Explain.
Explain how the local laws, civil laws, criminal laws, and trade regulations influences the operations of an MNC
In addition to the political environment in a country, the legal environment comprising of local laws, civil laws, criminal laws, and trade regulations also influences the operations of a foreign firm. It is important for a foreign firm to know the regulatory provisions in each

Q2. Elaborate the objectives of the International Monetary Fund.
Explaining the objectives of the IMF
Objectives of the IMF are:
(a) to endorse international economic collaboration through an enduring organization which offers a system for discussion and cooperation on international economic difficulties;

(b) to enable the development and balanced progress of international trade and thus promote the advancement and upkeep of high degree of

Q3. List the provisions of the Warsaw Convention and the rules added in the Hague Protocol.
Provisions of Warsaw Convention
Rules added in the Hague Protocol
The Warsaw Convention:
(a) Regulates specifics that are going to be incorporated in the documents of carriage;

(b) Determines the fine for non-compliance/

Q.4: Write short notes on:
a. Export cartels
b. Customs and tariffs

a. Meaning and role of export cartels:
A cartel is said to exist when two or more enterprises enter into an explicit or implicit agreement to fix prices, to limit production and supply, to allocate market share or sales quotas, or to engage in collusive bidding or bid-rigging in one or more markets. So an important dimension in the definition of cartel is that it requires an agreement between competing enterprises not to compete or to restrict competition. An international cartel is said to exist, when not all of the enterprises in a cartel are based in the same country or when the cartel affects markets of more than one country. An export cartel is made up of enterprises based in one country with an agreement to cartelize

Q.5: How does the TRIPs agreement protect IPRs? What are the seven intellectual properties defined in TRIPs?
7 intellectual properties

The Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) is considered a controversial outcome of the UR. TRIPs, in conjunction with TRIMs and services were known as the new issues discussed in the UR. Intellectual Property Rights

Q.6: Which are the various kinds of investment treaties and how do they function?
Meaning of Investment treaties

Meaning of Investment treaties:
The desire to attract foreign investment has led most countries, especially developing countries, to adopt policies that are designed to create a favourable investment climate. An important part of these policies are legal safeguards. These legal safeguards include the stability of the legal conditions under which an investor can operate, the quality of the local public administration, the transparency of the system of local regulations, and an effective system of

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DRIVE winter 2017
PROGRAM Master of Business Administration- MBA
IB0018 – Export-Import Finance

1 Discuss the role of EXIM bank in promoting foreign trade.

Answer: Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bonk, In short) is a wholly cerement-owned financial institution, set up for the purpose of financing, facilitating and promoting Indian's 'foreign trade. Exim Bank plays a four-pronged role with 'regard to India's foreign trade: those of a coordinator, a source of finance, consultant and promoter.

2 Explain the Mechanism for Disbursal of Pre Shipment Finance?
Mechanism for Disbursal of Pre Shipment Finance

Answer: Pre shipment finance to exporters goes through following stages from sanction to its liquidation.
(i)                 Appraisal and Sanction of Limits: Banks check various aspects while making an appraisal and sanction of export credit to exporters. Some of the important aspects that banks check are product profile of the exporter in international market, political and economic environment of the country of import etc. Banks also look into the creditworthiness and solvency report of the prospective buyer, with whom the exporter proposes to do business. In order to arrive at a fruitful conclusion about the creditworthiness and solvency position of buyers; banks consult various
3 What are the various trade financing schemes?
Trade Financing Schemes

Answer: Trade financing schemes
Export Credits
The EXIM Bank regularly offers credit facilities for exports to be availed by companies in India and abroad as well as commercial banks. The export credits offered by EXIM Bank of India can be divided in the following manner:
(i) Companies in India executing overseas contracts
Various exporters who enter into

4 What are the various Risks Coverage under ECGC Policies? Discuss in detail.
Risks Coverage under ECGC Policies

Answer: ECGC policies protect the exporters from a wide range of commercial and political risks and provide an exporter a competitive edge in dealing in international trade and:
• Helps in expansion of sales
• Helps in protecting the exporter against bad debts
• Helps in credit facilitation and boost his borrowing power
• Helps in stabilizing

5 Discuss the Methods of Import Finance And Import Financing Schemes.
Methods of Import Finance
Import Financing Schemes

Answer: Methods of Import Finance
(i)                 Financing Import under L/C: After the L/C is opened, the issuing bank sends it to the advising bank in the exporter’s country. The exporter is known as a beneficiary while the importer is known as an applicant. If the beneficiary is satisfied by the terms and conditions specified in the L/C, he ships the goods and obtains the documents as mentioned in the contract.

6 What is Foreign Exchange Market? Discuss the Participants in Foreign Exchange Markets?

Answer: The foreign exchange market or currency market exists wherever international currencies are traded for another. Foreign exchange market, known also as forex market, is by far the largest market in the world. No other market of the world is comparable to forex markets in terms of cash value traded every day. Forex market transactions include trading between large banks, central banks, foreign exchange dealers, currency speculators, transnational corporations

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